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Everything posted by GAP

  1. You guys are the true champions of the 36one.
  2. Where is the war stories from the rest of the people on this forum who took part...or are they still riding.
  3. So...you have to go back next year. "We have a stupid rule - if you win your category, you have to go back to defend your title. And we both know that despite everything we might say, we don't know how to not be competitive."
  4. Good luck to all taking part in the 36one MTB Challenge 2018.
  5. Should have enough Gels for the ride!!!
  6. The amount of food and selection on offer was awesome. Those pancakes hit the spot.
  7. Go for 3 in row, that will be a record on it's own.
  8. You going to do it again, you thinking about it????
  9. 252 WP8 36k 280 CP3 28k Thats sounds about right, I filled 2 bottles at 252, but between 252 and 280 I ran out of water, the reason must be Rooiberg climb and after the decend the drag to CP3 it was very hot.
  10. I never had a Garmin then, I just rode from water point to water point, distance wasn't a issue, only after CP3 then I started wishing the km away.
  11. That's correct, once you over Rooiberg it just drags on forever to CP3, that was the only section I ran out of water, some said there was Water on offer at the top of Rooiberg, but it wasn't there when I went over, so just be careful to the guys who are going to be doing that section in the Heat of the day. And to the newbys don't forget Cycling Glasses for the Dust and Insects at night.
  12. Carry some "white gold" on you just in case you need to take a Bosk*k.
  13. Maybe my vision was blurred at that stage from the pain, but ya missed that one, went over about 11:00.
  14. "Last year they dished out water at the top" Nobody there when I reached the top, must have happened later in the day.
  15. Between Rooiberg waterpoint and CP3 was the only time I ran out of water. I think it was because of the Rooiberg climb and the hectic heat. I used 2 bottles (refilled) the whole race and that was the only time I ran out of water, so just a heads up for that. I think between Rooiberg waterpoint and the 310km waterpoint is the make or break for most.
  16. " I'm still feeling good I will push a bit." The only pushing I did was my bike up some of the climbs.
  17. I checked you guys, decided to leave you to your mission.
  18. Move your cleats right back, if it still hurts go see a foot doctor and have some insoles made, that solved my problem.
  19. GAP


    Got one..still going strong!!!
  20. You right...the name of the game is "mental strength". From 280km to 310km was the worst for me, the rolling hills and the heat was when I lost my sense of humour but ya managed it.
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