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Everything posted by ewep

  1. While I was still a cyclist I thought that TB was a lot of dwang, a lot of people on bikes, wearing bibs, etc and still jaaging around on their bikes. On joining I realised that this is not the case. As Stranger has said, TB is an AWARENESS campaign. TB is not a policing forum or a "we are holier than though" group. As a cyclist and a biker I have transgressed some rules, and I have to live with it. TB is there to get the OTHER party to open their eyes, whether that be biker, cyclists, trucker, bus driver, car driver!!!! If I, as a TB member, can get one guy to realise what dangers there are for us (the 2 wheel clan) and he tells his wife, in laws and parents then we have 6 more people looking out for us. Shaun, great sticker, but won't it be a good idea to rather "use" the already successfull TB camp? Everyone knows the TB sticker, the butt ugly yellow thing. And because it's so ugly, everyone recognises it, and it's free. Finally, a question from my side. I would like to get an indications of whether you as a cylists would be willing to pay for a reflective vest, aka bib, for training rides. Not the TB ones (you'll get dehydrated on a bicycle in that thing) but the same principal? By wearing this you'll be (1) more visible and (2) "spreading the word".
  2. I agree, we do need to remove the "us and them" attitude. As far as I have seen on the hub most rantings have been about cyclists and motorists as opposed to cyclists and motorcyclists. If I remember correctly recently there was a thread about motorcyclists ranting about cyclists on a motorcycle forum. So I think it is from both sides. A start would be to get in touch with Supercycling to raise awareness and possible get some channels open for cycling clubs to start working with Think Bike. I am with Cycle Lab Club in Fourways and Think Bike does great work on our club rides, which we appreciate very much. That also hopefully raises some awareness for Think Bike when the motorists and public sees this. Oi Andy, why haven't you come to greet as yet!!!!????
  3. ewep

    Racing 2010

    Macsteel Race 4, and SJEEZ what an improvement! Number 1, Germiston Wheelers, VERY VERY nice! A lot of organisers can take a page out of your book. Guys and gals, thanks. What a good and well behaved race. You made our lives much easier. I started with the elites at 06:00. Thanks to Metro we had a rolling road closure, which worked great. The Elites helped when we couldn't get trucks, etc. off the road, and for that I have to thank them. In general I only had 2 vehicles giving a bit of problems, but after shouting at one (and making my name GAT by trying to pull away in second and letting the SV die) and wild gesturing at the other all went well. Another thanks from our side for allowing us to bring backed up traffic through. Maybe some people should join you and take a page out of your book! To my marshaling partner Scorpius, thanks buddy, you made life EASY!! Generally the race went well. There were a few downs, but nothing serious. Finally, a BIG thank you to all for the "Thank you's" Total KM's for the day: 218km Total time on bike: about 5:45
  4. ewep

    Racing 2010

    Ride for Sight Race 3 for the marshals. Not a good one today, for numerous reasons. Being "general sweep" I was at the beck and call of the JOC and my fellow marshals. Waiting for the Racing Tandems to start I got the call that I fear above all, accident, guys down and serious. Got there, traffic duty and got the ambulance out. Anyone that knows how the gent in Elites is doing, please PM me. Right now for the rest. One of the bunches nearly got disqualified on the R554 by one of the Head Marshals for ignoring warnings. I had a rider in the VD group just plain ignoring warnings for going to the left and the same story in the B/L bunch. Ladies and gentlemen, please note, the TB marshals are going to start getting stricter. We have let you race, with the request to listen when we ask you to go left. To absolute NO AVAIL! We have asked very nicely at races, I've asked on numerous occasions here and you have been warned on the road. The TB marshals WILL start disqualifying riders endangering their own and the bunches lives! The TB marshals WILL disqualify a whole bunch if they rules and request relating to traffic and safety! If you want to play chicken with a truck on your plastic bike, please feel free to do so, ON YOUR OWN TIME. Please please speak to the guys and ladies in your bunches. They are going to get YOU hurt, not only themselves!!!!! A quick funny story. On the dual carriageway between Heidelberg and Benoni I was called by a A/L rider (sorry, did not get the number, I was laughing too much). On getting closer the dude tells me to pull the V/D riders back as they want to race. According to him "the V/D's are too slow". So I told him to attack and get out, I was even willing to close the right hand lane. According to him it was too dangerous to attack. Dude, if you're on here, if you want to race don't expect me to pull out your competition if you aren't fit and ready to race. See all at the Macsteel!!
  5. ewep

