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Everything posted by porky

  1. I dont have an issue about greeting, I will greet cyclists, runners, anybody, if they dont greet back (which often happens) who cares, I dont beat myself up over it. I find that if I cheerily greet others it makes me feel better, and thats all that matters to me.
  2. - Haa, Haa, stop it, your killing me.!! .............at least we know what our license money paid for in Gauteng,..........a new car and a nice house it seems. ............Beat that.!
  3. Ag, who cares whats said here?. I certainly dont go home and stew over the posts here, I laugh at some, I think some are stupid and I occassionally get irritated over others. Thats life in a teacup.! I feel pretty much the same way about people I meet day to day personally. America has a great saying it gos like this - The great thing about America is everyone has an opinion, the other great thing is, we dont have to listen to it.! .............but what the hell, I enjoyed your post, it was well written ,perfectly composed, spelling was good,........ what more can I say, its your opinion.!
  4. I understand your point Kona fan, but I dont see any accusations in his post, he just asked a question and included a few possible scenarios. I dont think its necessary to attack the poster for that.
  5. .............and so we have another post heading south with incriminations and attacks because some people wish to attack the personality instead of looking at the question. Who cares who he is, I dont know 99% of the people on this board and my views and opinions wouldnt change one iota if I did, there was a legitimate question asked and the post gos downhill right away because its his 1 st post. Really, did any of us NEVER have a first post............maybe we started on 200.
  6. - Hmm sounds familiar. I am just waiting for the day my wife says "Hey, I know how important your handicap is to you, I make enough money for the both of us, why dont you just stay at home and work on it." - think its gonna happen???
  7. Hmm, I play golf and love it, I also cycle and run. I have concluded a few deals on the golf course, I have concluded a few more at the pub afterwards and I have concluded even more by just been out on the course and chatting to folk. I have never even spoken to anyone who discussed business on a bike (or running actually) - there is no pub after the ride, and road cyclists in general dont talk on their rides, and most of the slightly podgy executives I know wont be riding with them anyway. .........so NO I dont think golf is going to be threatened in that area.!
  8. porky


    Suppliments are a billion dollar industry, they work on the fact that most folk are lazy and / or dont have time to train, so take a spoon of this and a drink of that and you will loose / gain weight / strength and whiten your teeth.! What Bollocks.! As most folk are saying, dieting is simple, take in less than you put out, you will loose weight - gain weight vice versa - want more strengh - lift weights, want more endurance - train long distance.! There are no quick fixes, the body is a superb machine, it guards against all types of losses and gains, it regulates itself constantly without your help, it cleanses itself without your help, it processess tons of junk in its lifetime with very little ill effect, - toss out the suppliments, eat and train properly and you will see results. The only weight loss suppliments will give you is in the area of your pocket.!
  9. Personally I am against ALL forms of protest action which disrupts the populations daily lives and access to business etc. It generally serves no point except to disrupt everybodies day. I cant remember how many "protest rides" we have had in Jhb, has it served any valid long term point, not that I can see, has it made any differance to the accident rate - not that I can see, so what point has it had?? What are the long term effect of a protest ride?? - I would guess none, three weeks time its forgotton. Cosatu is having a massive strike action day tomorrow about electricity tariffs - we have already been told we will have to close our doors at midday as the march gos past us, we have been told we will have at least 60% staff shortages tomorrow, it will probably take everbody double the time to drive anywhere due to general congestion - how is this helping?? Will electricity tariffs come down - No! I personally am sick to death of the word "protest" here in SA we take it too extremes, if you feel so strongly about it how about trying a new way to make yourself heard, put up banners, send out flyers,write to newspapers, contact automobile magazines and ask them to write about it in their magazine, - I say it again, PROTESTS SERVE NO PURPOSE IN THE LONG TERM, EXCEPT TO ANGER THE GENERAL POPULATION MORE THAN EVER.
  10. So I must go and see him to fix my office chair. - it will be an expensive fix (around R14000.00 ) per swivel, but it will never wear out again.
  11. I was 43 years young so dont worry. Stay away from the hip bit, theres lots of options which wont be so traumatic. I would really go and see a few neurosurgeons before you decide, I had mine done at Linksfield clinic in (well, Linksfield!!) by Dr Weinberg, a neurosurgeon of note and was actually featured on Carte Blanche a few times as he pioneered the swivel operation where you loose no mobility.
  12. I have had a fusion between three levels 5+6+7 - it took a long time to get back to original strength, but today I have very little problems, I have a little less head movement, but hardly noticable, and I can ride ,run do everything I did before no problems. This is actually a very common and very successfull operation, a few days in hospital and depending on the severity of the fusion, could be up to 6 weeks in a neck brace - for me that was actually the worst part. If you have it done, chat first to your doc about the options, the old method where they took bone from your hip is fairly traumatic, there are many other options now including a swivel arrangement so you loose absolutely no neck movement, but unfortunately, some medical aids are not keen to pay for it.
