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Posts posted by Sworks20

  1. I reckon the call was made in the final 45 mins of racing?


    Those blind rises on the Philadelphia road does make crossing the 'white wall' very dangerous.


    The area is also renowned for industrial traffic like tractors and trucks.


    Safety first, PROs



    So, how much did you win by Hippo??

  2. Oh V12 you and your "technical" knowledge make me laugh.


    Anyway JacueZA this is a common injury due to a few factors: Often with some time off the bike and you come back and push to big of a gear this injury often occurs and often light spinning with a light gear cures this.

    Also with a rear and forefoot varus coupled with seat height being to high. I would like to suggest you insert 1 x 1.5mm wedge on the inside of your shoe under the sole or drop your saddle by .5 to not over extend your knee and have the ligaments / tendons rub against the bone causing inflammation and pain.

  3. I train there lots.

    Profiles are just profiles. Not the real terrain.


    Go roll there yourself if you haven't yet.


    If you don't know the area, you're in for a bit of a surprise!!

    'Dale, let him learn the hard way that a route profile does not reflect the real terrain.



    I rode this route 4 days ago and I know the area well. The only suprise you guys are in for is when your mouths don't live up to your fitness or talent.

  4. Please can someone help me...I follow Sauser on strava and he has been riding a lot in Stellenbosch recently with Kleinhans, do u think they will be a team for 2014 or just riding together as they are friends? When are the big teams announced for 2014 and who do u think they will be? Would also love to see some local and international rider combinations.


    No chance at all, they good friends and ride often with each other. Sauser will ride away from Erik with 1 leg with a hangover.




    Do you do your correspondence over email/Skype and how often do you get feedback and make adjustments.


    essentially trying to ascertain the value of buying a program or having a coach


    I also work with John and I can say his attention to detail is incredible. He is always available when I need to know anything. I use Skype and mail to correspond and the latest I have gotten a reply is early the next morning and I am happy with. If I call and he does not answer I leave a message and he always calls back. I also respect his privacy and his time so try not to bother him unless its important.


    I get feedback about every 2-3 weeks once he has enough info to send me. There are different categories of coaching so you get different type of feedback per category but the coaching and knowledge is the same across the 3 options.


    I have been really happy with the price I pay monthly for category 2 and the level of service I get and I am the ultimate weekend warrior who just wants to get better at riding my bike. My goal is the dreaded Sub 3 Argus this year. Rode 3:40 this year.

  6. Looking for some help.


    I recently had a bike setup done. had bad lower back pain, this was sorted by the bike setup.

    but recently I started getting these pains in both my knees. the pain is just behind the patella and when I start climbing. I have read that this could be from over training to fast and to hard. Does anyone know of a pain relief or what to do. I am doing a 2 day stage race on Friday and would some comfort ??




    Lower your saddle that symptom is a direct link to it. Raising it will only make the matter worse.

  7. Nope, we were 4th in 2011 - we started pretty late and the winners started after us.


    But yes, surely the only sensible format is to start the fast teams first.


    However, I can see that for the very slow teams, and for the organisers, this could cause a problem due to the very late finish times / extreme heat etc.


    In which case, one solution would be to limit the support vehicles to say 20 seeded racing teams across all cats - open, mixed, 12 man prize etc.


    Start those 20 seeded racing teams early, fastest team first, and thereafter proceed with your reverse order start times - slowest team first, fastest non-seeded team last, with no support vehicles for the remaining 300 odd teams.


    Support vehicles are usually a pro / elite team luxury, and this race should be no different, especially given the problems we see every year. My wife will be delighted to hear she doesn't have to do it ever again.


    The organisers could collect say three hampers per team to be placed at three designated team rest areas across the course. Say, top of Op da Tradouw, at Ashton or Montague, and another one at Bonnievale.


    These hampers would need to be dropped off the night before or super early on the morning of the event to get to their destination in time for the first teams coming through.


    Problem solved.


    LL Anderson finished 3rd that year after DQ's were made official. Brother Sports had riders holding onto cars - Lance Muller, feeding from the vehicle and riding on the yellow line on the opposite side of the road never mind over the white line. Take credit for your good ride.


    I was in a car following just behind them at 1 stage.

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