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Bike Wash


bike wash  

313 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wash your bike yourself

    • yes
    • no
  2. 2. Do you take your bike to shop for a wash?

    • yes
    • no
  3. 3. Do you support bike washes at races?

    • yes
    • no

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Ok lets break this down Buddy.....


We asked for speed fencing like at Unlimited, 1. so that we could securely lock bikes away in a pound after washing, 2nd so that the pressure of the riders having to wait for there bikes was removed. We offered to look after the bikes over night like we did at Unlimited but this was not approved becuase the organisers felt that its the riders responsibility to wait for there bikes and take them back to there B & B`s etc. As for the knowing how many bikes we were going to wash, this is untrue. We had 107 out of +/- 700 bikes booked on line. Another 85 prebooked at registration. (we ended up wash close on 400 + bikes per day). We confirmed 15 staff to be waiting for us for training on the first day. We do NOT bring our staff from Dbn becuase its impossible to cart 15-20 people from Dbn - Mpumalanga feed and put a roof over the heads. As for the guys taking bribes, yes this is what happened and was only brought to my attention on the 3rd day by a rider. We emidiatly warned the guys that if they are caught they`d be sorted. On day 4 the one guy was caught out by me, he was paid and sent on his way imidiatly. (I also blame the riders for this becuase they incouraged the guys to accept the bribe, these workers are unemployed inderviduals who have no general moral, they hungry and will do everything to make a buck. Between Dalan and I we have two sets of eyes.) As for being understaffed I disagree, we had 13 of us. When a bike came in it was HP cleaned to remove the mud, then it was wash, then it was rinsed, then dried, then polish was applied, then wiped, then lube was applied. I DONT KNOW BUT PLEASE SHOW ME A BIKE WASH IN THE COUNTRY THAT DOES ALL OF THAT!! AND FINISHED 400 - 500 BICYCLES BY 5PM EVERY DAY???


I hate to loose business but quite frankly you are being unreasonable. To make you happy becuase I do try, next time I`ll wash your bike personally every day so you can be in and out in 15mins.


Merry Christmas Buddy, you a tough guy to impress

Sorrie but can't resist it.You do try hard I must admit and deserve credit for staying with the game

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Sorrie but can't resist it.You do try hard I must admit and deserve credit for staying with the game

Thanks bud, appreciate it. Bots must need bike wash?

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Esh I think he got upset with me. Sorry, but I never mentioned any names.


Neither did I bud ;)


As Kranswurm pointed out, you get points for staying power and not losing your rag though :thumbup:

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ANY body ever bought Muck off?


Used it for the past 2 years and no problems. It works like a charm and its cheep if you by the pap sak version of it.

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A huge thanks to Klint for the Powasol Goodie Bucket I picked up today, very much appreciated and will come in very handy for when I get to Cape Town.


I tried the stuff out today and it works a treat, I must say I was very impressed :thumbup: , cleaning time was certainly cut down, which is an added bonus :clap:

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A huge thanks to Klint for the Powasol Goodie Bucket I picked up today, very much appreciated and will come in very handy for when I get to Cape Town.


I tried the stuff out today and it works a treat, I must say I was very impressed :thumbup: , cleaning time was certainly cut down, which is an added bonus :clap:

Anytime Buddy, so who`s next to win a free sample pack. Go follow us on Twitter or Like our Powasol page on FB.

Thus far two winners, Ge®aldM24 and Caerus. Tweet I`m a Hubber and I wanna try @powasol. Simple

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Ok lets break this down;


