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Everything posted by Rhodent

  1. Can anyone give me a bit of info or a description of the 15km route? Seems crazy, i know, given that its a fun ride, but have entered the missus and it will be her first cycling race of any kind, and want to make sure she knows what to expect. Its also 3 weeks before our wedding and shes very keen to have her front teeth in tact for the big day...
  2. Finally made the conversion from road to MTB.... the road bike might collect dust for a while!!!
  3. Thats a great help! Thank you! Will test it out today...
  4. I guess thats my question - How do I get on to that road? Total Town rookie here - fairly new to CT and always lived/worked in southern suburbs, and if necessary drove to town
  5. I have started commuting to work - a grand total of ten minutes from Claremont to Rondebosch Not scary at all. The upshot of this, however, is that the commute carries on in the afternoon (around 4pm) as I then head to seapoint almost daily. iv had a few great rides along the bike paths from Rondebosch to the end of the so called Green mile, but after that it gets crazy - I have been simply carrying on down Newmarket, onto Strand and attempting to survive through the Taxis, pedestrians and hooligans in town, to pop out on the other side - easier said than done. To be frank, this stretch is hairier than a bears b@lls. Do the veterans have any suggestions on a better/safer route from the end of the cycle paths? I have seen a previous post about heading through the foreshore area, but not 100% sure where to aim for?
  6. Just out of interest - what route would you recommend to Get from town to Southern suburbs? Wanting to get TO town via constantia nek and suikerbossie... question is whether to return the same way or do a loop... Most likely midday...
  7. Can you not see that the amount of planning is not the problem. The laying out of a route north is not the problem. The problem is simple. There is not enough time to warn the road users in cspe town that a major national road will be out of commission come Saturday night. As I have mentioned, the current road closures have been broadcast and displayed since January. Further to which, the fire burnt 4500 hectares. Do you know how big that is? 2000 odd of those burnt on Tuesday and Wednesday. The time crunch just makes other options unreasonable. I'm not going to argue common sense any more. I hope those riding have an awesome day out and make the most of it. And I hope those reacting emotionally about this will calm down, and with the benefit of hindsight realise that their reactions were unjustified and their reasoning irrational.
  8. Are you listening to yourself? Have you read the report? I tell you what - go ride chappies and let a rock fall on your head. Or ride the original alternative route and have lung issues from inhaling smoke and ash on ou kaapse weg. Let's see who's inconvenienced then. Really. A decision made for SAFETY reasons is now wrong because it's INCONVENIENT. And secondly - I didn't dispute that there were other options. I simply stated that the organisation, infrastructure and warnings to other road users have been in place for months. 3 days is not sufficient time to me drastic changes!
  9. yes the race brings lots of revenue. So does the tourism. The thousands of people who come out here every year/day to head up on the cable car or head off into the winelands. Just because its march does not mean that the only tourists in town need to ride bikes. Thats just plain ignorant. So now I am selfish, because I disagree with the fact that AT THE LAST MINUTE, you guys propose closing other major roads? Cant you see the fact that this race already causes chaos for a lot of people due to road closures (And dont give me some rubbish about theyve been warned - if people work weekends they work weekends, they still need the roads to get to places they need to be). The road closure signs have been up since JANUARY. Can you imagine the absolute CHAOS and resultant negative attitude towards cyclists and cycling if 3 days befoe the even we suddenly decide to close completely different roads off? You say im selfish, cos I dont consider the 35 000 cyclists. I say the cyclists who proposed these changes are selfish and shortsighted cos they not considering the hundreds of thousands of people who would be put out by a last minute major route change. As for the fires being back every year - its 15 years since the last one of this magnitude. Thats a once in a generation occurence. The bloody argus will survive a once in a generation blip on the radar. And as for the comment re the injured animals - you are saying that you would let an injured/maimed/burned animal suffer because it is FOOD FOR ANOTHER ANIMAL?? Animals that were only injured purely because some jackass threw a lit cigarrette out of his window? The circle of life works wonders mate, until ignorant twat human beings stick their head in. As for me being ignorant. I DARE YOU to change the 94.7 route drastically 3 days before race day. Go on. Lets see what that causes.
