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Everything posted by PietSw

  1. I dont think you will learn much from me :-) But I have noticed that losing around 7kgs help a little especially on the hilly rides and races.. I would really like to get down to around 80 - 82kg... Getting seeded higher and starting in faster groups obviously helps also. Last year I started at 10h00 and was out in the heat of the day. This year I was done long before last years start time.. The Club also organize the weekend rides in a sort of "progressive overload" mould. Winter will be short easier routes at a lower pace and it will progressively get harder and further leading up to 94.7. So I guess if anything.. I trained smarter (given the limited training time I have)
  2. So I kinda have to add that last year was on a MTB with slicks.. MTB weigh about 16kgs. And at that stage I was at 95kgs...And I have only been cycling for 3 months at that stage. In Jan I got a road bike weighing 9kgs and I was down to 88kg.. So total weight loss is 14kgs.. I do try and train as much as possible but im mostly a weekend warrior with the occasional hour ride once or twice a week.. I do try and do the week rides with the heavier MTB though.. Another thing was joining a club and just learning bits and pieces from the experienced boys.. another BIG thing was fueling... last year I had no clue when and what to drink or eat and I also did not know my body.. This year even I could feel cramps coming on but I have learned to manage it to keep em at bay. So what I wil be doing for next year is as many races as possible including a Maluti Double 90 and an Audax or two.. but Im going to start doing some night trail runs and hopefully squeeze in a Wattbike, Wahoo Kickr or exta Road session in the week
  3. I just thought I would brag a little... This year was my 2nd 94.7 and last year I did it in 5hr13m from group NN which felt to me like 2 years and a week later I was still trying to recover. This time around I did it in 3hr07m and although I was aiming for sub 3 , I don't think I can be too dissapointed in a 2hr6m quicker time starting from E. Lesson I learned... Pee at the start line.. I had to stop on the highway to relieve myself, could not catch my group again and had to solo the rest of the race. So since I can comfortably do 100km ride in around 3hrs ( I did sub emperors by 8 min ) what should I be aiming for in next years 94.7 ? 2hr45 maybe?
  4. Made the cut 1 Aug now. Already using Kodi. If I really need Supersport, like the Super Rugby final this week. I will just invite my buddy over and let him enter his DSTV now
  5. Made the cut 1 Aug now. Already using Kodi. If I really need Supersport, like the Super Rugby final this week. I will just invite my buddy over and let him enter his DSTV now
  6. PietSw


    Im an avid cricketer...I hate T20's...
  7. PietSw


    I have a Stormer friend that literally prayed for Coetzee to leave them.. Now he might be Bok coach..
  8. PietSw


    Really poor discipline from the Guppies. .. The Lions were okay but I do think we have not reached our true capabilities yet.. Im just glad The Lions are a force to be reckoned with now
  9. Thanx.. It's great that you have this many options... So a lot of guys park at shopping centres and get onto the loop from there?
  10. I've been hearing a lot about The Spruit and after seeing that "Where we ride" video, it's now a definite "must do" ride very soon. 1st Up, where to start from, in other words where can I safely park the car? At the Trailhead shop (as in the video) ? If I start there how far to go? What is key distance indicators etc for (let's say a 20 - 30km ride)? Best time of day to ride ? Any other pointers... I'm fairly experienced but my mates is just starting out So I will go with them
  11. PietSw


    Stormers games are kinda like F1 for me.. I love to fall asleep while watching em.. Playing at midnight justvadds to the sleepiness
  12. PietSw


    Yay.. We beat SL. Wait a second... it does not matter.. at all.. The Proteas are now officially a worse dissapointment to me than The Lions Rugby team of the 2000's
  13. PietSw


    I want to cry... really
  14. PietSw


    T20's is just not Cricket and no REAL cricketer can really be judged on his T20 performance... DS will still be a Top Class Test and ODI bowler, very few quicks actually do well in this format... Its more of a Spinner or Dibbly Dobbler bowlers game where the Batter has to GENERATE bat speed... They just swing at the quicks and on the smaller boundries even miss hits goes to the boundry.. KG for example is a great young prospect (sort of in the Dale Steyn mould) but he is fetching this tournament. Its entertaining and brings in Tons of Cash, but I don't like the game from a purists point of view. You can live on luck too easily.
  15. PietSw


    Lions the highest placed SA team on most stats... Hopefully this will also place us towards the top at the playoffs stage...
  16. PietSw


    Lions 1st on Defenders Beaten by quite a margin
  17. PietSw


    Only 2 x Saffas in there, both LIONS
  18. PietSw


    Those Ducati's certainly looked like they had Rockets strapped to them on the straights...
  19. PietSw


    Yeah, after doing so well getting into that position and then loosing is criminal... Really bad BMT from the 2 x set batsmen getting caught on the Boundry needing only 1
  20. PietSw

    Formula 1...

    It was Beautiful seeing LH looking for parking on the Start Line... The Ferrari's does look good.
  21. PietSw

    Formula 1...

    So Lucky....Or is it good job Authorities for continually making it safer?
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