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Eon du Plessis

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Everything posted by Eon du Plessis

  1. Watts are watts and torque is torque. These would be easier to peddle when the chain is on the "short" part but harder on the "tall" part of the ring, compared to a standard circular ring of the same tooth count.
  2. I really want that wheelset... Plus a Bogus paint job to make my frame fit it better.
  3. I'm hardly a pro, I just happen to have a very nice bike that's likely being let down by its wheels, if they really make that big a difference.Will nag a LBS and see if they're willing to give me a loaner set for a day or two.
  4. Do you really notice a difference between an entry level wheel like Mavic Aksiums and a R12k set of Dark Horse carbon wheels? Understandably strangers wouldn't be keen to let me take their set for a spin and I don't have any close friends with sets to try and I'm not dropping that much on something that may not actually improve my experience.
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