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Everything posted by Dazshell

  1. I am sure they will hire them to you. ± R10 000. Good news, they don't mind if you keep them!
  2. Don't forget to shout the cyclists' mantra, "Shut up legs!".
  3. I started with the Race Lite 904 but then the bug bit and I have now upgraded to a Scultura Evo DA. Managed to find an old-stock 2012 at a killer price. Yummmmmm!
  4. Merida Road Lite 94 or Race Lite 904. On the money for a 2010
  5. Just include it in the entry fee. It's a bit like school fees. Tell me to pay and I'll pay (I have no choice). Make something a voluntary levy and NO WAY (You just gave me a choice)!
  6. "And we'll even give you a free T-shirt to show your friends...."
  7. ASG have a promo on at the moment - 3 T-shirts for R300 - branded. Normal price is R570, so still cheaper than Amashova's.
  8. Okay. I'm in the advertising business. I do T-shirts for clients. A decent quality T-shirt costs around R65.00 for small runs. The design they are showing has only 2 colours front and back, so no more than R30.00 to print. R25.00 for postage. Total cost is then R120.00 That gives a mark-up of 140%! Even Woolies don't mark up that much. Lopoking at the design, that should have cost no more than R1500 - R2000 even from an agency, so on 500 shirts you can add R3 - R4. They are just too expensive. I bet you at R185, they would sell plenty and actually make more money. But alas, I will not be buying this time round.
  9. There are no economic risks here. They are taking pre-orders by 8 November and delivering only on 9 December so they will know exactly how many and what sizes to print and will not be stuck with overruns. Quite clever actually as they are dated 2013 so could be a problem if they print too many.
  10. With pleasure. R285.00 please. And don't complain, after all, you said you can't tell people how much to charge! I am not saying what I think they should charge, I am just asking what other Hubbers think is a fair price for an event T-shirt. Hopefully if consensus can be reached, then we will be offered fairly priced stuff in future by organizers.
  11. Just got an email from Amashova offering a post-event T-shirt for R285.00. Isn't that a bit steep? I good quality, printed T-shirt from Woolies is less than R100 - R125. Add R25 for postage. Someone is making a lot of money here.
  12. Toss-up between my new and unused Giro Aeon Helmet for just R1650 or my First Ascent compression bibs. Okay, the award goes to the bibs. The fit is 1st class and at the end of the Shova, my legs still had a bit of gas left in them.
  13. iPhone/iPad app with a full list of tools, adjustments, settings, etc. for every thing on the bike. Headset, saddle, deraileurs, brakes, hubs, etc., etc.
  14. Have you tried the app called "Bike Repair"? I use it and seems pretty comprehensive
  15. Dazshell


    NMP. I live by this one!
  16. Dazshell


    Thanks for this one. Been on this site since Feb and finally know what an OP is!
  17. All I know is that it was BIG road bike. One of those ones with the faring that cover the front. I hope that helps.
  18. The motorbike marshal incident did cause an issue. Coming down to the N3/M13 split at Paradise Valley, I was on the right shoulder of the bunch and as we went across to the M13, the bike came straight at me! I managed to swerve to thee left, but a young lady next to me could not and clipped my left pedal. I managed to stay upright, but she couldn't hold her line and ended up in the bushes on the centre island. I hope she is okay. The marshal is a moron and should be banned from all future races. Finished and Klaar! That all said, this was my first Amashova and I will certainly be back for more!
  19. Just got the latest Sportsman's Warehouse leaflet today. I see they've got Olympic MTB Shoes on special at R650.00
  20. BellaXu does look quite cute though.
  21. Just seen this ad posted. Thinks it's legit? https://www.bikehub.co.za/classifieds/65824-look-carbon-bottle-cages-23g/
  22. Dazshell

    Amashova 2013

    I'm with you on this. I have no idea how I managed to miss the marshal but unfortunately the poor girl riding on my left shoulder was not so lucky! She clipped my left pedal and went off into the bushes. I hope she is alright. What was the moron thinking?
  23. Cannot believe it. Coming down from Pinetown at the M13/N3 split where we all had to move over to the right, a guy on a support motorbike comes charging up the hill stright towards the riders. We all going will over 50kmh and I had to take evasive action to avoid hitting him head-on. Sadly the young lady riding on my left shoulder had no space to swing out and clipped my left foot. Heaven knows how, but I managed to stay up, but unfortunately she did not and went off the road and into the bushes in the centre island. I just hope she is okay and that the moron n the motorbike realises what he caused and went back to help her. To the lady, I say sorry, but it really wasn't my fault. The guys in the group I was in were still fuming about it at the end. I hope the race organisers are able to find out who it was and take the **** to task!
  24. Too soft and NO ventilation but for the price they are justifiable. I have pair of roads I used for 2 weeks. You can have them for R200. Size 44.
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