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Riding up the DOWNhills at Tokai


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Signage is fast becoming priority.. as well as a divert 'round the berm. May need signage there too, at the first chute to the right (heading up at the second plank jump.) It is not totally rideable, but a few hands could sort that out.


You know of course, no sooner are the new signs up when a new set of hands go up in objection. Fortunately safety is key in the decision, can't argue with that..

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U sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. Where do you go back on to the jeeptrack? Right near that massive log right next to the track?

thx :thumbup:

Yea just down there :)

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Guest Omega Man

Signage is fast becoming priority.. as well as a divert 'round the berm. May need signage there too, at the first chute to the right (heading up at the second plank jump.) It is not totally rideable, but a few hands could sort that out.


I'll help. I'm free this Saturday morning. It should be a quick clearing job. Just a few logs and a sweep. Does Vince still have that chainsaw?

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I'll help. I'm free this Saturday morning. It should be a quick clearing job. Just a few logs and a sweep. Does Vince still have that chainsaw?


I shouldn't know about Vince and the chainsaw. Yes he does.


Don't want to start a new topic, but that will be a discussion point if he continues unmanaged. 10 points for the guy though, recently he contacted the right channels to draw attention to serious erosion on DH 1. Seems there is just final approval from Parks pending on the proposed divert.. hope he can wait.

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Guest Omega Man

I shouldn't know about Vince and the chainsaw. Yes he does.


Don't want to start a new topic, but that will be a discussion point if he continues unmanaged. 10 points for the guy though, recently he contacted the right channels to draw attention to serious erosion on DH 1. Seems there is just final approval from Parks pending on the proposed divert.. hope he can wait.


Haha. sorry man. But yeah. I am free this Saturday morning to do a bit of work on that trail exit. Chainsaw or not.

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if you need more help, PorS or Oh Mega Man, lemmeknow. i'll make the time (if i'm not at work that is)

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Cool, the sooner the better. 2pm is usually a good time for w/ends. Give you time to finish work and rider numbers drop round that time


Will post if confirmated..


(it is pissing buckets right now!)

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Omega Man, Thanks for heading up there to clarify the DH trails for everyone here.


The berm on Vastbyt (DH3) is a huge concern for me as well. Why the need for these XC riders to go up there is so perverse it's beyond me.


Pain or Shine, thanks for the input to this thread. I wasn't going to make any further comment as it seemed to be going nowhere what with XC riders up in Gauteng seeming to have no constructive input other than to stir.


I'm glad to see this topic is back on track. I think it must be a high priority task to get proper signage on these trail exits. I know I came off pretty harsh in my last post, but thats the reality of it. The speed most of use drop into that berm leaves NO ROOM to work around someone riding up there. XC riders need to learn the ethics on the DH runs if they want everyone to respect them.


If it's a cash issue regarding the signs, please PM me and I will make a donation. I'm also available to help craft these trails and if diversions need to be built, I'm glad to help. PM me again if this is the case.


Thanks everyone and lets keep this moving forward in a mature, sensible manner.

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sounds like an interesting frame no doubt. Another edition to the All Mountain category no doubt. Would love to give it a whirl though.

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I weigh 110KG, and I promise you I aint gonna give way for someone comming up the wrong just so that they cant get hurt for doing the wrong thing. I will make a point of being igonorant to the fart who is ignorant to the rules


Exactly, these guys know what they are doing, dont be fooled, I have never cycled up a trail in tokai, but it does look easier than taking the very steep hill up, I also push up there. However we pay to use the trails and I think the officials should come to the party and put up the required signs, hopefully it helps, as I have noticed alot more people are coming up the downhills

So what are the rules? Sounds like you wrote them!


I ride up every bi-directional single track and never go near the DH trails. I move for traffic coming down and have never had any issues! Just because you want to push your bike up the jeep track does not mean I want to ride up it! I certainly did not spend a packet of money so I could ride jeep track!


One other thing, riding up single track is far tougher then riding the jeep track and a lot more technical in places, try it before you shoot your mouth off.


This issue stems from the lack of common decency and general thoughtfulness for other riders! This is a personality issue, not a riding style issue. Once a p03s, always a p03s!(this is not directed at you Riyadh)

Edited by Chubba
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Guest Omega Man

So what are the rules? Sounds like you wrote them!


I ride up every bi-directional single track and never go near the DH trails. I move for traffic coming down and have never had any issues! Just because you want to push your bike up the jeep track does not mean I want to ride up it! I certainly did not spend a packet of money so I could ride jeep track!


One other thing, riding up single track is far tougher then riding the jeep track and a lot more technical in places, try it before you shoot your mouth off.


This issue stems from the lack of decency and general thoughtfulness for other riders! This is a personality issue, not a riding style issue. Once a p03s, always a p03s!


The issue is riding up clearly marked Downhill trails. Downhill 1,2 and 3/Vasbyt. His response while a little over the top is out of frustration. And calling someone a p03s is really unnecessary.

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The issue is riding up clearly marked Downhill trails. Downhill 1,2 and 3/Vasbyt. His response while a little over the top is out of frustration. And calling someone a p03s is really unnecessary.

I wasn’t calling him one!


I was making a point that you could be a DH, AM or XC rider but if you have a personality deformity, then nothing will help you sort that out.

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Guest Omega Man

I wasn’t calling him one!


I was making a point that you could be a DH, AM or XC rider but if you have a personality deformity, then nothing will help you sort that out.


Well then I am sorry. I misunderstood you.

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I wasn’t calling him one!


I was making a point that you could be a DH, AM or XC rider but if you have a personality deformity, then nothing will help you sort that out.


You will notice that this thread has taken the line of understanding to avoid clouded judgements when a solution is sought., your intolerance is not tolerated here.


Grow up or read the thread from start to finish.

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