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J Wakefield

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Everything posted by J Wakefield

  1. Worst part for Spez guys will be that they know they weren’t beat by a stronger and faster team. Cramping cost them the win.
  2. Only in tech zone or by themselves on course unless you have a back up team etc riding.
  3. How good is your Danish when you translating from English?
  4. Reading comments in this thread alone I am well aware of that hahaha
  5. I do not know unfortunately, I do not work with any of them so have had no contact. he is a def shoe in for African with the right partner but the question is if Matt is riding for GC and Tristan is on the team he is riding support. It’s how it is. they are going well I expected alittle higher on GC but have zero context there so cannot or will not make an assumption.
  6. It’s actually 80% talking **** and me telling him he is lucky I’m not racing cause then he would need to try golf and then other things around the actual race
  7. The convo we had yesterday and at 5am this morning had to do with some things unfolding today in all fairness.
  8. It’s not for spez to bring them back. It’s the yellows job. They can let it run 30min if need
  9. El único problema es que cuando escuchas, se emocionan y miran la televisión y simplemente montan 😂
  10. He does it for the extra followers each year on the 'gram
  11. It Means there was more than just balls to walls each day. they have nothing to cry about and sure heat of the moment comments etc but it’s amusing all things considered
  12. Matt was nursing a flat tyre for 6km if they stopped they were out so they managed it best way possible. Whoever got onto the singletrack 1st Won. Spez knew this; they executed well. The route guide is available for everyone
  13. Im On 2 gels and bicarbonate by 9am….
  14. SCR had very questionable tactics last year it was common, no one cried about it on TV and made excuses. Save your energy on the bike not the tv
  15. When pressureis applied try color come out. They would do the exact same in a same situation if they could, they should also of had the tactical knowledge to see this being set up - Nino didn’t cry when they tactical our rode them yesterday. SCR are now understanding what it’s like to race epic when you a pre winner. The level is higher than last year, it’s showing
  16. Not sure what you saying here? You to lazy to implement a performance improvement on your bikes - considering they 2 different bikes so you cannot compare them against each other - or that you a fun rider and happy with basic maintenance?
  17. Not entirely correct, done extensive testing with treated chains, a correctly treated chain does save watts, however not all sales pitches on a specific product is correct.
  18. It's the hub, assumptions are where most of the facts come from here.
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