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Cyclist killed in front of his Son.

Big H*

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Maybe they should do like the old days take and bring back the death penalty and execute people in public? That should make people think twice?!

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Some absurd comments on this post. If a black person is guilty of murder or a crime then that person should be the recipient of the harshest wrath from society and the law. The fact that he is black is incidental as there are far more law abiding black folks than there are not. Unfortunately though, many people, including some on this forum turn it into a racial issue. Words like "them' and "us" are casually used without a thought given to it's intrinsic meaning. References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past. There is even a suggestion for a catastrophic event to occur to even out the numbers. Really bizarre and massively divisive. Such a mentality only serves to perpetuate the divide between "them" and "us".

Edited by scudd
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Some absurd comments on this post. If a black person is guilty of murder or a crime then that person should be the recipient of the harshest wrath from society and the law. The fact that he is black is incidental as there are far more law abiding black folks than there are not. Unfortunately though, many people, including some on this forum turn it into a racial issue. Words like "them' and "us" are casually used without a thought given to it's intrinsic meaning. References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past. There is even a suggestion for a catastrophic event to occur to even out the numbers. Really bizarre and massively divisive. Such a mentality only serves to perpetuate the divide between "them" and "us".


Well, don't hold back, enlighten us.

Did I just say us, yes I meant us.

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References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past.


So that justifies the genocide?


Have you ever considered what impact "reverse" affirmative action has on the "present"?


I was not part of the past yet I have to own up too it all the time. I pay taxes so that the government can use my own money to win a court case so that they can sing a song about killing me.


Stop referring to the past. And stop using it as an excuse for everything that is wrong in the world and stop using it as the "reason" for the current state we are in.

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Some absurd comments on this post. If a black person is guilty of murder or a crime then that person should be the recipient of the harshest wrath from society and the law. The fact that he is black is incidental as there are far more law abiding black folks than there are not. Unfortunately though, many people, including some on this forum turn it into a racial issue. Words like "them' and "us" are casually used without a thought given to it's intrinsic meaning. References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past. There is even a suggestion for a catastrophic event to occur to even out the numbers. Really bizarre and massively divisive. Such a mentality only serves to perpetuate the divide between "them" and "us".


Ahh man, you are so right! We do live in a free and fair society where people aren't killed for their race... How could I have missed it all this time???


You clearly know more than us about the past, so please educate us...

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The second friend in as many months.

First Louis Vorster, and now Smittie.


How many more will there be?

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Well, don't hold back, enlighten us.

Did I just say us, yes I meant us.

Why do you highlight one line of the post and pick on that one? Do you agree with the rest? No, I don't intend on educating you or enlightening you. Go and read some books or go into the townships and speak to some of the hardworking older folks there. Go and educate yourself!
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So that justifies the genocide? Were do I suggest this?


Have you ever considered what impact "reverse" affirmative action has on the "present"? Are you comparing the impact of affirmative action to the atrocities of apartheid? I'm living affirmative action.


I was not part of the past yet I have to own up too it all the time. I pay taxes so that the government can use my own money to win a court case so that they can sing a song about killing me. Shallow reasoning! You may not have been part of the past but if your family was previously advantaged, in some way directly or indirectly you are benefitting now.


Stop referring to the past. And stop using it as an excuse for everything that is wrong in the world and stop using it as the "reason" for the current state we are in. Once again, where do I suggest the past is to blame for the current state we are in.

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Some absurd comments on this post. If a black person is guilty of murder or a crime then that person should be the recipient of the harshest wrath from society and the law. The fact that he is black is incidental as there are far more law abiding black folks than there are not. Unfortunately though, many people, including some on this forum turn it into a racial issue. Words like "them' and "us" are casually used without a thought given to it's intrinsic meaning. References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past. There is even a suggestion for a catastrophic event to occur to even out the numbers. Really bizarre and massively divisive. Such a mentality only serves to perpetuate the divide between "them" and "us".

References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past


What about the present impacting on the future? I get tired of hearing apartheid this and apartheid that...

Apartheid died back in 1994, whats the excuse in 2012 for all the wanton crime and violence?

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Why do you highlight one line of the post and pick on that one? Do you agree with the rest? No, I don't intend on educating you or enlightening you. Go and read some books or go into the townships and speak to some of the hardworking older folks there. Go and educate yourself!

I am quite well educated thank you, having lost a parent to the past regime whilst he was protecting you lilly ass.

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@scudd, Judging by your profile, we don't know if you are a man or a woman, male or female, where you live or how old you are. Which means that either you have no idea what you are talking about or you have all the answers but you are too scared to share them. Some of us were unfortunate enough to be brought up in "that" era and we had nothing to do with the atrocities of the past. We were however required to go and fight on behalf of our country for the safety of others. These are the ones that are rightfully p!ssed off that we are being blamed for **** we had nothing to do with. It angers me that a man has lost his life (in front of his son) for the sake of a bicycle. I bet you that given the chance, he would gladly have handed over his bikes, shoes, watch and wallet, but my guess is that he wasn't given that choice.


And for the record, I voted yes in the referendum.

Edited by Grebel
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References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past


What about the present impacting on the future? I get tired of hearing apartheid this and apartheid that...

Apartheid died back in 1994, whats the excuse in 2012 for all the wanton crime and violence?


Apartheid is now a convenience used to cover up crime and laziness.

It's easier to kill in the name of something than what it is to work hard for your own namesake.

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References are made to the past without really understanding the real impact of the past


What about the present impacting on the future? I get tired of hearing apartheid this and apartheid that...

Apartheid died back in 1994, whats the excuse in 2012 for all the wanton crime and violence?

You get tired of "apartheid this and apartheid that" because you life was not afffected in the least during and from apartheid. Let me be clear apartheid is no excuse, not for a second, for crime and violence we see today. No amount of time will ever correct apartheid, Life will get better for the previoulsy disadvantaged slowly but surely but the legacy will always linger. Have a look at the US & Canada today or how Europe underdeveloped and undermined Africa over the centuries.
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You get tired of "apartheid this and apartheid that" because you life was not afffected in the least during and from apartheid. Let me be clear apartheid is no excuse, not for a second, for crime and violence we see today. No amount of time will ever correct apartheid, Life will get better for the previoulsy disadvantaged slowly but surely but the legacy will always linger. Have a look at the US & Canada today or how Europe underdeveloped and undermined Africa over the centuries.


Africa underdeveloped? Compared to what? If it wasnt for Europeans, the locals would still be spearing animals... FACT!!!

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Life will get better for the previoulsy disadvantaged slowly but surely


Are you sure about this? A lot of folks (black) say it was better 20 years back......


For interest sake, how old are you Scudd?

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