    Racing 2010

    Race 2. A complete surprise from the marshal side of things. We got the request for us to marshal the Emporeers one on Friday, 5 February. A bit of a logistical problem as a lot of the marshals, like most other people, plan their weekends in advance. BUT we made it, we had enough bikes to help with the bunches!! This morning I started with the Elites. Not my favorite group, NOT due to the cyclists but due to the number of other bikes and cars involved in and around the bunch. The race started off very well, with short attacks starting on the highway. The pothole section was, errrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm, JA! I'm very glad the Elites came through there ok, but sheesh, I was uncomfortable on my bike, so I don't want to know what it was like on the bicycles. The rest of the race was quite uneventful from a marshaling viewpoint. All went well, and I was very happy. An apology from my side, there was a delivery truck messing up traffic right on the end straight. I tried to get the box out of the way but he just upped and ignored us, as if a noisy bike and all other traffic control around him did not exist! Lap 2. All went well here as well. Helped here and there, stopped here and there, but all ok. To you speed freaks, you have an open invitation from me. I would love to take you out so you can see what these guys do for the sport and for their health. Just remember, FULL KIT, i.e. ATGATT. Some of these guys and gals were still coming in when we left. I have to congratulate the EMPD for the effort they put in today. These guys and gals went out of their way to make it easy and safe for all of us on the road today. They tried, not all knew exactly what is going to happen, but the really tried and succeeded. You guys ROCKED!! A few requests from the marshaling side. We, at stages, need to get through the bunch, give us a gap, we just want to get back up front. Secondly, at the pothole section some marshals had problems getting the cyclists through safely. I know everyone wants to race and get through safely, but you as a cyclist will NOT win when playing chicken with car/truck. Please keep an open mind here. We're just there to help you guys. Finally, remember we are NOT paramedics. We are not qualified to assist you when you're hurt. To the dude who got all snotty a km or 2 from the end when I had no idea what to do, please remember this. I can not assist you, and I can not push you around, I'm a marshal and NOT your personal assistant. Overall, a good one. Thanks for all the thank you's and the chats at the waterpoints. See you at the Ride for Sight!!
  6. ewep

    Racing 2010

    DD, no problem. A quick anecdote, on one of the races, I think it's the Sattelite last year, a photographer pitched up and asked the marshalls (not TB) for a lift. They went down quite hard when the cyclists caught up with the two because (1) he didn't know a bicycle can corner faster than a bike and (2) he got a fright when the bunch were right up close and personal. Because the two were "new" partners he got a fright, put the bike onto the verge, where the photographer got a fright and eventually the fall. The long and short, you as a photographer should pick your rider VERY carefully and if possible go for a ride. As a rider I need to do the same and make sure that you have (1) been on a bike before and (2) at least ride/have ridden a bicycle recently.
  7. ewep

    Racing 2010

  8. ewep

    Racing 2010

    Just a quick idea on my day Sunday. Briefing and group allocation - Nasrec: 05:00 Departure from Fanbeltpark - 12:30 Total mileage (including to the start and from the venue) - 395 km
  9. ewep

    Racing 2010

    Race 1 for the year is over and done with. The TB marshals found this long swim interesting but also rewarding. I think all involved on the day prayed for some respite from the rain. I was constantly watching the clouds, but to no avail! It just kept on coming down. I think the parellel between the bikes and bicycles are actually quite close as we had to take corners, etc VERRRRRYYYYYY slowly. I started out with the VC group and we (2 marshals and one noob) had an awesome ride! You guys really made our work easy. Thanks for listening and reacting to our warnings and requests. I know the race was substantially smaller in numbers, but the feedback from the TB marshals were awesome. It was great to hear that all went well and no dangerous riding or threats were to be had. If this is the way the 2010 season is going to be, BRING IT ON!!!! See you at the Carnival!!
  10. ewep

