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Intermediate Skills

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For the interest of market research (mainly to tickle my own curiosity).....


Please define what you would perceive as intermediate mountainbike skills.


What would the minimum components be that a mountainbike rider would be able to perform on a trail. (not talking wide open district roads here)

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depends what discipline XC, AM, freeride, DH?


xc - i think this is the most popular discipline currently enjoyed around the country

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1. XC - bunny hop... and I mean a proper one when you lift the front THEN the back and arc over. not those lame ones where xc riders use their cleats to pick the bike up.


2. AM - fall and protect face. AM riding is risky... often lingering on the border between "should I use a full face, or shouldn't I". As an semi-skilled AM rider one whould be able to take a bad bail and protect their pearly-whites!


3. FR - backflip! that simple! A semi skilled free-rider should be able to backflip! heck, half the kids in BC can.


4. DH - make it to the bottom! If a rider can make it to the bottom of a proper DH course (without walking), then they can be called semi-skilled.


Hubber - a semi skilled hubber will know that none of the things I have said are serious. Except for number 1 :P

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That is what the OP is saying......... what is YOUR opinion.

Ok, that's my stupid post for the day. I didn't read correctly.

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Yeah oppinions will vary as far as this type of thing is concerned,


I would say intermediate skills with XC starts at fitness, if you can do a 45km race in about 3:00 to 3:30 you are at intermediate fitness level, (obviously races differ but that just a benchmark.


Then bikewise,


Trackstand for at least 1 minute,

Do a proper bunny hop

Be confident in doing XC type drop offs 30-60cm normally

Be able to do really tight off camber downhill and uphill switchbacks with ease.

Be able to do a cutty into a corner if required

Be able to negiotiate rock gardens with some confidence

Be able to small sized jumps (just for fun)]


Oh and if you are in a race and you find yourself shouting "TREK" the whole time your probably intermediate.


Thats all i can think of atm. Im sure more will surface :)

Edited by covie
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I shattered my clavicle , have 9 titanium pins and a groovy plate ..

i think im intermediate ;)

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Trackstand for at least 1 minute

Not being sure what that means makes me less than intermediate....... ?


Do a proper bunny hop

ditto, will have to research what a proper one is.


Be able to do really tight off camber downhill and uphill switchbacks with ease

Agree here........ where to find ones for practice?


Be able to do a cutty into a corner if required

a cutty? Again, dont even know what it means. Damn, I am a beginner.

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depends what discipline XC, AM, freeride, DH?


I would think intermediate is the discipline inbetween all these..

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a cutty? Again, dont even know what it means. Damn, I am a beginner.

with you on this one, have no clue what a cutty is
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I think that there is also a bit of a disparagement between riders as to where line is drawn between trail riding and all mountain riding .... I recon that most of Tokai is trail riding....?

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I think that there is also a bit of a disparagement between riders as to where line is drawn between trail riding and all mountain riding .... I recon that most of Tokai is trail riding....?


It is now that all the features of AM have been eroded, patched, or even bypassed by shortcuts.. Tokai was once, for the time quite extreme, could quite easily have been classed AM then...

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with you on this one, have no clue what a cutty is

sark. it's a ship with lots of sails and carries tea. Not sure what it has to do with MTB tho.
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