We asked for speed fencing like at Unlimited, 1. so that we could securely lock bikes away in a pound after washing, 2nd so that the pressure of the riders having to wait for there bikes was removed. We offered to look after the bikes over night like we did at Unlimited but this was not approved becuase the organisers felt that its the riders responsibility to wait for there bikes and take them back to there B & B`s etc. As for the knowing how many bikes we were going to wash, this is untrue. We had 107 out of +/- 700 bikes booked on line. Another 85 prebooked at registration. (we ended up wash close on 400 + bikes per day). We confirmed 15 staff to be waiting for us for training on the first day. We do NOT bring our staff from Dbn becuase its impossible to cart 15-20 people from Dbn - Mpumalanga feed and put a roof over the heads. As for the guys taking bribes, yes this is what happened and was only brought to my attention on the 3rd day by a rider. We emidiatly warned the guys that if they are caught they`d be sorted. On day 4 the one guy was caught out by me, he was paid and sent on his way imidiatly. (I also blame the riders for this becuase they incouraged the guys to accept the bribe, these workers are unemployed inderviduals who have no general moral, they hungry and will do everything to make a buck. Between Dalan and I we have two sets of eyes.) As for being understaffed I disagree, we had 13 of us. When a bike came in it was HP cleaned to remove the mud, then it was wash, then it was rinsed, then dried, then polish was applied, then wiped, then lube was applied. I DONT KNOW BUT PLEASE SHOW ME A BIKE WASH IN THE COUNTRY THAT DOES ALL OF THAT!! AND FINISHED 400 - 500 BICYCLES BY 5PM EVERY DAY???


I hate to loose business but quite frankly you are being unreasonable. To make you happy becuase I do try, next time I`ll wash your bike personally every day so you can be in and out in 15mins.


Merry Christmas, you a tough guy to impress!!

Klint you seem to be struggling to listen to your customer here. Let's try another tack, let me tell you what I want and let's see if you can deliver.


1. If I prepay, I get preference and you tell me before I pay what the expected completion time would be. I would be satisfied with 1 hour by the way. What this means for you is that you can take the number of prepaids, calculate the resources you need for this dedicated line and deliver a superior service for your best customers (after all we paid upfront). For the walk ins you take your best guess ( you should be able to use this year as a good measurement)and the walk in can judge for themselves if they are prepared to wait or not based on the length of the non dedicated line in front of them.

2. As for bike control create a number of bike pounds for say 50 - 100 bikes, simple fencing droppers and barrier tape is fine (two lines needed here for prepaids and walk ins). Give the cyclist a numbered document with the cyclists race number reflected as well when he checks his bike in(you would need to hold a copy). When the pound is full you close it off and channel the next bikes into the another pound, in this way you have better control of the first come first serve process. It would also save you moving the bikes in an attempt prevent people pushing the bikes into the front of the queue. To collect my bike I have present my copy of the chit I received when I booked my bike into the pound, you check this against your document and I sign my bike out. Done!


Now Klint can you deliver? Or does this still seem unreasonable to you?

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Used it for the past 2 years and no problems. It works like a charm and its cheep if you by the pap sak version of it.

Muc-Off is a very good product, been around for many years. Great looking brand with many different products. UK and US based company. 2 problems I find, tooooo expensive and not proudly SA. There 1 Litre Spray is the same price as a Powasol 5 Litre consentrate. And our dilution is way better.


Guys my advice to all of you is.....go out there and try try try, go test products and make your own opinion. What works for you, works, otherwise you wouldnt use it in the first place. Yes I want you to try my Powasol range of products, yes I dont want you using anyone elses products but hay I prefer 1 thing not the other.


THIS HUB HAS OPENED MY EYES BIGTIME, YOU GUYS AND GIRLS ARE TO SHARP. Thanks for giving me ideas, we are launching a new brand appearence in 2012, keep a look out. Its going to be head turning, we are proudly SA!! We can also look TOP QUALITY and provide the same......TOP QUALITY. From Bike wash to Pepper Spray!!

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Klint you seem to be struggling to listen to your customer here. Let's try another tack, let me tell you what I want and let's see if you can deliver.


1. If I prepay, I get preference and you tell me before I pay what the expected completion time would be. I would be satisfied with 1 hour by the way. What this means for you is that you can take the number of prepaids, calculate the resources you need for this dedicated line and deliver a superior service for your best customers (after all we paid upfront). For the walk ins you take your best guess ( you should be able to use this year as a good measurement)and the walk in can judge for themselves if they are prepared to wait or not based on the length of the non dedicated line in front of them.

2. As for bike control create a number of bike pounds for say 50 - 100 bikes, simple fencing droppers and barrier tape is fine (two lines needed here for prepaids and walk ins). Give the cyclist a numbered document with the cyclists race number reflected as well when he checks his bike in(you would need to hold a copy). When the pound is full you close it off and channel the next bikes into the another pound, in this way you have better control of the first come first serve process. It would also save you moving the bikes in an attempt prevent people pushing the bikes into the front of the queue. To collect my bike I have present my copy of the chit I received when I booked my bike into the pound, you check this against your document and I sign my bike out. Done!


