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Everything posted by G00SE

  1. The Wife is going to the states next week, so Im compiling a shopping list for her. Anyway, the nukeproofs dont seem so popular over there, so I'm looking at a set of Spank Spikes. They're just quite pricey compared to the NP's, but they look awesome.
  2. Sounds about right, he's got a 29'er remember
  3. Ahhh, I know it. Played around there a few times. I haven't done the first drop yet, its lowest point is quite high, but Im sure I will manage it
  4. Where is the drop line? Have I done it with you before? If not I'm always keen.
  5. Looking forward to my first Spruit ride in 2013. See you all there at 17h45.
  6. G00SE

    DH Wheel set

    I see there's a set of Spank Spikes for sale in the classifieds at the mo.
  7. Hahaha, mine too!! many scars and dents. But they were still the coolest pedals to have
  8. Speaking of flats, did anyone use bear traps on their BMX's when they were young? Now those things could take a chunk out of your shin
  9. You can, but apparently they don't offer nearly the grip of the 510's. But they're better than using your old pair of running shoes
  10. I'm really keen on trying Flats, but Diald bikes dont have any stock oon the 510 freeriders, or the neutron pedals. When I get an idea in my head, I want to do it NOW!!! so this is really killing me. Need to find an alternative supplier.
  11. You could also try a shorter stem. When I built up my bike I had a 110mm stem on it, damn thing wanted to throw me over the front all the time. Now I've got a nice 50mm stem on and no more trying to buck me over the bars
  12. lol. the exact same thing happened to me, nearly sh@t myself. Then I remembered what I ate the night before
  13. Dialdbikes.co.za seems like the best place to get them in SA, but they got f#*k all stock at the moment so you'll have to wait for them to get new stock in..
  14. Thanks Anine, those are the ones I'm leaning towards. Diald just don't have stock of the black ones at the mo
  15. Oh, one more question. Whats the fit like on the fivetens? Do I get the same size as I usually wear, or is it better to size 1 up?
  16. Thanks everyone for the Info.. I was actually looking on diald bikes website, they dont have stock of the freerider in my size I'll drop them a mail though and find out when they will be in stock. Now just need to figure out which flats. So far I'm liking the Deity decoy 2.5's and the Nukeproof Nuetron's - any other suggestions?
  17. I'm looking at getting myself a pair of fiveten's and some flats. There is a normal shoe, and a clipless version, I would like the clipless version, as then I can also use them with my cb mallets too So the question I have is: Would the clipless shoes be good to use with normal flat pedals or would it be better to get the shoes with the normal soles?
  18. These Wed night rides wouldn't be the same if there wasn't an incident or 2 Hope you have a speedy recovery Mike. I will def be joining next week.
  19. Like what? Paying for our wonderful presidents upgrades to his house?
  20. I'm with you on that one - Can we have shuttles please
  21. Sounds awesome! How difficult would you be looking to make the course? Would it be rideable only by advanced riders with big balls, or would the average rider with a little bit of skill be able to take part? Edit: Sorry, see you already answered my question.
  22. The "unfit" part is now just automatically assumed
  23. No!! They're already bordering on too fast!
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