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Posts posted by JoshK

  1. Kept on getting a timed out response after we did the whole permission to share data bit..so pls keep an eye on it and let me know if you have a similar issue..because then there is def a communication problem between Multiply and the device website.. (this was garmin )

    Yep mine also does not want to link to Strava and Garmin. Timeout error. 

  2. Ok, so we get Loot @ 15% and Makro @ 12% discount for the loss of Takelot @ 25%.


    We get screwed out of 160 points for using cashbacks and in turn you will have to save more than R10,000 in your savings wallet to get the monthly points. 


    So there goes my private club... 


    How does Discovery look these days? 

    Agreed its not a good change. Takealot is a big loss!


    And it seems designed to kick people of private club this year unless you're prepared to have R10 000 per member sitting idle in their multiply money wallet. 

  3. Can someone please point me in the right direction. Momentum is of no assistance. I'm trying to hit private club this year, and the only way that I'm going to achieve this is by taking out one extra product. 


    I already have life cover and a will at Momentum. Medical and short term insurance is not an option, so that leaves retirement or savings? What are the options that will cost me the less out of pocket.

    Signup for a RA at the minimum of R250 pm. Can cancel after one month and still keep the points. 

  4. Yip

    Momentum should change the name to Half-tiply, since the 2018 benefits is about 50% less.

    But on a serious note, try to get:


    200/200 for the be healthy department

    130/150 for be safe department

    120/200 for the finance part, losing out on the 80 points to link your bank account.

    That puts you on 450, and then there is 500 points available for Momentum products.


    Obviously the points double up because you have a wife/life partner.

    :)  very true


    Will see how many points this week brings in with points available for other Momentum products and if platinum and then private club is still achievable.

  5. Seems like it will be improbable to get to Private club (and even to maintain platinum) this year. I have several momentum products but with the removal of the health check points and reduction of active days at best I will get to 1500 points. 


    Seems Momentum is making the same mistake as Discovery initially with the active days fiasco! Safedays calcs are often incorrect and don't award points for not driving at all.

    Multiply money app is pretty poor and not a good idea to share banking logins with a 3rd party.


    Very disappointing the halving of the Healthreturns as well to say the least!


    Is Momentum adding more points categories? I suspect when everyone realises that the goalposts have moved substantially there will be an outcry!

  6. I'm on Diamond.  Savings that I use the most are on travelling.


    For instance I'm about to book tickets with Emirates to Chicago - normal price is R14200 and I'll be getting it for R9400.


    To get to gold is very easy imho, I don't really do anything out of the ordinary except for the health check which I had to make a 15 minute appointment for and then drive to it.

    I have been on Diamond for a long time and have most of the Discovery Products. Here's a summary of my rewards for the last 12 months:

    Discovery card cash back R3 515 

    Miles earned 50 539 (value of R5 000)

    Gym = free

    Healthy food savings R1 800

    Discovery insure cash back R8 400

    Hotel savings R8 324 (one booking at 50% savings rate)

    Life policy cash back in 2013 R57 611 (next payment due back in 2018)

    Flights = various paid for by discovery miles and discounts. 

    Active rewards = A couple of free smoothies AND a free apple watch!

    Free movies for my kids and discounted for the adults.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting a few other things.


    As a worst case scenario I have received R27 039 in cash and incentives and thats ignoring a few of the items on the list above.

  7. Could anyone who uses Discovery Insure for their car insurance comment on the cash back they actually receive?

    My understanding is that the level of cash back you receive is relative to how well you drive (as recorded by the tracking device installed). I tried out their iPhone app that records how you drive to get an idea of how I would do. I consider myself to be a decent driver and I am guilty of going over the speed limit from time to time, but it would appear that you have to drive like a granny to stay within their acceptable driving habits they prescribe.

    Therefore I don't think many people could be getting much cash back at all. Is my assessment correct? 

    I get a consistent R600 to R700 pm back from Vitality Drive. Driving well counts as does the TWT car check, doing the annual service, Eyegym, online questionare, etc. Pretty easy to achieve once setup. You don't get penalised too heavily for the odd "infringement". Well worth it.

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