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Everything posted by Niner

  1. To the OP http://summitbikes.co.za/index.php and Evobike has stock 1 x 11
  2. So you just wasted the LBS's time. You could have just called CCS yourself and posted here saying you just called them etc.
  3. How did it "hover" on the water then?
  4. I am pretty sure that your problem lies at the point where the cable comes out. The cable it more than likely bend there and causing it to stick.
  5. Remote includes the whole assembly most of the time, hence the expense. The lever is generally not that expensive and there you could use just about any lever that has a similar cable pull
  6. You can rule out if it is the cable / lever by removing the cable and check if you can turn the lockout and if it jumps back WRT to the lever, most of them have a ceramic cam on the inside and they wear away causing a little "bump" that the causes the other part to struggle to clear, so can file it down and put half a drop of lube there. As in it is old now and you need to look after it on a regular basis. I dont see why he needs to replace the lockout (and have a hole in the wallet) when he clearly states that the compression lock seems to work fine?
  7. Looking at that, you need a new cable and housing That bend from the lever mech to the housing is not good. Rather than use that fancy cable housing, get a normal gear shift housing from LBS and new gear shift cable and install That cable looks very old? Looks like it broke of also at the "button" thingy? You want some cable going past that bolt and put a nice endcap on it
  8. Take the cable mech off and see if the lock turns and lock and unlock Maybe you just have some dust on the mech. My fork does the same, and if I "unlock" I sometimes have to "lift" the front wheel and then it turns. Every time this starts to happen I take the locking mech of, clean it and install a new cable all is well for a while until the grit gets in there again. I have also seen the actual locking lever thing gets worn and sticks. then all you need is a new lever part. Or some lube (very little) at the right spot on the lever mech to make everything smooth again. Do clean the lever part well before you lube it, and by lube I mean half a drop of oil or a tine but of grease where the sliding happens.
  9. Was about to ask if people don't read....OP said "in SA" like you pointing out but most people just don't read.
  10. Not at all, I am at work and used to trust that I can open this here and all of a sudden This has not been a "NSFW" thread
  11. For sure they can and should.....and if I knew those riders they would get a chirp from me. What is this 1.5m they keep talking about....it is 1m.
  12. Yes my perception is ALL motorist want to kill me and they think I belong on the pavement
  13. I know, dont get me wrong I try and use the "green belt", and the "not your normal" routes. The main problem is that last k to 2km to the office or home, where you have to share. Would hate to know how many incidents I would have it I spend more time on the mainstream roads. It is mainly the cellphone users that causes the most "incidents" cause they have no idea what is going on around them. Or what speed we do next to them and "suddenly" we appear in their view.
  14. WISH I could say the same. Almost daily some tonsil will come speeding past. Or like you said a idiot riding his bike the wrong way. Or a broken down car right under the bridge in the yellow lane with no triangle out or hazards on and you don't see the car as it is dark when you enter the section. And so I can carry on for days.
  15. That is a get-home fix not a long lasting fix. If it get wet it will eventually fail. Using a proper rubber gator is the only way
  16. Go and commute and see how you feel after almost being run over day after day.
  17. You almost got hit...so that changed your mind. Same here but it did not change my mine. Have been commuting for years, have similar "attitude" to this cyclist so you can not say he would not last a month here.
  18. Gator on the inside and you put it on the back....if it goes flat it will not be any worse than a normal flat by hitting a pot hole or stone again. Ride it till it is dead
  19. Glad to know it is you opinion....I ride aggressively since defensively has not worked...see we have different opinions.
  20. What has a cycle lane got to the with the post that you are replying to?
  21. Yes, I see your point. You are one of those that do nothing. Keep calm and hand over your bike to the hi-jacker. Some of use will not. But that why we are allowed to have different point of view. I find it self-rightious that you think YOUR way is the right way. This cyclist is not asking you to make a difference or get involved. But you think it is ok to judge him?
  22. Funny story.... But her being "less of a lady" does not save the next persons life... :-(
  23. Please go and ride in traffic for 4 days in a row and see how your point of view will change
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