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  1. few things: 1: as Robyn said, cheap old bike on the trainer. That way you are doing your training on cheap components that will last forever on a trainer. It saves your fun bike for just that, fun... 2: As thebob said, any HG will work. You can get from shimano or sunrace easily, weight is not an issue on the trainer. I would always go for the smallest hub possible. For reference I run a road 11 speed cassette on my XT 11 speed drivetrain on my trainer bike(ht mtb). All virtual training is mostly road based(zwift, mywoosh, rouvy etc.) so road gearing is a bonus.
  2. So i gave Mywhoosh a go last week... I have got atleast 3 years on zwift and another 3 on Rouvy so it was refreshing trying something new. The big download was a bit of a kill joy. If you want to try it out, download and setup up the day before. I just did a free ride but I was super impressed, function and feel was good. I have a solid laptop(i9, 64gb ram and an RTX graphics card) so it was smooth and fluid even streaming youtube on 1 screen and mywhoosh on the other. Pairing and setup was quick and painless. Will give it a few months and see how it goes.
  3. I have an AR friend who just leaves his tow rope attached to his bike. Tows the laaitie up all the hills, lets them enjoy the flow sections and down hills, just means he gets a better workout and the kid enjoys more while still doing some good work.
  4. Look I have seen wilder things in my life, hence I am off the mindset of expect the unexpected. I once watched a drilling assistant snap 10 bolts in a row using a 1" socket power bar with adaptors down to a 1/4" drive 10mm socket. We sat watching wondering how long he would take to realise he was being a dumba...s but he never did... I hope for OP's sake Droo's explanation is correct.
  5. impact wrench/driver/gun and a steel bolt into an aluminium crank. Probably not as hard to do as we would hope to believe. Torque'd down to 15 ugga duggas...
  6. Lets be real, society in general is deteriorating. Not just in SA. Common logic, common sense, common courtesy and common respect are getting less and less common. So just deal with it, take it with a pinch of salt and don't ruin your blood pressure.
  7. I would go see a doctor to rule out other things that may be more serious. From my own experience, Exercise Associated Postural Hypotension could be the issue. Mild dehydration causes low blood volume. When the legs stop working that are not forcing blood back up to kop and the low blood volume causes dizziness. Lie down with legs up and drink a bunch more if that is the case. I have stumbled away from a few finish lines
  8. these things are lost farts in the breeze... They too fast and irritate the mtb riders. They just not quite up to the demands of riding offroad/enduro/mx with the MX riders. The Stark's are on MX bike level(if not better than), but these 'hybrid' jobs are just great for irritating neighbors and riding where they are not really welcome.
  9. Just on this. There are a lot of things in that that take a long time to digest. For an ultra it is not bad to have the fibre and to know your stomach is always working at digesting and always has a little available. If you need to burn energy quick, like a big long hill or needing to push for a cutoff or something like that. You will not be able to digest that fast and the bioavailability is not high. So this with a combo of a carb drink for topping up as and when you need or if you hit a wall/bonk and then this for the base. These would work well for proper ultras. For real ultras a warm meal is always a big one. My guideline is that the longer you go the more real food you need, but your intensity is lower so you have more capacity to digest. But ya every event, every weather pattern and every person is different so you need to just test yourself over and over again. If you know how many times I have thrown up or k....ed on the run due to disease or nutrition mistakes you would probably shake your head in disgust.
  10. Stomach is also a muscle, you need to train it. Build up your ability to process carbs slowly over time. Much like the opposite of fat adaption. This is what I was told by the dietician at least. it is worth seeing a sports focused dietitian if you can.
  11. Jack was a big part of Karkloof 100 in the early days. I see he had a good finish in 21:32
  12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17062768/ It was not aimed at Wiggo, there was a comment about younger generations not being equipped to deal with mental challenges in life and that was a response to that comment. They are not mentally equipped and a lot are lacking in a very hormone that could also impact it
  13. There is a generational decline in testosterone that everyone seems to be ignoring. We are not the men that once were and we need to pull finger out rectum to get stuff done. From what I have read low testosterone can mimic depression. It is not just tools, it is literally the hormone levels in their bodies failing them. Some say they just literally don't have the balls for it. There are also ex sportsman who take that their capital from sports and hit the ball out the park back in normal life. Swings and roundabouts...
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