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Everything posted by markStockton

  1. I have been cautioned by friends in the industry that Cool Heat will not honor warranties on "grey" or "parallel" import items. This they claim includes Solomons trading and CRC, not sure about CWC. However I have never put this to the test, and as they are in the industry, their opinions may not be entirely unbiased. I would love to see some sort of official response from Coolheat. I think I should add that I bought my groupset at Solomons Trading as they where local, second on my list was CWC and third Chain Reaction. I'm sorry but their pricing is far to good to ignore and the LBS where not even in the same league. markStockton2008-09-16 07:39:57
  2. Ja, someone please tell. markStockton2008-09-15 07:08:33
  3. Thanks Amateur and Alex. BTW - I'm the one who was lapped about 100 times in the NEC kit, my son is the Mr Price U16 and my wife was the other lady. Nice to meet BrokeSpoke and Intern. See you next week.
  4. What I've done is pull the strap the the tag is on tight, and stitched it in place so the tag is constantly under tension. It takes about 10 minutes and it seems very secure.
  5. I sent a mail to ICE ID yesterday asking if they new why my son's ID tag keeps popping loose from the wrist strap. They mentioned that it might be that it has a little to much slack where the tag is attached and sent a gift voucher for a complete new set. All I wanted was some advice on fixing it. Wonderful service.
  6. I know I'm going to regret asking for this. But does someone have the correct route profile for the long ride. I believe the published one is either incorrect, or has the course reversed.
  7. Yesterday my wife and I (along with our extended cycling group) went for a long training ride in the Cradle to prepare for D2D next week. Along the way we came across: A super bike rider who had discovered that his bikes capabilities exceeds his own by a very large factor. It seem's the brain donor crested a rise out side Teak Place and failed to notice that the road curved to the left. He then proceeded directly to the scene of the accident. His bike took out a cevron sign and came to rest around 30m off the road. Not to sure if he was OK or not as the firebrigade where leaving when we arrived. However I'm glad to report no cyclists where involved. Can't say I feel to sorry for this brain donor. I just hope the rest of the super bikers will get the message and stop using the area as a grand prix track. Just a little further down the road just after the Rhino and Lion park we came accross a gentleman tangled in the wreckage of his bike. He was in a fairly bad state and had taken a huge knock to the head. He had absolutely no short term memory and had no clue what happened. He must have asked 5 or 6 times if we knew what happened. I think what had happened is he had hit a water bottle lying in the road. With the help of a guy by name of Kobus, we managed to get him up. Phone his family and Kobus took him home. Form there is wife took him to the hospital for a check-up. I tried calling last night to see if he was OK, but there was no reply. I hope he is OK. After this long post, there is a point to the storey. It was very, very difficult helping the guy who had crashed. He had no short term memory and minimal long term. It took ages to get his home phone number out of him as well as his wifes name. You need to carry some form of ID with you like IDE ID. If Kobus is on the hub. Good on you for stopping and giving this guy a lift home, as well as calling me to give me feedback. Nice to see there are still good people around.
  8. If it helps WW, I can get from City Deep to the Dome in an hour if I leave at 16h00. Not a problem as I arrive at 07h00 markStockton2008-09-04 05:54:42
  9. Alex, please confirm we need to head to the parking opposite the Dome (the one linked by the walk way).
  10. I hear you KF, and I really don't need Super Seeding to tell me how slow I am. Trying to stick to the VB bunch is evidence enough. The point here is that with a little standardisation and a bit of programing, maintaining Super Seeding should be very simple and results should not take so long to reflect.
  11. At the risk of opening a XXXL can of worms. Why does it take so long for results to make it to Super Seeding. The timing is electronic, so once Championchip and Winningtime supply the results in a standard format, importing them into the seeding database should be very, very simple. Even if CC and WT don't play along, converting their data really isn't very difficult. markStockton2008-09-04 05:21:08
  12. Brilliant, I'm in with +- 3 or 4 friends / family members. We will be contesting for the most lapped prize
  13. I think you can safely do it yourself. If you where in Jhb I'd offer to give you a hand. I would just go for the higher grade epoxy and follow JB's instructions.
  14. One of the reasons my bikes are insured. Only reason my bikes are insured. I ride on the road to at times, so idiots in steel cages is the other reason.
  15. One of the reasons my bikes are insured.
  16. Listen to what your avatar is telling you and take a sword.
  17. I live in Fourways and work this side of town. You must see how full my passport is getting. ;-) Sure, I think you might need to pay a nominal fee at the gate, although not to sure about that either.
  18. LBB shoots up those hills like a jack rabbit, I wish I could climb like that. I'll see you on the trail. To make thing's interesting I think I'll go through 3 sisters this afternoon, that is the turn to the left after climbing the concrete bridge section. Do you guy's go through there? You might also want to try the new trail Graham and Wendel have cut. It starts at the road up to the spa, you turn in left about 1/3 of the way to the spa and keep left at the fork. (The right fork is the Wendels revenge climb)
  19. I'm hoping to be at Rietvlei at 17h00 today, possibly a little earlier as I want to do a climbing session before the night ride. Anyone else interested.
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