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Everything posted by SeaBee

  1. Jaws, if there's one thing my time in running has taught me, it's never to judge a book by it's cover. At Gun Run I was again reminded of this. I started off looking at some people and wondering... now just howwww the heck did we even get seeded in the same group?! That was at the start, maybe the first few k's. Was amazed to see some people at half to 2/3 marks I caught up with, which means bugger where they ended, they got to that point faster than me! And that again made me realise that it's not just about "looking like a runner" that makes your tekkies move. I have loads and loads of respect to everybody attempting any run. Over the weekend I had a very lekker parkrun with my daughter. We were late and had to go past everybody at her pace. It was so great to see the different shapes and sizes of people out there, running, walking dogs, walking prams, walking/running together and chatting, just getting out there. Awesome to see! Edit: PS... I am still having this calve/knee niggle which is dragging on since before Cape Town marathon. Seeing the lady with the iron fingers tomorrow. Fisio 1 did not fill me with confidence that she's going to address the actual problem, so now for some serious help with the girl who sorted out my hip issues from cycling incident. Not really injured, but I know it's going to cause something if I keep on running (and the odd ride) as is.
  2. Awesome race, I still have a bit of a revenge date with it... but refused to pay this year's increased prices. Can't even remember exact pricing, but it's getting crazy expensive.
  3. That's true Swiss! But I have to share a giggle of this morning. I was giving a friend of mine a good talking to this morning after she ran a 400m PR last night with less than a week to go before Cederberg Traverse. I was thoroughly PO'ed at that... only to be told her watch re-activated again, must've been as she got in to drive and she logged a bit of driving by sheer accident after her run (before she realised it. Then went to see her 400m was Wayde van Niekerk-like ito time!
  4. Did my first Gun Run this weekend. Was actually not in the mood for (and as such did no prepping) it, but it turned out to be quite a lekker event. Much more vibe, humour and chat between the runners than I experienced at this year's CTM.
  5. I am so glad I'm not the only one with this experience! I got Wave Sayonaras a year or so ago. I ditched them before they had 150k's on them. My front feet were killing me - exactly that plank sensation. Maybe these were meant for heel strikers or something? But it did not agree with me AT ALL. Yet lots of people rave about Mizuno. Back to the other day's comment - what works for one person does not mean it will work for the person next to him.
  6. FWIW, I ran with the Ghost 7's and found the following. Firstly, drop was too high for me. Added to soft heel, it irritated me that I ran into Achilles issues through subconsciously not putting my heel down (to avoid that "moving around" feeling). Once I sorted that little detail, I found that I enjoyed them immensely. Up till 25 k's. From there onwards, the shoe was too narrow for me and if I went further you could guarantee a black toenail or two. So, as with all other shoes - it's never the same for everybody.
  7. I was actually surprised to see some of the mileage on my shoes - and they're not anywhere close to feeling like they need to retire. Except maybe one pair, but I use them only for shortish trail runs, too narrow for anything longer than about 15k.
  8. Just got back into it with some short runs. Struggling with some sort of bacterial infection from before CTM and still on antibiotics. Andrew, it depends on the terrain as well. And what on earth did you buy that your trail running shoes are less comfy than your road shoes?! Small cycling backpack should suffice if there's not too much bounce and/or it's not too long a run. Esp if that's what she's used to for her running.
  9. Agree there... You will NOT believe the amount of people who continuously ask me when I'm going to run it. When I say "not interested at all", it's like I stamped on a butterfly. And yet everybody says "But you have to do it". It's really as if people don't realise there's other things to running. Until you've done Comrades, you're not counted? Then so be it. I seriously cannot see the sense in running on a stretch of tar for that long.
  10. Hmmm... As I told my buddies afterwards, next time I go run a marathon already injured, just klap some common sense into me. Despite that, I altered my aim a little and decided anything sub-4 would do. Was hoping for around 3:50 pre-injury. Sooo, about 3 k's into it, even before the first bridge, my calf started reporting for duty... or aborting from duty is closer to reality. By the time we started coming down towards the grand parade, my knee joined the chorus (where the calf attaches) and I thought I'd be happy to just finish. Long story short, with that state of mind and 35 k's to go, it was bite the bullet or bite the dust. Compensated like crazy, ran in all funny ways just to alleviate the symptoms. But made it - nogals with a new marathon PB. So all in all quite happy - it was a big test! Sat on the grass afterwards and could not even bend my knee from there on in. Some funny pains today, but that would simply be due to compensation. Happy, Oceans qualifier done. Now back to the trails! (After a bit of rest...and hoping to get this thing better.)