Now Klint can you deliver? Or does this still seem unreasonable to you?

River Rat, yes this is the way it needs to work. Yes we will do this for stage events, this is the way we do it for stage events normally (Well similar) I agree on prepaid having the preference!! This was ment to happen at Sabie but it didnt, (MY MISTAKE) things got hectic we had to adapt. Like a rugby match its easy to comment from the side (I appreciate your advice - it will be used) we had an unexpected eye opener.


Lets move forward shell we, come say howzit at the next one I`d really appreciate meeting you. One of my event stipulations is a cage to park bikes. All events are different.


Thanks again!!

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Klint-Hey if Chris Birch and Jade Gutzeit are using it it must be pretty good. Pity about the Roof for them this year- Jade's 3rd was heatbreaking. I have just used up the last of my 5lt Prepsol. That stuff is pretty bulletproof and have i been a Prepsol devotee since my offroad days.

Does cycle lab in Fourways stock the 5lt Powasol, and how does the cost compare to Prepsol?

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Used it for the past 2 years and no problems. It works like a charm and its cheep if you by the pap sak version of it.


Also used that a bit, although as well as Powasol there's a host of good local products at fair pricing. Powasol, SMP's F61, Red Hot and a few others I think.

Although the Red Hot stuff has really impressed me! Especially the cassette cleaner and polish. Just not terribly keen on the aerosol cans, although I can understand this helps get off the grime.

F61 make a nifty lube product thats good for muddy rides and multi day events. Two small canisters, ones a degreaser and ones a lubricant.


For my personal use though I've always bought the big drum of Prepsol and a large container of carwash shampoo. These I decant from time to time in varying dilutions into two handspray bottles.

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Klint-Hey if Chris Birch and Jade Gutzeit are using it it must be pretty good. Pity about the Roof for them this year- Jade's 3rd was heatbreaking. I have just used up the last of my 5lt Prepsol. That stuff is pretty bulletproof and have i been a Prepsol devotee since my offroad days.

Does cycle lab in Fourways stock the 5lt Powasol, and how does the cost compare to Prepsol?

Hay Dev, not sure if Lab have stock. Apparently not, we have a few issues to deal with in the Gauteng. But be rest assured pop into Sportsmens Warehouse they retail for R 130 for a 5 Litre, I think.


Yip Jade, Chris, Marc Torlage, Dalan Hall, William Gillit, Brian Capper, Wyatt Avis the list goes on. MX and Enduro boys love it. MTB is our biggest market at this point. Team Jeep, Team Bonitas, RE:CM, Ty White, Guylin etc huge fans as well.


Like I said try some product and give your honest feedback. HONEST please!!

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River Rat, yes this is the way it needs to work. Yes we will do this for stage events, this is the way we do it for stage events normally (Well similar) I agree on prepaid having the preference!! This was ment to happen at Sabie but it didnt, (MY MISTAKE) things got hectic we had to adapt. Like a rugby match its easy to comment from the side (I appreciate your advice - it will be used) we had an unexpected eye opener.


Lets move forward shell we, come say howzit at the next one I`d really appreciate meeting you. One of my event stipulations is a cage to park bikes. All events are different.


Thanks again!!

I look forward to seeing how you respond to this at the next race. Good Luck with your business!

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thanks for the responses guys... good to see mr Powasol owning up and putting himself out there to be tested and not shy to take it on the chin

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wow guys can b1tch and moan.


i honestly dont see the problem with dropping the bike off after the ride and collecting it just before briefing. fair enough if you rode to the event on your bike and couldnt get back to where you were staying but you knew that washing would take a while. imagine if it was muddy all four days. you say that klint needed to plan better, maybe you should look in the mirror.

i didnt use the powasol wash as i rode my rigid SS and just hosed it down after the day but my bro and his two mates used them and their bike looked great as I took responsiblity of the lubing and pre race prep for them. I'm pretty pedantic about cleaning and lubing a bike (hence why i rode the SS as i was expecting mud mud mud) and their bike looked great and were race ready everyday.


I ended up buying a 5lt of powasol and started using it on my SS. Slash and dash.


i think there are to many people that need (to quote Anchorman) their mother to rub cream on their hynie and tell them its special and different from everyone else's.

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