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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. that is hot! wish i may, wish i might...
  2. sweet... need to find more places like that down here! and a new job complete with shower so i can commute...
  3. Yeah... and who woulda thunk it... my first ever post/thread was CYCLING RELATED!! hahah!
  4. Woohoo! I'm domesiquated now. (hold on, should i actually be cheering about that?)
  5. getting into your "one with nature" phase, were you? Must say, i had the same problem when i first bought clipless. Except my off was into the flowers on the central divider on a main road! Was helluva fun.
  6. LOL!!! and if you do fall off, the impact isn't as hard because you got the beer barrier!
  7. I Second that motion!!! It will only be accepted into the family if we see pics of the beauty adorning the couch. Come on, give it some couch action! You know you want to!
  8. But I must add that drivers have a responsibility to DRIVE SAFELY, and avoid these "accidents" that happen too often for our liking. If we have lights and the right kit, the least we can ask for is responsible drivers not intent on making the roads a real-time mortuary.
  9. flippin MAD kit! But I agree - price is a bit too steep for it, even at that level of madness. Now if only some of our designers had as much vision... 'Tis a pity. Would love to get my hands on a sample version...
  10. same old story - lots of rest, and your leg will waste away a bit, but you will be back to where you were. Will just be a bit tight, but you'll be able to be back with a bit of patience and hard work. But as for the snap, one of my mates had the exact same thing, also in the final game of a match. He didn't know what happened, just couldn't walk, but we all heard the snap. He's back on now, nursing it back. Make sure to stretch it properly when you've recovered!!! And yes, see a biokineticist. That is a MUST! You'll be back though.
  11. too true. Guys like these giving us punks a bad name. And people wonder why there are so many accidents with people like this on the road? Phone the sponsors and the club manager or PR guy etc. THey're ID 10 t's.
  12. All this thread has managed to do is raise a few people's heart rates and blood pressures, as well as get the desired response for the original poster - to place some (if any) small regret in to fellow hubber's minds (Samma, MTBaiisiklist etc) for using a "questionable" avatar. Personally, I do believe there is a line, but then every person's individual line is different, which is why we end up having these arguments in the first place. I think we need to have a bit of self-control when it comes to things like avatars. However, there is always going to be one person who is offended, and who will kick up a fuss about it. Saying that, we do all have to think about our avatars as this forum is freely available to anyone, and should be treated as such. No smut (ie suggested sexual poses, visible bits etc) Also included should be any avatar that shows someone mouthing F*&k you... yes, MTBaiisiklist, I am referring to your's. The words are clearly being said, and anyone who comes in here as a new user will automatically be offended. End of the day, we need to adopt some sort of self-control when it comes to these. I know I am repeating myself, but hey. Seems to be going on a lot lately. My 2c worth
  13. Well, howdy. I'm in the market for a new or 2nd hand hardtail XC MTB, in the sub 7k region. Preferrably Hyd disc endowed, and XT parts (or exuiv SRAM - I am not a SHIMANO junkie, although I do think the new XT & LX gruppo is damn sexy) I've been having a look at the Merida range, as well as the Silverback range (find them v good val for $) but the equiv Specialized is just too much for the spec. Any others i should be looking at? GT, perhaps? Or should I go for a well looked after 2nd hander?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR2ygFn-yR8&feature=related Now this is the way to commute to and from work, or anywhere for that matter. Just replace the yellow cabs for minibuses, and you're in SA!!cptmayhem2008-05-11 01:23:53
  15. Fook mi, that's alot of difference... always knew we took up less space, but it's amazing to see exactly HOW much!
  16. the 90 min classes r "doubles" because they're double th etime of a normal session on th espinner
  17. what does this equate to time-wise? Some classes are 1 1/2 hours as opposed to 45 mins, and then u get the occasion when there are 2 classes after each other (a 45 min then a 1 1/2 hr one) when you can go hard in th efirst, or use it as a warm up, then go hard in the 2nd bit or time-trial to the music... I go to one in Gardens that has exactly that - helluva good workout, and led by a cyclist...
  18. I aggree - spinning is a great way to get in that training you just can't do because of work or k4k weather like we've been having in CT these past 3 days... But it's no substitute for the road! Do it during the week, but bring the bike out on the weekend for a long haul. Or just bike to work...
  19. Hey man, I don't know but i can't say that his mammie's bunny bunny is something else ekse... gives you one times shot in the rear! Not even his mammie's mango chutney could make you hundreds again!
  20. yeah, he's from Kokstad. His Argus wasn't the best either... lost a bottle in the first half and didn't stop to re-fill his other one. Still came 2nd in the group though. He's a stubborn little kid, I'll give you that!
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