Race 2. A complete surprise from the marshal side of things. We got the request for us to marshal the Emporeers one on Friday, 5 February. A bit of a logistical problem as a lot of the marshals, like most other people, plan their weekends in advance. BUT we made it, we had enough bikes to help with the bunches!! This morning I started with the Elites. Not my favorite group, NOT due to the cyclists but due to the number of other bikes and cars involved in and around the bunch. The race started off very well, with short attacks starting on the highway. The pothole section was, errrrrmmmmmmmmmmmm, JA! I'm very glad the Elites came through there ok, but sheesh, I was uncomfortable on my bike, so I don't want to know what it was like on the bicycles. The rest of the race was quite uneventful from a marshaling viewpoint. All went well, and I was very happy. An apology from my side, there was a delivery truck messing up traffic right on the end straight. I tried to get the box out of the way but he just upped and ignored us, as if a noisy bike and all other traffic control around him did not exist! Lap 2. All went well here as well. Helped here and there, stopped here and there, but all ok. To you speed freaks, you have an open invitation from me. I would love to take you out so you can see what these guys do for the sport and for their health. Just remember, FULL KIT, i.e. ATGATT. Some of these guys and gals were still coming in when we left. I have to congratulate the EMPD for the effort they put in today. These guys and gals went out of their way to make it easy and safe for all of us on the road today. They tried, not all knew exactly what is going to happen, but the really tried and succeeded. You guys ROCKED!! A few requests from the marshaling side. We, at stages, need to get through the bunch, give us a gap, we just want to get back up front. Secondly, at the pothole section some marshals had problems getting the cyclists through safely. I know everyone wants to race and get through safely, but you as a cyclist will NOT win when playing chicken with car/truck. Please keep an open mind here. We're just there to help you guys. Finally, remember we are NOT paramedics. We are not qualified to assist you when you're hurt. To the dude who got all snotty a km or 2 from the end when I had no idea what to do, please remember this. I can not assist you, and I can not push you around, I'm a marshal and NOT your personal assistant. Overall, a good one. Thanks for all the thank you's and the chats at the waterpoints. See you at the Ride for Sight!!