  10. I started this thread determined to read all 300 odd comments before posting, but I will admit that I have failed miserably. That said, the growing anger and resentment I have towards the majority of the people posting here has already grown to the point that any further reading will only result in me losing my own cool, which will ultimately not aid anyone's case. To all the people who are bitching and moaning about their precious cycling race being shortened - You are disgusting, pathetic, selfish w@nkers who obviously have ZERO regard for what the Cape Peninsula and its inhabitants have been through in the last few days. If you had even taken the time to read the press release, rather than sh!t your pants about your damn seeding, you would realise that the organisers had little alternative - both Chappies and Ou Kaapse weg were not an option. Constantia Nek you say? Same problem! If you are one of the individuals who read the release, but then threw a tantrum because of the fact that there are OTHER ROADS to ride on - I have one question - ARE YOU THAT STUPID? DO you really think that your precious day out in the saddle is reason enough to shut down National Roads, Tourist Attractions and/or cut off CT from other areas by jamming 35000 bicycles onto a road out of town? Did you even pause to consider the logistics and infrastructure involved in doing something like that!! And before you throw out the fact that they already close a major road for the day, remember to count yourself lucky that we still get that privilege. And DON'T assume that you can abuse it and claim ownership of any road you now please. That attitude epitomises everything that is wrong with cyclists - im guessing the same people who cried over this are the ones that ride 3 abreast and jump robots. THANK YOU to those of you that are getting behind this race, and supporting the organisers, despite the disappointment. YOU are the type of people who we want in our city and our sport. Those of you who have said you not coming anymore, or wont race on principle, THANK YOU for not disgracing us with your presence. For those of you moaning about money - i'm sorry. I know there is a financial burden here. Hopefully, as some people have mentioned, the Trust will be able to pass some sort of financial assistance on to the fire effort. And hopefully there may be an option for you guys to get a discount or something next year. But when you consider financial burden - before throwing too many toys out the cot, please remember the millions of rands of damage caused by these fires. Yes, there is insurance in some cases. But not all. The aircraft waterbombing the fires have already racked up expenses of over 2 million rand. I hate to think of the expenses that the SPCA will endure as the search for and try to rehabilitate injured wildlife. The VOLUNTEER firefighters don't get paid - but that doesn't mean their organisations run for free! I started this post angry yet I am now nothing more than disappointed. I am actually shocked that there are such selfish people in this world. I really hope i'm not on the start line on sunday. I really do. Because I am sitting glued to my phone waiting for the moment the SPCA gets the go ahead to enter the fire zone and start searching for injured wildlife. They will need volunteers. And i would much rather share the mountain with people looking to good and animals that may need help, than share the road with a bunch of self serving individuals who will spend 47km moaning about their seeding or the cost of their T-shirt.
