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Everything posted by blondeonabike

  1. some people swear by it, there is a detailed day to day lunar calendar in the Gardener magazine.... when to plant, prune, mow....etc. Ive never done it, I do what I do when I have a chance, too busy
  2. Ha Ha!! To say sorry u can change your avatar. I suffer from photo sensitive epilepsy (not)
  3. My fossil. Was given to me as a 21st gift by my hubby. We were only married a year and a half, and had a baby on the way, and not much bucks......and he went out and spent money we did not have. I initially was quite mad...wont trade this for anything!
  4. Seen it this morn......its been a while
  5. Nee sies dokter, praat jy altyd so met die meisies?
  6. I hear you, last year my brinjals suffered so badly with red spidermite I eventually pulled the whole lot out. The trick is not to give up....maybe give replanting tomatoes a miss, they are warm weather crops and its now at the end of their season....
  7. Mixed lettuce, mangetout and "bright lights" spinach. I grow them on this stand otherwise the chooks will shred the lot. The white plastic is a 2l milk bottle used as a funnel to water into the resevoir at the bottom of the pot. Only need to water once a week. broccoli cauliflower and cabbage. Dinosaur gourds\calabash, bought the seed online from England.
  8. Seriously, monkeys are impossible, they will rip out every plant and just nibble each one! plastic snakes dont work, tried that when we lived in pmb. They will even tear your shadecloth if you build a green house.....maybe try an aviary-like structure with chicken wire. Option B is grow lights in your garage!
  9. Thats just what happened to hubbys new falke socks when they were left to dry on the bottom rung of the clothes horse........... then they become "my" dogs and no longer "ours"
  10. No, she is not...and if u dont have a wife, there is no reason she cant also sleep on your bed!
  11. Putting the kids bikes to good use!?
  12. No, I adopted them two years apart, the smaller one is half the size of the other, fully grown. They are now 1.5 and 3 years old. They bonded immediately. Both were terrified at first, Jemima had never felt grass under her feet, kept looking under her paws....and Jenny would wet herself everytime I picked up anything with a handle.
  13. My Collies, Jenny and Jemina. Always together and mimic everything the other does! Both SPCA rescues. Too clever for words and because of the herding instinct, they don't chase my pekin chickens.
  14. If u got school going kids, good luck! genuine, especially if they are in preprimary! They just keep bringing the germs home! Wash hands often and get a dishwasher!
  15. Naaaah, I was only joking..... You guys wont see me I'm in the bush on my MTB
  16. We are busted!! This is what we do: position ourselves on the side of the road wearing Vanderkitten kit, mist our selves so we look lightly sweaty, and wait.......Its best if a group stops...we then eyeball the one with the most expensive bike, hes probably got the most cash...must just first check to see if his Pina is real!
  17. But it is nice eye candy to have him barechested and sweaty?! rip on!
  18. I also never ride alone, its dangerous and u never know what can happen. Granted though hubby in the beginning did everything for me even washed my bike for me afterwards. All I did was mix juice and bake energy bars! Slowly he did less and less allowing me to to do more myself. Many times he could have fixed it in five minutes flat, but rather stood by patiently giving me a chance to give it a go. My point....because a guy is around doesn't mean he must fix it, us girls learn nothing if you rescue us all the time! Be patient we eventually get it right!!
  19. Like when your shopping with your husband, and people see your bruises and give him a weird look?
  20. Here is scientific proof, the omnivore is the leanest, and probably the fastest on a bike!
  21. Balance!! I love a good braai, but dont eat red meat every day! I also don't care how awesome your soya-tofu recipe is it will never taste like the real thing!
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