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Everything posted by Edgar

  1. Vase between the toes and Body Glide everywhere else. I find that it lasts for the whole of comrades. The stick makes it easy to reapply if required
  2. You must wear modesty pants. It is a rule, the triathlete group is on another thread.
  3. Try the rundawear jocks as well. Also I look like the loser of a jelly wrestling match before a run. Lube that **** up.
  4. You have got 20 months to get there. I wouldn't be worried about the pace yet, and yes 6:30/km is too slow. That will come in time. Spend the rest of the year, not worrying about speed and focus on getting running strong and efficient. Avoid getting yourself an injury. For me this is the biggest difference between running and riding. If you don't fall off your bike you probably don't get injured, something always hurts when you lift the running miles. There are definitely B groups in Mordor, just need to find them. Also find your local TT and start hammering the 5k route every few weeks. Keep doing what you are for the rest of the year, 60km a week is plenty for a BR, especially if you do it for the next 18 months. Mix it up a little, do some hillier loops or a faster loop. You don't want to get stale. Put some 21 & marathon goals down for 2020 and reassess where you are on Jan. You are well on the way to the BR.
  5. Pace is relative. What are you trying to achieve from your running? Everybody responds differently to training stimulus, you need to find out what works for you to get optimal performance. You aren't going to do the same training for a 5km, 42km or and ultra, same as you wouldn't do the same training for Berlin as for the Otter (both are around marathon distance). If you want to lift speed you will need to add speed drills into your session. If you want to improve strength you will need to add hill sessions. You will probably benefit from separating your sessions, but remember that recovery is important as this allows your body to adapt. Try what worked for you on the bike, and start tinkering from there. Any training when off a low base will provide improvement.
  6. Congrats, Grant is seriously pacey. Post the segments and see if anybody can beat your times.
  7. He is unlikely to come all the way here to come second. He has the speed and the endurance to cause a lot of trouble, he also likes to take the aggressor role. He will be an unknown to the local runners. Decent weather and sub 5:20 will be needed for the W.
  8. I'm in the other camp, I don't think KK50 will help you. Although I don't know your running history. If NY is the goal, why would you run another comrades 6 weeks before. You have the fitness from Comrades, now its about maintaining fitness and getting sharp. I admittedly do have a very goal focused approach and believe in the going for everything approach.
  9. I did see your comment on the splits, spot on. Unfortunately a lot of people take what journalists say as fact and don't interrogate it much. Cuan is conflicted as a journalist as he is involved in the nedbank team i.m.o. Although he does seem to try stay neutral. Intensive testing might be a little strong. (not insinuating any wrongdoing) AA also commented and states only 7 tests this year. Hardly intensive for a Elite athlete, we don't know how many times the others were tested. Blood or Urine. Further, he anecdotally says Cuan observed testing at the Dullstroom Camp with athlete tested several times. Can we assume AA had several of those 7 tests then? If an athlete was doping, unlikely that they would be doing it aggressively in the middle of race season and 6-8 weeks out from race day.
  10. Removing the JW side of the rant. As cyclists I think we are more skeptical about the doping than most. The facts he presents on doping and testing in this article are short sighted and inaccurate. I read that, they get tested therefore they are clean. I think he needs to do more research on this topic before shooting his mouth off and potentially looking ignorant at best. If you look at his list of top 20 men's times, very few of those are questionable and i'm sure that would be repeated on the down run. (not pointing fingers at Gatebe). On the JW side, it was his stated goal to go all out for the 50 mile record. Also, JW has been vocal around more testing in Ultra and Trail running by USADA. He openly recognises that there is a lack of testing and has repeatedly asked for more active testing protocols. JW also pointed out correctly that the comrades record is subjective as the route and distance changes constantly. It wasn't just the doping he questioned.
  11. She came flying past us looking really strong and focused, I think it was around umlaas road.
  12. I think he is right. I don't think the record will fall this year, there is too much on the line and the race is going to be tactical.
  13. Catching up here. But i think you might be a little harsh on Camille. She beat Morozova in '17. Also, you only have to run around 4:10/km to beat the record and for Camille has proved she has that pace over 100 milers. If it is a shoot out with 8-20k to go, Gerda is the fastest in the race, marathon wise. Also, the up run is a grind and not a speed race. The amount of climbing makes this a much more difficult race and pure speed is less important. I think with so many women contending for a T10 it could make the first half quick and those that stick to their race strat might come through in the last 30k. There could be some massive hemorrhaging in the second half. The tactics are going to fascinating to watch. Some of the womens podium contenders will DNF. The 100 miler guy will struggle for a top 10. Those races have almost no climbing and that will break him. Look for Canaday and Way to make life difficult for podium contenders if you are looking for non african runners.
  14. And that is what JW is pointing out. He made a fair and honest comment that wasn't filtered, he shouldn't receive any backlash for that (he probably will) and Cuan was a little hasty in his response.
  15. JW isn't going to win any friends here locally like that. Cuan might have been a little quick on that response. No Doubt the Down record is very impressive and more than likely legit. The rest of the records men and women are worth a second look. Also the list of winners over the last 25 years ('94) is fairly sketchy and before this who knows what the testing was like. So it a fair comment from JW, I wouldn't refer to is as cocky. This outside of the route changes etc. Again, I'm a skeptic.
  16. Same thing happened before they moved the cut off times. % of finishers also stays the same. If they took the cut off time back to 11h, I would suggest the numbers (% wise) would stay the same. People will just train slightly harder and push slightly more on race day. It might mean a few less entries though, but unlikely to be material.
  17. Probably about the same as last year with about 200km less YTD and a much worse December. This is now my 3rd year of running and it does feel easier.
  18. I was on 1100km YTD yesterday, behind were I was the last two years but not stressed as i have now been running for two years. Plan is to be around 1800km before race day. No oceans so we can focus on Comrades, big block started two weeks ago (>100km/w) and will include E100 and Route Tester before starting to ease off in the 2nd week of May.
  19. Vicky & Janine ran together. Vicky was getting her A seeding and Janine was in for a good training run. Those just happened to be the same thing. Very social of them. There is going to be a strong bunch of jozi girls going for Silvers.
  20. 1st Overall. Results are on the race website. She is running superbly well.
  21. Haha, remember we are cyclists first. Our bus on Sunday was made up of 4 runners with sub 3 marathons and one with a 3.03. Two years ago none of us had run close to 3. A little focus and cement goes a long way.
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