    Racing 2010

    The 2010 racing year is beginning and, because of that, the TB marshals had a training session yesterday, both for all noob marshals but also as a "refresher" for the guys who've been around. As the Fast One is usually one of the less favorite marshalling events, and the start of the new year, I would like to ask all Gauteng participants to please help with the following: You will be allowed to race. BUT if a marshal shows you to move to the left of the white line it is with your safety in mind. Get back over the line immediately. THINK for yourself! If you want to do a breakaway on a blind rise is that safe?????? Look at the marshals as the guys will warn you as far as possible of any road hazards, i.e. potholes, etc. Don't always follow the marshalls like sheep. Remember, a motorbike is slower into a turn than a bicycle. I have shot past a turnoff as I went into the turn too hot and had too shoot past. Look for directions from the footmarshalls. Marshalls will help in any which way they can with medical emergencies. We all are in contact with the Joint Operations Center of the race, so if you see someone hurt, etc, flag down a marshal. Please please please ask your team cars to give us a bit of respect for what we do and what we ask them to do. Quite a few marshals have had close calls because team cars think they have the right to do as they please. Finally, the marshalls are there for your safety during the race, but we have to look after ourselves as well. Most of us have taken wild chances to get traffic of the road because of cyclists ignoring our warnings. PLEASE help us to make this a safe racing year for you, your fellow cyclists, the vehicles on the road and all the marshals. See you on Sunday!!
  11. ewep

    cradle route

  12. ewep

    cradle route

    SP, you paying fines???
  13. ewep

    cradle route

    Sounds like fun, but I think it would be better if we leave the cyclists off the route for the day! Some buzzing would be called for, ESPECIALLY Isuzu bakkies, and maybe some new helmet ornaments O ja, Pantani, you planning on scraping those sliders or you just a POSER in your leathers???? ewep2010-01-15 14:45:29
  14. ewep

    cradle route

    OK, from a "fool around" cyclist perspective (read fat and overweight and riding too little!) I find it a sad day when anyone tells me in this country that I am not welcome on a PUBLIC road! And if I dare ride there I will be putting my own life in danger. Secondly, from a bikers point of view, why oh why does Mr Plez, the Cradle DING and Mr X not try this type of SHYTE with patch wearing bikers? Why oh why do they try to take it out on cyclists. Guys and gals, easy, because you go and drink coffee. If they try that type of crap with a patch wearing biker they'll become a helmet ornament because the person will have a helmet stuck up their ass!!!!! Violence doesn't solve everything, but, as I was told in school, a hiding or two always helps. OK, SP, so when we going riding. Got the knee sliders on. Only left on scraped as yet....
  15. OK, update on the petition, the TB committee is going to do it the right way. We might all be "up in arms", but behind this there is a broken family. So please bear with them. They want to do it the right way!
  16. I agree paulvs' date=' some of us bikers are dodgy. Remember, TB bibs can be bought everywhere (flippit, even on street corners!!). Another thing, TB is a campaign, not a policing setup. TB advocates safe riding to bikers. If they ignore it, how do you force them to listen? Your statement can be turned around as "I don't have much time for cyclists as they always skip traffic lights". Same thing, is it not? Easy way to sort out the TB guys that peeve you off is to get the reg no and PM me or Slowpoke, we can find out who it is. Last question, aren't you maybe a bit peeved that we don't have to sit in traffic??? Me, FAT? NEVER!!!! Just a bit "over inflated". I'm not called Pieman for nothing!! Baie waar oom H. Soos ek bo gese het, dis maklik om te veralgemeen. Mens gaan natuurlik ducktails kry wat mal gaan. Maar ons probeer dit te keer. Maar wees eerlik oom H (siegende dat oom ook uit die vroe? 20's van die vorige eeu kom ) het ons lot ducktails nie dalk al 'n bietjie verbeter nie?
  17. I don't know whether this has been discussed, and I'm too lazy too look for it. One of the tandems in Sunday's race allowed the pilot and stoker to pedal at different angles and what looked like different cadences. Is this possible???? How does it work?
  18. epoh, thanks, maar ek sal eers my gaai in rat moet kry en begin train!!! Maar dit sal Dinsdag begin, dis my D-Date.
  19. I can take it up on my trailer' date=' but can't gaurantee it will get back to your house[/quote'] Mate, will drop and pick up! Just remember, it's not hte 'dale!!!
  20. Anyone that'll be able to take my bike up to LT for me please. I want to do the ride up on the motorbike.
  21. I was scared that if I fell into a pothole I wouldn't get out!!! The first part of the route was horrendous!
  22. I marshalled these okes. What a nice day out, and some VERY hard riding!
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