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Found 7 results

  1. There isn't one, as far as I could see, so let's start a wheel building thread. (Maybe admins want to pin this?) This is the thread for anyone wanting info on wheel building, for anyone who builds wheels and for all guys who may want to learn this art.
  2. Hi I have just found this forum and see that there are indeed some recumbent riders in SA . Is there anybody who enjoys building recumbents in SA. I built my own out of frustration because I could not find any SA builders or riders. Here is a video of the bike
  3. Hi Hubbers, So this video is a year old now but has anyone here built/welded/carbon lay up a frame together from scratch? If so please do share details and pics😁 I don't currently have the tool-set but think it would still be an awesome project.
  4. Hi, My Garmin 920xt battery life is shot. The device can be opened with a hex screwdriver. Would be interested in hearing from anyone that’s changed a Garmin battery themselves. Has anyone attempted a battery change, and if so, which battery did you buy (see below) and from where? Do Garmin sell the batteries and if so for how much? I’ve looked at YouTube videos and there are a few that have changed the battery, which is attached to the back casing. Can import the battery with the casing -cost is under USD15 but the shipping is USD99, if anyone interested in a group order to bring pricing down let me know. Takealot has 920xt batteries for about R400, but (1) the connection is different to the ones shown in the YouTube videos and the ones that come with the back cover, (2) they don’t include the back cover, and (3) a video by Triathlon Taren indicates that the battery that’s attached to the back cover is malleable and can’t be removed from the cover easily. Has anyone bought these batteries from Takealot and how easy was it to change?
  5. Good afternoon Hubbers! Anyone ever attempt to replace the Boa dials on their cycling shoes? If so, are there local stockists of the replacement kits?
  6. So whilst this thread isn't strictly cycling related. It's also not-not cycling related. I think in general, cycling enthusiasts have a strain of DIY-DNA in them, which triggers the tendency to tinker with things. This Tinkering tendency, if not treated, can develop into an all out side obsession. This can exhibit itself as amateur artisan-ship. So here's a thread to post about your workshops, projects, shiny new tools, tips-and tricks, and any anecdotes you may have relating to the matter.
  7. Hi there hubbers, I need your creativity and ideas. I'm in the early brainstorming phases of a handle bar mount that I want to design and 3D print. This is for a small project I'm doing for myself. Basically the handle bar mount will hold a lightweight optical device. The mount will not be used during riding, only for bike setup purposes. So the mount needs to be able to be attached and removed from any size bar several times, preferably without any tools. Also the mount will have to be rigid and precise, as I require a perfect 90deg angle with the handle bar and mount (so no play). I've google a few examples, but was wondering if anyone has any clever designs or ideas ? I've got a 3D package that I will design the mount on, and then 3D print it. Currently 3D printing is (in my mind) the quickest way to get a prototype going. But by the time the design is sorted I might look to machining the mounts. Once again if there is a cheaper option available that would allow to make more of the mounts in less time for less money then please do share. TIA
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