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    Cape Town
  1. Hello ALL, well lafter being away from the hub and bike for a few years.....I am back I've moved to Durbanville area recently and was wondering what are good (flatish) routes to ride in the area? need to be doing 3hrs plus rides......need to drop the weight and get the miles going..... they need to safe to be able to ride alone also? Did a lekke ride on Saturday heading out towards Klipheuwel and then towards Malmesbury turned right towards Perdeberg Wines ( Wellington sign on road) then right again on R44 ( towards Stellenbosch) and right again on the road that goes to Fisantekraal..... about 78km..... anyone riding the Phillidelphia road that goes from Klipheuwel towards the N7? is that safe? see there is no shoulder? was thinking of going that way around and then crossing over past the WestCoast Ostrich Ranch then back on N7 and up Vissershok....need to test that 26 on the back see there are alot of road works in the area..... ok well thank you and hopefully see plenty of you out there on the road soon
  2. This is real k**** we try to ride there every second or third week after work....and now we have to start brining guns or what?? why cant ppl just leave us alone to suffer on our own...now they wanna take our bikes also....dont they know that its hard work?? IDIOTS...grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Samma it was great to see you again....... Ian, it was an ABSOLUTE HONOUR TO SUPPORT YOU GUYS!!!!!! YOU SHOWED AN EMINSE AMOUNT OF FIGHTING SPIRIT!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!! To the Guys and Girls form BOSS and General Airways...a bieeeeeeeeeg WELL DONE and CONGRATS !!!!!! BOTH RACED HARD...and the stronger team on the day took the win!!!! however..... BE AFRAID ....... and damm that beer was GUUD...been lus for that beer ever since the start of stage 1...
  4. I've also heard that this has been passed by UCi, actually some time ago already...... weird......
  5. My list ANYTHING and EVERYTHING by U2 (LUUUUV Their music) Stevie Ray Vaughn...... Lenny and MOST of his other music also (R.I.P) Dan Patlansky....... also doing Lenny...but I truly enjoy ALL HIS STUFF B.B King..... Most of his stuff is GREAT !!! The Thrill is gone !!! Katie Melua....... LOVE HER WORK!!!! Diana Krall...... GREAT MUSIC Norah Jones.... ALSO GREAT Albert Frost....CatFish just to name a few
  6. I are also to be going there..... IanJ speaks to I old toothless one....... I kind off like wants to know what is and whats arent..... Flanx
  7. I've been to groenkloof a few times now......AND I ABSOLUTELY LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVE THE PLACE!!!!!!! Well done to everyone involved with the upkeep of Groenkloof!!!! GO RIDE THERE WET OR DRY
  8. Great Pic....Thanx for asking my Tandem PArtner on the UPHILL to take this AMAZING PIC!!!! Thanx for a GREAT RIDE to EVERYONE INVOLVED....... THE BEER at the Finn was THE BEST!!!! Thanx........ only thing is...... MY ASS IS STILL HURTING....
  9. pixi....... always lekke to do commentating when...... "ysters" such as you and Rudi, David, Dirk and Jean are riding........ not to forget Gus.....
  10. Hey so GT its You that went down... shame man..... but thank YOU so much for the entertainment....made the comentating worth while... Thanx to Rudy Project for the sponsor on the Fall of the Day prize and for lending me Pimp Shades to look Cool.....
  11. Hey CP, Thanx for the pics and the words regarding the race..... sorry about the wind, but the front just hit Cape Town at the wrong time..... Ja some Psycho was doing the comentating...he should realy learn to shut up..... Thanx to ALL parties involved for making this a STUNNING EVENT..... I've received ONLY COMPLIMENTS.....wheter it be organising or the route...it was ALL PERFECT.... Just a word on the prize money..... more than R22000.00 in Total and this was CASH me babies...... so in FUTURE for those complaining about the distance...take that into consideration Thanx Chilli
  12. COngrats 101% May the Little one bring you all very many happiness and lots of smiles and laughter... ENJOY!!!!!!!
  13. Psycho

    Hub FBI

    Toemaar ek doen INGLISH OOK...... But if Ange is Margo from the wheather channel..well HALLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ange..... then vir jou I teach myself di inglis very pretty..... Was hier nie n kos forum ook erens nie, eks nou honger
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