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What do the pro's take??

Wonder Woman

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Bwahahahahaha !!


No miracle expected at all...

1.I already take b injections every 3 days.

Iron is 100%

Calcium and magnesium low but no matter what I try it does bugger all. Leaves me craving chocolate all the time :D


Wonder if I should try ozone therapy??


Cell Food??

What else is there that is legal and won't leave me with cancer??


Sleep is not an option, I have a 17 month old girl. I only ride tues, weds, thurs morning for 1 hour and 3 hours saturday. Not overtraining at all.


You're telling me the pro's don't take stuff....sure!! I know more than you think ;). Been in this game a while but I guess unless you're in the team you'll never know.


Oh yes, and 3.I battle with yuppie flu but it's been 5 years now...should be getting over it.


1.Maybe give it a break.


2.Only if you want to cramp.


3.Come down to earth a bit, stop being such a yuppie ;)


I reckon you need to see a dietician and start taking L-Glutamin.

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muscle pain and fatigue hit....gets quite frustrating really!!

Muscle pain is normally a good indicator of too much too soon.

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You're right, I haven't been here for a long long time and forgot what a circus it is ;)


I don't need to perform any better than I am, I really just want to be able to get home on saturday after my ride and still have enough energy to spend the day with my family and play with my girl.


I'm getting my fitness back but as I start getting somewhere the muscle pain and fatigue hit....gets quite frustrating really!!

Well, you have plenty options.

1. Shorten your Saturday ride

2. Split the ride in 2 - one in the morning and one in the late afternoon.

3. Skip the ride and spend time with your kid.

4. Play with your girl first and then go ride later.


Those all look like a priority issue to me...:D


Anyway, Fitness comes over time - take it slow. What is the rush? Start small and work your way back. Be commited an don't stop.


There, I gave you something the pro's use - a pep talk!


C'mon, you can do iiiiiiiiit!

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you mean I have another 4.5years to look forward to?


Shame Slowbee, how bad are you??


It really depends on the person I think. I know some who get over it quick and are back to racing in no time. I've never gotten back to the form I used to have and have to now be very careful not to overdo the intervals in training.


Doessn't worry me anymore, I just enjoy it when and how I can. Makes you appreciate the important things in life :)

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WW, I don't think there is anything more we can tell you. But I would just give it time. That flew might still be in you so don't push tooo hard. Good luck.

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WW, I don't think there is anything more we can tell you. But I would just give it time. That flew might still be in you so don't push tooo hard. Good luck.

Oh holy pigeon, now she has bird flu :o

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Guest Travis.

When I was in school I was a pretty good athlete - went to SAs every year, etc...I stopped running for a few years and started running again about 2 years ago. What a difficult thing to do! I mean I used to be good at this, then all of a sudden I suck, I try running fast but I kill myself on every run. Struggled to get into it again and I had pains I never had when I did it regularly. I think this is what's happening to you too.


Problem is we have this idea in our heads on how easy the exercise used to be. But we forget how much we sucked when we started back then too. It takes time and it's really hard not to push ourselves too hard when we start back up again. Take it from me, I hardly run anymore. I started cycling and I'm not looking back smile.gif


Take it easy, it's gonna take time.

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I'm not really getting why you need supplements if you're "only" riding 6 hours a week? Or am I missing something?


Reminds me of that quote from Lance where he answered a question on what he's on - “This is my body. And I can do whatever I want to it. I can push it. Study it. Tweak it. Listen to it. Everybody wants to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm on my bike busting my ass six hours a day. What are you on?”

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