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  1. It’s Too Long, Don’t Read it. Some things about gatekeeping, basic comprehension, validation bias, things about meritocracy, general ignorance, oversights, complacency, assumption, and a healthy dose of general bikehub stupidity….you know, the usual. 😅
  2. It has been for almost 2 weeks? Until your post that is? 🤣
  3. He’s asking if it’s one of these😉: https://www.intend-bc.com/?v=68caa8201064 …Which it most certainly is not.
  4. And GM is on video with Rob Warner on the lip of the road gap at the bottom, saying redbull hardline is above his paygrade 🤷🏻‍♂️ These guys all have differing skillsets
  5. Im pretty sure they all laugh at each other, like when GM wrapped his bike around a tree, or embarrassed himself with that silly OTB on his first race with Norco. Boys will be boys. Its all part of the fun. If your friends arent laughing at you when you crash or suck, they arent your real friends!
  6. Thats the one! Theres another one too. Anyway, yes…meant tongue in cheek obviously! But you know, some people wont see it (as has already been the case i see haha)
  7. Maybe Theo caught a nerve with someone on CSA board a few years back when he was a younger hooligan. They would basically ridicule the lycra tigers trying to navigate the most basic features on XCO and Epic stages haha. He would watch them crawl down, then proceed to huck whole sections without even touching the ground😅 the fastest way over an obstacle = there is no obstacle
  8. Back on topic: this looks like a cool concept. If you’ve ever done an Enduro MTB event you’ll know how lekker it is to just casually praat stront between stages with the guys around you. People are a lot more lax when they arent being timed and thats part of what makes it fun.
  9. They don't need help…DSTV will be the end of DSTV. Complacency, greed and a lack of vision got them here. Cant wait to talk about them in past tense.
  10. @Bira now the proud owner of these ‘vintage’ pre-corporate sell-out babies. Enjoy!
  11. Happens when you have friends you dont message….
  12. Almost everything that comes on cookie cutter bikes is 7 - 9* backsweep. 12* and 16* (or more) bars make a HUGE difference to long ride comfort. Your wrists are just in a more natural position. take two pens or sticks or dowels, sit on the sofa in an upright position like you would be sitting on your bike more or less. Close your eyes and hold them in your hands like you imagine you were holding a bar. Open your eyes and look at the angle they are pointing. If they are as straight as a modern flatbar you are drunk or likely horrendously disfigured. That will give you an idea of where your wrists are neutral. Obviously, as @Jewbacca up here mentions, there are other factors that impact your hand position too. Mainstream, you are likely only looking at SQ labs bars. They have a few offerings with more backsweep exactly for this reason. They are Pricey though. There are more boutique branded ones around too. I bet you most back yard bike fitters dont even know what bar sweep is or where to get more options so they just don’t bother taking it into consideration or making recommendations. Its a quite overlooked setup parameter imo. Easier to say cut your bars, get a shorter stem or buy a smaller bike I guess lol. https://sq-lab.co.za/Handlebars/
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