Hi Everyone. This is my first time on this site and I also started the LCHF diet last week monday. I've noticed that there are some people here who are quite well informed on the topic. Sine I started I've picked up about 2.5 KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel vet ,dik, bloated, gloated and after weighing this morning, sommer moerig as well. From what I read from the previous posts it is normal to feel a bit "af" initially, but is it normal to pick up so much weight? I can understand if I don't loose weight/ fat immediately but not to pick up so much. I can feel my pants also fits a bit tighter. I started cycling about 5 years ago, am 45 years old and are at this stage 23 kg over weight. Being the same weight during last years 94.7 I rode 2h58 and my best Argus in 2012 of 3h09. I know if I can lost these extra kilos, train smarter I can ride pretty descent times. I would love some advise from you guys regarding this LCHF and the weight I picked up. How long should I give it a try. I was extremely overweight after last years winter (that was a tough winter ) but lost 12 KG from beginning August till Nov. picked up a few over the holidays (phew!!) and lost about 8 up to the argus. Since then I slowly picked up 2 KG due to cheating and now another 2.5kg in a week and a half. The diet I were on is a very strict (weighing meat and vegs to the gram, only eat certain meats and vegs, very limited carbs and fat)) paleo based diet. I start loosing weight from the word go and also start feeling great from the word go. Although still being overweight, I felt stronger on the bike and had a solid 94.7 (my best) although I know I didn't trained as nearly as hard and wasn't close to being as fit as in 2012/2013. I'm looking forward to your valuable input.