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Everything posted by jcza

  1. Don't get the Spez Rib cage. I've broken 3 and despite promises to get them replaced nothing has happened. Bought a cheap Blackburn cage and haven't lost another bottle. Ok it's only been 2 races. https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/117434-recommend-me-a-seatpost-bottle-cage/page__hl__recommend__fromsearch__1
  2. It's understandable that they had to change the route, however it will be helpful to announce at the start that the route is now 10 km shorter.
  3. jcza

    SA seeding

    Will be great if the site is updated with all results and not just the Advendurance events. Seems like last update was April 2012 for non-Advendurance events.
  4. 2:45 - legs were tired after Nissan on Sat & knee was sore from crash and it was freezing! Otherwise it was fantastic, especially the climb right at the start.
  5. You still beat me by 10mins!!
  6. Only complaint I heard was from 20km fun riders that got pushed off the track by 40km riders. Ideally it shouldn't be single track.
  7. http://www.spectrumsport.co.za/Portals/17/ResultDoc/Walkerville_MTB_20120715.pdf
  8. Results out on Spectrum Sport
  9. Great race & fantastic day out despite crashing twice on the rocks. Thanks to the guy in bianchi kit that helped me. Sand wasn't really a bother but the wind made it hard. Bring on the next event.
  10. Was freeZing at the start but after the climb the body was warm. Distance was not 60 but rather 50. Overall, not bad but not outstanding.
  11. Only 20% chance - let's hope it stays away!
  12. jcza

    SA seeding

    Seems like they are using recent results but the website is not updated or incorrect. Mabalingwe results duplicated, Ultra marathon points awarded despite only doing marathon and 2012 races used not updated.
  13. Just received mine too. Seems like a waste of time.
  14. Thanks for the sock offers! Lucky for me mine had the socks, howz that for luck? See you on Saturday, starting C in the 70km. Really looking forward to this. Route looks fantastic. Will try and save something for Walkerville (or just have one less beer after the race)
  15. Collected 2 x. One with soup, socks and Spike and one without socks. Oh well, can't wait to ride my bike after sitting in Jhb traffic for hours. Accident M2 then accident N3.
  16. Seems like it, not sure why it is taking so long. There wasn't that many riders!
  17. Rumour is that is it Remi di Gregorio that was arrested
  18. Just saw this, one arrested and 2 in custody. Eish here we go again.
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