  13. The problem with helopeter is its all unverified, and usually quite "padded" to suit the complainant. There are lots of companies who wont reply on this site, I dont think we should be second guessing their motives based on the fact they may prefer to deal with issues in another manner.
  14. Quite correct. Just as a bit of interest, we did an insurance claim on a warehouse that burnt down about a year ago. The building was totally destroyed. We were given an undertaking for building to commense by SA Eagle who were only "part insurers" of the building, for their portion of the claim which was well over 6 million rands within 5 days of the claim been lodged. The other part insurer was Outsurance, they disputed the claim on the grounds that their assessor claimed there was two or more appliances running off one plug outlet, which was specifically excluded in the insurance contract - the last I heard was the building owners (after 8 months of fighting) were taking Outsurance to court to try and get settlement - they had still paid ZIP. So "yup" read the fine print.
  15. Most people look at the PREMIUM and base their judgement on that alone. Outsurance knows this very well and bases their entire "package" on a low premium. The problem is with a low premium you get low cover. I am not a broker and I have nothing whatsoever to do with the insurance industry but I am in the construction industry where we do a lot of insurance claims and my suggestion is stay away from insurers who cut out the broker. Stick with the blue chip insurers like Sanlam, M&F, SA Eagle etc they have a reputation for paying claims not fighting over small issues to dispute ones claim. Also remember a broker fights your case for you with the insurer, he has a much bigger clout than you as a single person and understands what the insurer needs, as a private guy you are at their mercy, Brokers have an intimate knowledge of the industry, I have an intimate knowledge of construction, if a broker wants something built, I can advise him, if I need insurance cover I look for a broker who can advise me!!.
  16. I agree with GoLefty, when I ran my first Comrades, nobody had even heard of HR moniters, then a German Runner (cant remember his name charlie somebody) ran the pants of the opposition using and constantly refering to his HR moniter - the next year every runner had one including me - didnt help me one bit but I had it. The next year Alberto Salazaar ran the pants off everybody training 6 months of the year in his living room on a treadmill - I bet treadmill sales went up that year too - but I drew the line there.! I am firmly old school and believe you cant fool your body, others may disagree (its their right) but I recon up to pro athlete you can train on "feel" alone. All these gadgets and accessories are great, but its unlikely in my opinon the average weekend warrior benefits one iota.! porky2008-07-28 10:23:29
  17. Yup, ...............and thats what I listen to, or my own Cds.
  18. Best quote I have seen all day. I have to add my voice, cant stand the lot of them. Wackhead is about as funny as a triple bypass, and Mansfield needs to review his agenda, it was great 10 years ago, now its just stupid. As for 702, well, I have to say I enjoyed it a few years back when it was topical and light hearted, now in my opinion its just a negatively motivated political mouthpiece for the loony fringe supported by the usual gaggle of anti semetic, bi-partisan controversial opinionated hosts. I am surprised this station still have a listenership, after five minutes I am so depressed I feel like slitting my wrists or packing for Perth. porky2008-07-25 10:11:46
  19. Before we get all defensive and emotional about the tour, we need to look at it in context to other sports. The common argument from the two Ps (please deliver me from those two) is "Look at all the people here" as if that means anything. Lets remember the tour spectating value is free and people are naturally curious,so if a big event like the tour went within a hundred kilometres of your home and it cost you nothing to watch, I am fairly sure you would go along as well, I would, even if I had no interest in cycling, its just a free interesting day out. By contrast no other sport is free, yet Wembly is 20 x oversubscribed for soccer tickets at 400 euros each, imagine if Formula 1 threw open its doors and said come watch for free, people would be camping outside for a month to get in. You cant judge the spectator level like that, ask every spectator at the tour 100 euros to watch, and I am certain you will find a dramatic drop in spectators. Another problem is most people who watch the tour listen to commentators who have a vested interest in keeping the tour alive and interest up, so they seldom tell you the sad facts and other feelings amongst the public. The truth is the French public (in general) are sick of the tour, there is a feeling in France that "France dosnt need the tour", its disruptive to big cities and it is very expensive, in fact I remember seeing a survey where it was worked out that the tour costs the French public around 80 / 200 euros in extra taxes annually. In a heavily taxed country like France, that a big talking point. Fair enough the argument for the cost is that the money gos towrds basic infrastructure like resurfacing roads etc but if you have no interest in the tour, 200 extra euros in your pocket sounds inviting. I am not been critical of the tour, personally I think its fine, (although I prefer the Giro) but lets not kid ourselves it has lost interest over thelast few years, maybe its the doping, maybe its just that there are no big stars like Armstrong / Ullrich to talk about, I dont know, but its not that big a thing with the average french public, believe me.!
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