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Everything posted by Thyolo

  1. The warmer weather brings out the bugs and the hibernating cyclists. Wesbank raceway is getting crowded again esp. on a Thurs. night. There's a lot of social riders as well as the Groovy Bunch (GB) that goes 40-50kph. There is need for give and take which is not served by GB members shouting repeatedly from a distance for less groovy riders to get out of their way. Much better to have a quiet word as you're passing, it keeps the atmosphere lighter. It may be that some nights it's better not to ride in a big fast bunch on a crowded track, so bring your grandpa's machine and train on that to get a workout.
  2. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    & of course, higher up you've got the cellphone in your pocket, lucky medallion round your neck and too many fillings from sweetie abuse as a kid. Agreed - runners' feet do get close to the ground.
  3. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    You win some, you lose some. Got a great result out of Polar I didn't deserve a couple of weeks back (as does everyone else it seems); and after Sunday's debacle I'm philosophical about CC's R20. Thinking about it, where would the Hub be this week without the D2D to get excited about?
  4. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    From CC - I got told off. A ChampionChip must NEVER be attached using an ankle strap and nor must there be another chip ever attached at the same time. A ChampionChip must ONLY be attached using the ChampionChip bike clip and cable tied as low down as possible on the front fork of the bike. An ankle strap although it will read most of the time there are the times when it will not read as has happened in your case and it is just not worth taking the chance. Each new chip sold is packed together with an instruction form on correct chip attachment and the details are uploaded onto our site under FAQ. Unfortunately some cyclists still choose to use the ankle strap as "It has always worked in the past" now you can see there are the times when it will not read.
  5. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    The nice people at Championchip are sorting my DNF out for R20 - apparently wearing their chip on your ankle is a no-no and they spell this out in numerous places I ignored.
  6. Now I know what to expect I would give it another go as the route is v challenging. Perhaps they shouldn't bill it as Jo'Burg's biggest this or that next year. Nuking the Sunday shopping traffic would also help.
  7. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    Thanks Steve, have asked CC what they think.
  8. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    Hmmmmm...... ok, would that be yes there were lots of unregistered finishers or no, not?
  9. Thyolo

    D2D DNFs

    Following on from the "how long was your D2D" survey (about 108kms depending on the amount of swerving); I'd be keen to know if there are others who finished but were given DNF by Championchip. I slogged round the course for hours and crossed the mats to be given DNF. Looking on the website 250 out of 850 starters were DNF. Is this people giving up on a tough race in difficult conditions or does Championchip not do well in the rain?
  10. Thyolo


    "Fat Bottomed Girls were riding bicycles " Ahh..... yeah...well... convincing photographic evidence BUT In the song, after the line "get on your bikes and ride" there's the sound of motorcycles revving. So, obviously the girl pictured has her motorbike in for a service. ...and you can't make the rocking world go round from a bicycle.
  11. Thyolo


    Yup great music, my teenage daughter has swiped my Queen cds & they're hidden in the depths of her jungle room. Won't be seeing them again. Fat bottomed girls were on motorbikes rather than bicycles, of course - that's probably why they were fat (ter).
  12. Apart from that, it gets me out the house.
  13. The load on the site was totally forseeable by the organisers, and, having changed the system for this year, some provision could have been made to accommodate the rush. Will try again when it's dark and people can't use company internet to hang on for the necessary hour to enter.
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