Porky' date=' please tell me what you actually want. If we have to increase our price it's wrong, and if we lower the price it's wrong either. You say you are a business man, maybe you should help us here and tell us how to run our business. So let me ask you a few questions, and I would like to hear your answer: 1. If this funny "Bungy-currency" called Rand drops from 7.3 per USD to 10.2 per USD in only 2 weeks and all your bike price calculations are suddenly fu..ed, what are you going to do: Increase the prices as much as necessary at lowest possible margin or increase the price even more than necessary to let your competition take over the market or keep prices as they are and ruin your business by losing money with every bike sold? 2. If then a few months later the Rand is slowly getting stronger again, and luckily there are still bikes in containers on the way to your warehouse, that can be paid at a much better exchange rate than previous shipments, and if also bike sales countrywide over all brands has slowed down that much, that you run into overstock problems at year end if bike sales don't improve, what would you do? If you see any other option making sense than what we did now, please let me know, I would love to hear that. I also must say I really don't appreciate you saying we don't care about our customers. Apart from the fact, that a business never works, if you don't care about your customers, how can you say that? Did you ever meet me? Did you ever speak to me? Come to PE and spend 1 day in our office. Look at what we do and how we treat other people. After that you can judge and say whatever you think is right. I take my job very serious. Caring about and listening to dealers and consumers is one of the most important parts of my work. I might not always be right in what I believe in, and no matter what I do, some people will never appreciate our bikes as long as there's a Raleigh sticker on the downtube, but please never ever say again, that I don't care about our customers! At least unlike you I have the balls to post under my real name. What is yours? [/quote'] Jan, Jan Jan, your post was very difficult to read as it appears you forgot to punctuate it, but worse than that you didnt read my post very well and got me mixed up with other posters, and on top of that you are trying to goad me into an argument, tsk,tsk,tsk ............never the less, I am a patient man, so I will answer you as if I was not wrongly implicated. I will break down your post into sections as I see it, - a)The currancy did not drop from R7.00 to R10.00 odd in two weeks, the decline was far more gradual over a period of around two months - check your bank statements before you reply - dramatic to the western world, Yes, I will admit, but not something importers in SA have never seen before.!! So, what should you do - (you asked this) - well, like most importers (ourselves included) when we saw the rand dropping, and we had about R3 million in future orders on the line for importation, we grabbed forward cover at the rate of the day, protecting our cost of imports and maintaining a stable price to our clients for the next 6 months - why did you not do that.? "Whats that Jan"??................... Oh, yes, like lots of businessmen out there you played "the spot market", gambeling the rand would stabilise or improve?? Bad mistake, thats your brokers job, not yours................... and consequently, not one the customer should be forced to pay for by increased prices.! b)Basically your second point (rand improving) is a moot one, because had you forward covered (like a good boy), the increase and / or decrease would be negligable - thats the beuty of forward cover Jan, use it.! c)Now we get to overstock issues - Hmmm, I hear you, stock is money, so you need to convert it quick - no problems, "have a sale", dont play yo yo with your price and my pocket!. d)Now the point on my alledged comment that "you need to care for your customer". You took exception,........... and I would too,............ trouble is you attributed that comment incorrectly to me, "when in fact another poster made the comment". Go check.! Even though you made a long drawn out diatribe, with various veiled warnings to me about the issue, its no problem, "An apology is not necessary".! e) I have no issue with Raleigh as a brand, show me one post where I have said anything controversial about the brand. Take that as a challenge.! f)My name has no importance to you, I am not in the industry (thank goodness) and I dont visit PE regularly enough for you to have met me - (terrible weather and a piss poor airport make it uninviting to me) I could be anyone, in the grocery que or behind you at the bank, it makes no differance....................what the hell, I shall tell you anyway.............its "Joe Soap."! Well Jan, its been fun, no hard feelings and if you are in JHB, PM me and I will show you how hard I work at my business as well.! porky2009-04-30 08:24:14