  11. Im not surprised we're on the verge of being banned fro riding chappies.... Saturday morning was an eye opener for me - never seen such a blatant lack of accountability from anyone...particularly not adults who should have some sense.... Riding solo, had a great ride up chappies from the noordhoek side, decided to head down and climb from Hout Bay side as well.. thats where the fun started.... Group 1: Just where the construction begins, came across a group (dominated my Club 100 shirts, make your own assumptions) riding 3/4 abreast, no effort to move over but i managed to slow down enough to squeeze past. THANKS GUYS. Group 2: Not too much further down, came across a second group. LITERALLY SPREAD ACROSS THE ENTIRE ROAD. to top it off, they retards that were on the wrong side(i.e in front of me trying to go downhill) were so busy admiring the scenery that they werent even watching the road ahead. Because i have more than 2 braincells to rub together i saw the danger in the situation and called out a 'heads up'. (exact words). after quickly moving over, the offending retards then proceeded to throw abuse at me!!! WTF!!! I finished my descent, turned around and started heading back up. Seeing red by this point i was determined to catch up and have words with the main culprit, but when i caught up and saw how pitiful his attempt at climbing was, I couldnt. (Yes RETARD, that was me that came back past and rode your face through the floor). Interestingly enough, i caught up with the first group as well. Still riding 4 abreast. once i hit the top i thought of waiting to point out the fact that these are the reasons why we're gonna get banned. Unfortunately ALL the offending parties took too damn long, i couldnt wait all day. My thoughts: If you want a tea party - stay at home. If you want a chat - call a friend. And if you cant ride up chappies (or any climb for that matter) without giving other road users the respect they deserve, piss off and dont ruin it for the rest of us. NUFF SAID
  12. its all becoming a bit stale if u ask me...both our presenters and phil and paul have said the exact same things for years. If the stages were similar, u could almost take last years commentary and put it with this years images, and no one would even know....
  13. rhodent i dont know how that works as my club had a deadline to meet for our applications and we handed our license forms in on the 7th dec and we had our licenses on the thusrday before fast one i would love to know whats going on.... have members climbing all over me about it.... maybe its because we are in the EC? or as a new club we dont have as much weight to throw around? i really dunno....
  14. we have members who applied in november...and still no licenses... maybe 2010 license applications should open in june this year?
  15. hectic....so many cyclists...and none in this area? thats a shame....
  16. I would like to complain about a mad cyclist waving a gun at my head this morning in Boksburg.... Really now this behaviour about STUPID cyclists has been thrashed to death on the hub, lets leave it at that. HOWEVER I do object the term Boksburg Boneheads, just cause they were in Boksburg does not make them Boksburgers... i merely referred to them as boksburg boneheads so that if they read this thread, they would know it was them i was talking about...cos they were in boksburg. Unfortunately, if i had called the thread 'Moron cyclists who jump robots', it would apply to a very large number of groups..... and it had a nice ring to it....
  17. Lemme tell you, that I wasn't there this morning, I was riding west. And no I'm not chicken sh*t to admit anything...I take rsposibility for all my actions. When I ride, I ride safely. If those GROWN MEN want to ride in a bunch and follow the first guy through then let them. If you don't like a group or the way they ride then don't ride with them, If you were not the front guy at the robot then you'll never know his thoughts, he didn't hold a gun at anybodies head, and I don't see one of the guys from the bunch this morning writing on this thread complaining...about THE FRONT GUY. until someone does get hit...and then everyone will moan and shout and scream and blame the motorist...who, in this case, is not at fault... pls understand - the purpose of this thread was not to persecute anybody...just to make it known that riding at the front of a bunch comes with a fair whack of responsibility... Very often, newcomers to a group will not know the dynamics of that bunch...a few years ago i joined a bunch on a route i was not familiar with...they did the same thing, gunning through robots left and right...if i had known they would ride like that i would not have joined them. Unfortunately it comes down to so much more than the perceptions of the guys in the group, and the perceptions of other cyclists - its the motorists perceptions of bunches like this that worries me. why should they tolerate or respect us if we cant follow the rules of the road? the very same rules we are very quick to point out when a motorist is at fault?