  11. At some other local races during the year, they made my wife's day when they had collection points for old running shoes. I had to defend like crazy, but some old trusties fell victim for the greater cause.
  12. I have a mindset of doing race distance in a week as a minimum. But I'm the (relative) noob... and don't run anything further than Oceans on tar. So in my mind, depending on your goals of course, you'll be cool for the marathon given that you do about 40-45 k's a week. AND you have had some long runs. Weird things happens after 32 k's. From perfect-fitting shoes causing black toe nails to the dreaded wall... BTW, I've heard Oudtshoorn is apparently also a quick qualifier. Buddy of mine says you tend to ID all the Oudtshoorn qualifiers by picking them up before halfway, having been seeded way ahead of you.
  13. What is this taper thing you mention? Just survived needles and jagged fingers. Tell that lady to taper! Back for more on Friday. The words there's a couple of nightmares going on in this calf - well actually both, but especially this one... does not make me imagine that Sunday will be a walk in the park. But we'll wing it!
  14. Okay, I'm starting like my physio... not her fingers, but that's another topic! I did not get the "In my professional opinion..." speech. Instead I got the "It's not going to be optimal, you'll have to come back before the weekend, let's see what shape we can get you in..." surprise! Ja, basically the join between the one section of calf and knee which is a bit... ehhrr... stuffed. What also came out of the investigation is that I under-utilise (this doing endurance sport!) my hammies - the biggest muscle. So after CTM I must start working on strengthening those. Bloody sore today, but that's just in reaction to the treatment.
  15. Most of my runs are in the dark, so checking the watch has little value other than seeing it is still attached to my arm. And a lot of the daylight runs are on trails, so again things like pace flies out the window. But I won't go as far as putting it in my pocket!
  16. Nope, all day. Worse on the day of a run and then following morning much better. And then today... I had to jump over a puddle, pushed off with the affected right legs, felt something give way behind the knee, there where it's sore. Heard a loud clack with a sharp pain. Hobbled like an idiot. And a minute or so later realised that 90% of my pain is gone now and I can walk normally with minimal awareness of the pain. Will still go to physio after the weekend entertainment, just to get it properly loosened up before CTM. But feeling much more confident about it now!
  17. It's official. I'm on my way to the physio. First serious niggle since before Oceans... two weeks before CTM. Went on a lekker trail run, picked up some issues on my left calf. Must have compensated for the rest of the way, but the afternoon my hammie was a bit sore. And then it moved down and is concentrated behind the knee now, right where all the muscles joins. Rolling it is a... beach. Was on some easier runs (even for me!) this week just to try something. Not much better. With time running out, there's not much options other than shedding a tear or two whilst this is getting loosened. Yes, I'm ready for smiling politely at the "In my professional opinion..."-speech! (Whilst most likely booking a session for shortly after CTM.)
  18. I may have missed this earlier, but do you have the correct max HR's entered for the both of you? Otherwise she is properly being stretched (sorry Stretch, not calling!) and it is not (IMO) sustainable to train at such intensities. If that is her correct max HR and she IS working that hard, slow down for her sake to allow her to gain fitness. Otherwise she'll be injured before too long. Just my 2c.
  19. Had a 220, which got battery probs. Then went to the Suunto Ambit3 and now switched back to Garmin. Main reason was integration - I had to ride with long discontinued Edge, which is now on it's last bike mount for biking, plus 2 HR straps (in order to get the fitness metrics through to one source. And now the Edge has also started giving issues... Massive battery life on the A3P!
  20. Andrew, stock the F3 should be giving you the stride length and cadence info. You should be able to go and view it now on GC. The other running dynamics coupled to either a footpod or belt should be (and I'm trying to remeber stuff I read a while ago!) ground contact time, left-right distribution, etc. While the external measuring will likely be more accurate - and give these other measures - the F3 should give you the ones you talked about. For me, now running without a belt is quite weird and likeable. Still ride with the belt instead of OHR, though.
  21. I was fortunate and naturally seems to have started running with high-ish cadence when I started. Maybe something to do with the cycling, don't know. Ferret, will be with you at the event (Cape Town marathon), but not joining you! You'll be back home by the time I slog my sorry butt over the finish line. Enjoy!
  22. Hopefully this Achilles niggle is sorted and I can back to running this weekend. To answer the aims question... I plan to do sub-4 Cape Town - hopefully a bit more sub-4 than last year. Just hoping like crazy that I don't trap myself going out too fast. Then I aim to survive Trail du Mont Rochelle. Then there'll be some stuff inbetween - just stay injury free. Oceans... hmmm... I ran my first last year and was very happy. Maybe a bit faster (and therein lies the problem!) this year. And then I am hoping for African-X as well.
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