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Everything posted by =Bones=

  1. Ouch - must we bring kiddies sun block for you tomorrow
  2. Depends on your skin, if you really fair it will help make it look bit better that you don't notice it as much, but you will still have the lines
  3. Oh ok - just this once, but if there any any injuries Im feeding you to the hippo.... Brake failure??? it's called the required stopping distance
  4. Sidewinder - you riding in your own group tomorrow..... far away from us. Glad everyone in accident was ok.
  5. If you didnt like the helmut you should have just bought another - no need to kill yourself!!
  6. Probably not... the cost of the Argus with tavel, accom, ect pays for a whole year of races locally. Stunning race though, really enjoyed it the times I did it previously.
  7. Hay I'm impressed, his wife is doing a good job training him there Just have to work on that ironing...
  8. Mwaahhhhh!!!! That must have been hilarous!! (hope you didnt get hurt or anything)
  9. Nope - But I now know what S.I.R Maxxis legs look like
  10. Hay - Dont go around giving away my secrets!!! I kill you!
  11. Hay We haven't even gotten to Sat and you alreadly coming up with excuses!! tisk tisk
  12. Granted not full length....but best I could find
  13. By the sounds of it I don't think we will need a banner to find them....probably hear them.... besides wasn't S.I.R Maxxis going to be wearing his SS outfit??
  14. Hi S.I R Maxxis, If there is still space my hubby and I would like to join you guys this Sat...
  15. Glad I'm not the only one to misjudge to corners on that section, once I bailed completely, another time I came off running man style landing on my feet much to the entertainment of the mates I was riding with.
  16. How long will the course be and what time must we be out the gate by?
  17. Just my size... I'll send you delivery address when you finished the build. Thanks Congrats - frame looks lovely!
  18. Jersey A - the blue makes the logo stand out better....but then again I'm also just not a fan of polka dots!
  19. Maybe the eggs are part of a new tactic in trying to get rid of the competition
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