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Everything posted by mecheng89

  1. Tadej Pogacar to the UCI boss - the crit race was 2 laps too long, sir.
  2. Well done WVA for silver, and a surpised 3rd for TP. MP must be livid.
  3. Has anyone ever won Paris Roubaix and Worlds in the same year? Has any male ever held CX and road rainbow bands? Could he make it a third!?
  4. Pogi won't. The other 2 have a better sprint. If Pogi doesn't break away very soon from now, he's fourth, better luck in 2024.
  5. Callum Ormiston, a late sub for Stefan de Bod, abandons.
  6. Avancini wins. Matt Beers - 20th, 8m23s back Alan H - 22nd, 9m45s back
  7. City laps have started. Okes are dropping already after the first climb.
  8. https://www.procyclingstats.com/rider/callum-ormiston I actually think he was a late sub for Stefan de Bod.
  9. The UCI big boss has asked for the cyclists to go past. The protestors are refusing for motor vehicles and motorcycles to pass. This must therefore be an environmental protest.
  10. What's the status of the XCM? How are Team SA doing?
  11. What a tool this woman is.
  12. The course consist of 10 x 14.4km laps in town. So, for the first +-130km, I'll just peek at the TV. It might start like a typical one day classic. A breakaway goes, only to be caught maybe 4-5 laps into the world crit champs. Nothing exciting there. I think howver, if you do try to breakaway 1-2 laps before the end, the winner can come from there. GCN counted 500 corners to be navigated in the course of the 10 laps. https://www.procyclingstats.com/race/world-championship/2023/startlist/top-competitors I think the Belgians are going to bicker at the business end of the race. The Dutch team just have to make sure they deliver MVDP to the line. A lot of the other major European countries have stacked starting lists. Pogi doesn't have a major team around him, but since when does he need a team to win anything. He is the number 1 ranked classics rider going into this race too... I like how Ben Healy races, so he's my dark horse. My pick is MVDP.
  13. It seems GCN won't broadcast it, so where can we watch it?
  14. Good morning, Hubbers! So, I've been on the classifieds for quite some time, and sales marked as "urgent" have been popping up more regularly. I believe the reason these sales are marked as such is because a person might be leaving the country, or needs cash urgently for some other emergency in their life. YET, these sellers, in my experience, are often not open to negotiation as much as one might think. I was therefore wondering - if the seller is desparate for the sale, should he/she accept the first offer that comes their way? Can the prospective buyer lowball them and pounce on a deal? After all, the sale is "urgent", so they need $$$ quickly. Your thoughts! #mightthisbeafridaytopic?
  15. I don't think he's ever done a worlds. Because he'd have won at least one by now if he could be bothered. Would be SICK.
  16. Top competitors in World Championships ME - Road Race 2023 (procyclingstats.com) Start list is jacked.
  17. Ross Tucker's pod. Seems I got my Mexican foods mixed, my bad.
  18. I remember a podcast I listened to they spoke about a woman who got busted, and she used "the meat my taco was contaminated" excuse.
  19. A colleague at my former place of work used to consume Ritalin while he was completing his studies. He said it worked like a bomb. I've been poep scared to even try the stuff just to see if it works. I think it's pretty dangerous to try without a proper evaluation and prescription from a medical professional. He wouldn't tell me how he got hold of it either.
  20. I've read some stories where riders/runners/athletes take things in secret, not spilling the beans to anyone. That being said, if AG2R had their own in-house drug testing (I think JV does), this would have been detected and he wouldn't have made the team to begin with.
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