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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Just a sad day. No good will come of this.


Let's see how Trek and Nike shares handle this

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Why bother handing out medals in the first place if they are going to end up taking them all back in a few years... If they don't catch you now, they will find a way to catch you in a few years from now.


I'm all for drug free sport but can it realistically be controlled 100%? These guys have been cheating since 1904!

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Just a sad day. No good will come of this.


Definitely right. Whether Armstrong is guilty or not, it is a very sad day for cycling.

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I friggen hate cheats !


Now if I was running the UCI I would make all the bastards who cheat also pay back the moneys they won !


Armstrong is a idiot , he made us all believe in his yellow band crap and now he is just the same as the other dopers .

The wheel of life turns slowly and what you do today will always come back and bite you.

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so lets recap how many winners have lost thier titles in the last 10 years at the TDF .is 8 or 9 . very sad !

Edited by Iron
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I say make the tour a fun ride...


Everyone gets a medal and no one cares whose medal is taken away. :whistling:

Edited by Twombles
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The wheel of life turns slowly and what you do today will always come back and bite you.

I hope the Sky train also yields to this ;). Their performance increase in the last 12 months is at least, suspect.

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@Goya, I believe you have been labelled as stupid.


Besides what anyone else here or anywhere on earth says he still one 7 times in my eyes, if they start a witch hunt where is it to stop. Merckx, LeMond where? Lets test every sample from every race ever using the latest anti doping tests and see who of histories "great" riders were clean.


I like what you are saying here.


I was pondering on this earlier on in the week.

My first thought, the "told you so's" will all be having a heyday sitting on their moral high horse as if they brought L.A. down single handedly.


I am looking at the situation as such.


Who are the real winners here.

Usada ?

The told you so.'s ?

The sport ?


The only real winner to my eyes is Jan (love that dude)


USADA have not "won" ,arbitration might have resulted in a win.


But the funniest and most ironic thing to me is how old Lance becomes the one and only target to the haters now.


Basso also doped to the eyeballs is a tour winner now.

Contador doped to the eyeballs is such a big darling on his heroic return.

David Millar, when will his fans push for him to be knighted ?

Vino, doped to the eyeballs ,Olympic Champs retires on a high (I love him tough)

Merckx, the greatest legend or is that doper of all time.


So as much as I would love to sit on a moral high Durban July horse, I am no better.


I will finish off by saying this.

Regardless off all the accusations and whatever else Armstrong might be guilty of, it was still a phenomenal feat to be riding 7 tours as well as he did without crashing out of the tour or being too ill to get back on the bike the next day, or even worse, a saddle sore :eek:


The biggest loser here is the sport of cycling.

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Never been a Lance fan but the effects of this will be massive on the guy. Look he will always have followers supporting him but for the others, he will be ousted for the rest of his life. Working so hard, so many hundreds of thousands of km training, thousands of hours on the saddle, sucking air through pipes on a trainner, eating special foods for years of commitment for absolutely nothing...its heart breaking. Not to mention heart breaking for all the kids who looked up to him, who fought crowds to get a glimps or a autograph from him who now look at the signature on the wall knowing its not worth the paper its signed on. Was the giving up a sign of guilt. Considering the fights he put up with in the Tour, probably. Think if he wasn't guilty he would have fought to the bitter end blow by blow. Now his just left with dishonour and a huge lawyers bill...and a US team yet to conquer Le Tour de France. Sorry Lance

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I hope the Sky train also yields to this ;). Their performance increase in the last 12 months is at least, suspect.


This is known as being presumptuous ;)

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I hope the Sky train also yields to this ;). Their performance increase in the last 12 months is at least, suspect.


Whats sad for me is that i no longer get excited when a riders / team wins . i kind of wait for the bad news in a few years/weeks and this is sadley the truth about the sport at the moment .

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I say make the tour a fun ride...


Everyone gets a medal and no one cares whose medal is taken away. :whistling:


They should just legalize doping. If an athlete wants to risk it then so be it. Use the TDF and such events for the entertainment value that it produces. The racing will be exciting whether they dope or not.

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