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Everything posted by IdeJongh

  1. Awesome race once again. Chuffed with a sub 2h30 this year. Weirdest moment of the race, passing the tandems (I suspect there was an altercation of some sort) and the lady on the back decided to vent her anger towards me screaming that "if you're so damn fast you should start earlier".....I was riding VA
  2. No pun intended? "He said he has carried insulin syringes throughout his cycling career and that he used them to lance his saddle sores, a common ailment among cyclists."
  3. GREAT GREAT to see some Saffers will be lining up for the XCO!
  4. Hahaha, what a cool preview. How he manages to keep chatting and feeding info through all of that is insane.
  5. Big respect. Even more so to find out she had a crash pre-race, blacked out, and probably rode the race with a concussion! Nee donner, I don't take two stairs at a time when I nudged my head on the car door, never mind Nino-lining a xc course to victory. That chick has a great pair of .... legs
  6. Without a doubt, I was screaming that last lap when the dropped the bomb....and then dropped Abso. Nino rode like a champ! I have enjoyed the 3way Nino / Abso / Jaro have been treating us to, so was sad to see Jaro so 'nowhere'.
  7. Think its highly dependent on the course, I big climbing race like this Max is probably the rider to go with. Just go back to Sabie Classic to see what I mean.
  8. This is just amazing, I reckon I train pretty hard and then you see that! Mad!
  9. Ben with the amount you've lost I don't know where you want to shed more KGs...but in any case, have you tried combining the cycling with weights? I do weights 3-4x a week and it does wonders in keeping the BF in check.
  10. Hey Ben, considering you kind of want to maintain its hard to build a goal into a TSS based system, but brilliant work on building up from Jul onwards! If you keep going like that keeping your TSB in moderate sub-zero levels with periods of recovery, you are doing your fitness a great deal of good. Its never a short term plan, fitness/power is built over time, if you keep focus you'll start picking the fruits. Sadly, at a point gains become marginal and you have to ask how much time are you willing to invest to break through....
  11. Sounds familiar.... "Race strength" was a measure I was experimenting with, the combination weighted in various ways between fitness and form, to try and find a mathematical optimal point that relates to performance. Will tweak it as I do more races towards end of the year.
  12. It does become increasingly difficult to improve, law of diminishing returns and all, which is why pro's become so precise, pedantic, whatever you want to call it, because a few points in the wrong direction can mean the difference between 1st and 6th. But for us mere mortals, remember all CTL/TSB levels are relative to your FTP, so as your power levels increase you can improve without seeing it in the CTL number. In other words, someone with a FTP of 300w will kick someone's ass with a FTP of 240w if both sat on the same CTL/TSB levels. So if you reach your upper limits, REST, then begin again but work on increasing your FTP.
  13. For those interested, I started training for 3 Towers after Monster and have tried to build to the highest fitness level (CTL) I could manage within the time allowed. A cold here and there can be noted but all in all not too unhappy with the way the training went. Magalies I rode on a CTL of 53 and a TSB of +7.1, whereas I'll start 3T with a CTL of 79 with a TSB of +17.7
  14. Solid week down at the coast - TSS 941, IF 0.82
  15. Still struggling with the manflu for the first 3 days of last week I'm pretty chuffed with my 560TSS for the rest of the week. Legs are somewhat tender this morning though
  16. Have a nice and light Easton on my Dale ....... or got with AX Lightness
  17. This thread is useless............................. :D
  18. Haha. Indeed. I try and be 'smart' about it, wash hands a lot etc, but kiddies bring all sorts of who knows what from the schools and as much as my training is paramount this dad's kids won't go to bed at night without a kiss and perhaps a play wrestle match or two.
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