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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Nope? Heard he bought a yellow thinga majig to put on top of his stem... Measures in W... Care to share what it is? Jason2009-03-17 05:26:51
  2. bump up the jam, bump it up, a bump it up? Anyone?
  3. Gauteng Metro policeman pulled Sipho's car over and told him that because he had been wearing his seat belt he had just won R5 000, in an Arrive Alive safety competition. Sipho could hardly believe his luck. 'What are you going to do with your cash?' asked the traffic cop. 'Well I guess I'm going to get a drivers licence,' Sipho answered. 'Oh, don't listen to him,' yelled Dipuo in the passenger seat. 'He tries to be smart when he's drunk.' This woke up Phineas in the back seat who took one look at the cop and moaned, 'I knew we wouldn't get far in a stolen car.' At that moment there was a knock from the boot and Precious shouts , 'Are we over the border yet?'
  4. Calling on motorists to use their cell phones to get pics? OK Cool, Me: Here we go MR. Officer, this taxi was in the yellow lane and I got a pic on my cell phone, check it. Officer: You have the right to remain silence...blah blah Me: WTF?!?!? Officer: You were using your cell phone while driving, sir. End of the day, taxi driver gets away, and you sit with a hefty fine for using your cell phone while driving.
  5. at the moment they're at work, why?
  6. Dates; 26,26,27,28 April 09 Its the looong weekend! Might have to take a day or 2 off work. http://www.panoramatour.co.za/
  7. 'K, busy looking for a partner for Panorama tour... Is anyone keen? PM me...
  8. http://benchracing.typepad.com/bench_racing_with_steve_a/images/2007/09/23/ring_girl_round_2.jpg
  9. http://www.darnmalaysia.com/dmblog/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/boxing_round1.jpg
  10. Great pics R! And I'm up here in JHB sitting behind a desk $!#@%$#@^%
  11. You seen the music videao? Shes a huuuuuuuny.I downloaded it today...eish... and now things are starting to BURN
  12. Customer: "What operating system are you running on your new laptops?" Incredible Connection Guru: "Pentium" Yeah, they seriously clued up...gotta love em Jason2009-02-20 12:09:42
  13. thanks mate... was testing my new lens worth the money! Now I need to save for a memory card cause one pic just doesn't cut it
  14. Only pic I got of colonel... Having a tough ride, Glad to see you have that yellow thing on your handle bars Nice wheels
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