  18. I just witnessed yet another reason why cyclists get a bad name amongst motorists.... Driving back from the airport (in JHB by the way, not EC), came up behind a bunch (+- 20) along rondebult rd, heading towards Rietfontein rd, away from the East Rand Mall side (U know who u are!) - they were about 6 abreast but thats beside the point. went around them and stopped at the robots a bit further along (cnr Rondebult & Rietfontein). Now,call me a pessimist, but i anticipated what happened next so was watching carefully as these morons went straight through the red robot. the part that grinds me though, is how they did it- firstly, they swarmed all over the road, going past on either side of the car, and secondly, they all went through barely looking, all trusting the front guy who gave them the signal! This bonehead didnt even check the intersection!! He took a gamble with other ppls lives!! now i appreciate it was 6am on the 2nd of Jan, so the roads are quiet but i have a little message for these guys, but particularly for the guy who was in front: It doesnt matter if the roads are quiet - it takes 1 car to kill a cyclist! When you cockily signal for your mates to follow you through a red robot, remember, its not you who gets hit, its the poor dude at the back of the bunch who has TRUSTED you, and you've taken that trust and used it to gamble with his life! Ppl who ride at the front the whole way through a ride are very admirable blah blah blah.....but that spot comes with responsibilty... if you cant handle it, or dont have the maturity to...bugger off and ride by yourself as far as i'm concerned. Until then, i'll ride by myself, cos at least i know i'll be riding with someone i can trust....Rhodent2009-01-02 00:29:10
  19. Hey Guys! I'm desperately looking for any (pretty social) cyclists in the sunward park, boksburg area for my dad to ride with! He's been riding for a year, started off on an MTB with slicks but has just bought himself a roadbike. He's helluva keen but unfortunately spends most of his time riding by himself - i live in Grahamstown and my brother lives in london! He goes out at least every saturday or sunday,and usually does about 70km. He does ride pretty slowly, but that can only improve if he starts getting out on the road with a few ppl more often! he usually rides out past carnival city towards heidelberg/suikerbossie side... i know springs wheelers goes out that way but he really needs someone on his level, especially someone who can give him a few pointers and push him along - only so much i can do in the few rides i get with him! once his confidence is up there he mite feel a bit more suited to the bigger bunches.... If anyone knows of someone in the area pls let me know? thanks guys!
  20. Hey guys, I'm busy training for next years ironman, and will be in JHB for a month over december - does anyone have any hints as to a decent dam to go swim at? will obviously be in the pool more often than not, but getting into some open water a few times would be ideal. first prize would obviously be something clean and safe...and possibly with a group that goes regularly? I'll be on the east rand but more than willing to travel if need be... Bear in mind that coming from Grahamstown, i've been swimming in an awesome, clean dam in the middle of a game reserve - only skelms i'v had to worry about are the occasional Rhino and/or Buffalo! any help would be great....
  21. I 100% support the fact that u cant join a class without having done the warm up. experienced cyclist or not. consitency is more nb.... if all VA instructors did that it would be no problem....but some are lax with the rules. I dont think anyone should join a class late....no matter who u are...
  22. this is true....but what i'm saying is that half the time they dont seem to care. people usually come and go as they please....no regard for warm up or cool down. this instructor had the right idea, but the next one probably wouldnt have minded.... no consistency
  23. thats ridiculous.....VA seems to have no control over classes....ppl usually come and go as they please.... and the instructors are pathetic. I went to a class a few weeks ago where all the instructors cd's were so scratched he could only play about 1.5minutes of one song....over and over..... I'm an instructor in Grahamstown at our university gym....and even tho we're all students running the gym...professionalsism is ten times better than VA. we offer more classes per day than VA.... No one is allowed to leave our classes early, or arrive late. We may only have twenty bikes, but very rarely have less than 15 people in a class ( remember these are students). all our classes incorporate a proper warm up and cool down and a stretch. and we have a room full of LeMond revmaster spinning bikes.... not bad for a student run organisation? So tell me, if we can do this, what the hell is VA's excuse for having underqualified, overweight instructors who have sh*t music and no idea what they doing? oh ya....we also only charge R200 for an entire years membership.........
  24. Hey guys, I'm a triathlete, and have been battling with shinsplints recenty. i'v looked at everything i could regarding my running, and cant pin down a cause. I'm wondering if anyone could tell me whether my cycling shoes could be affecting me at all? i am in need of a new pair, very little support left in the ones i have. Could this be a possible cause?
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