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Everything posted by blondeonabike

  1. mine looks like that too, but its blue. I hate it so boring, would rather watch paint dry!!
  2. I love it!! A little while we rode with a certain prominent SA lady cyclist we had all the guys in full range of abilities there, testosterone pumping, ready to show their stuff. Flexing...posing talking trash before the ride....like dogs sniffing each others bums.....so me on my steel frame 26er and OH on an SS decide to hang back an watch the action unfold.....Three serious accidents later due to people simply showing off...we had a good laugh when we got home. When your ego exceeds your ability its just downhill from there!!
  3. So funny because so much of it is true!! Thanks for sharing
  4. I've not been lekker since late friday/saturday last week, head cold sore throat the works..... So I've only been riding six months now, and have waited for the chance to do a local ride "the rollercoaster" Basically its the nastiest 45km ride you can imagine riding up and down between the top of a krantz and the valley bellow. The views are worth the pain. So lately my cycling has really come on and I'm strong enough to enjoy it........and when do my mates organise to ride it? Saturday of course So saturday comes.....hubby goes for the ride (friggin adultery!!!) and I'm left watching the pitiful offerings on T.v!!! The blondeonabike became the crabby blondeonacouch!! Finally feeling a bit better today.....I dont know how much more of this I can handle....
  5. Why are we giving goPro's to people who already take good pics? It's people like me who post yukky quality pics that need the prize!! Maybe we rather vote worst pic??
  6. Me too please, I'm a bit low on kit at the moment. Jax and i will be good advertising!
  7. Life is short! I see us Nataliers know how to have fun....I made my name poephol, ......nothing beats freinds coming to visit, and they catch you challenging your daughter to her dancemat game....
  8. I agree, vetseun for bruises and Gen for stiches!!
  9. My congrats to Frankie du toit, just got back from Botswana, and currently in the middle of writing her exams (still at high school), puts in such an amazing performance! Unbeleivable commitment and dedication!
  10. This made me laugh.... I am not the only crazy person in the world, and that there are probably others who take the garden spade to the beach
  11. This makes me so cross......because it is a dog and not a "person" does not releive the doctor of his medical responsibility.......!!! It is negligence that this vet did not take into account the side effects of the medications!!!! Pay him...NO WAYS!! All the best to you guys!!
  12. I used to also do gymnastics...I dont know if my body could take it now....I have not tried anything crazy for a while.....****eying out the kids trampoline in the yard*****
  13. This is my humble addition to the thread.....Don't laugh!!! I ride the living daylights out of it, and it has done many miles. Love it to bits...(Needs a wash though...)
  14. Hey ed, I can organise a jack for you....we have a very alert one that stays nextdoor....BARKS ALL NIGHT. I will even bring him for you.....what do you say?
  15. Our police do assist our community. I often see vans stopping to give ladies on the side of the road a lift.
  16. Sorry, I coulnt resist, so I assume we are all not LCHF? Just joking
  17. Thanks guys...I'll credit you when I make my first podium speech!
  18. Thank you so much...I have only been riding six months, this has really helped. I wont be doing any stage races soon, because of kids and the costs, so the recovery issue is not too serious for me at the moment. I think I'll maybe try a bit of both and ride my usual way on the trails and focus on high cadence work on the stationary bike. ( The indoor bike is boring and the high cadence burns like hell, but I'm going to give it a go!) My husband will thank you for your advice, because he keeps telling me "If you keep riding like that your legs are going to bulk up like the german track team"
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