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There's a twit who drives between Randburg and Sandton every morning at about 6am in a white BMW, I wont put his reg here although I would love to do it, the guy blatantly skips every robot in sight and drives like an idiot from robot to robot. The really funny thing is he never really gets anywhere faster than the rest of us because I am usually not far behind him where I go left into 5th and he goes up Sandton Drive. So I really dont understand his logic. One day he will cause an accident and if I am there best he have his running shoes on.


I just love those okes. Usually with popped collar shirts on. Drag racing from robot to robot, as if they get sponsored petrol. Its a pure case of having less braincells than the rest of us.

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Like I said in another thread on dropping speed limits its not the speed that kills, its peoples k#k attitude.

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Like I said in another thread on dropping speed limits its not the speed that kills, its peoples k#k attitude.



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Cool transparency by Admin, I notice.

Noticed this at the bottom of a post. First time I see it.





Edited by Admin, Today, 09:43.

Racist language removed



Luckily I saw the offending word before it was removed. Wasn't overly bad if you ask me. Beside the point though.

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This TWIt got a brother


He drives from the south on the N3 to Malboro drive, off and over the highway and then right at Green stone, Also a white BMW 335, 2 door. The word id10t @sshole comes to mind.


My wife originally nearly got taken out by him, then last week when I gave her a left to the office he came past. Nearly saw his @ss on the wet rode.


Wish there's a name and shame site for these drivers.

(seem to remember 94.7 or 5FM had something of the sort)




There's a twit who drives between Randburg and Sandton every morning at about 6am in a white BMW, I wont put his reg here although I would love to do it, the guy blatantly skips every robot in sight and drives like an idiot from robot to robot. The really funny thing is he never really gets anywhere faster than the rest of us because I am usually not far behind him where I go left into 5th and he goes up Sandton Drive. So I really dont understand his logic. One day he will cause an accident and if I am there best he have his running shoes on.

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I have not watched the video, but agree with the OP. Fortunately there are no traffic lights where I stay, but on Friday afternoon an idiot turned into the road in front of me while I was going at 50+km/h on the downhill into town. He saw me when I was not more than 20m away from him. He stopped with the rear wheels on the oncoming side of the road. One second can make a big difference.

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Has anyone had any problems with the Gautrain buses? There is a p**s who drives the Fourways / Montecasino route. He drives about an inch behind you, then threatens you if you don't move forward enough by moving within an inch of your car and hoots if you don't turn on an orange light. He is cruising for a snot klap.

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surely you can phone Gautrain bus services...


But then he will jsut be moved onto another route.


I use to have the name of a senior traffic officer, a regional commanders name, he was tasked to make sure they drive properly themself, he welcomed information, recently been wishing I still had his contact details. Nothing like leading by example.




Has anyone had any problems with the Gautrain buses? There is a p**s who drives the Fourways / Montecasino route. He drives about an inch behind you, then threatens you if you don't move forward enough by moving within an inch of your car and hoots if you don't turn on an orange light. He is cruising for a snot klap.

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I laughed at the guy that had the Orca picture in the back of his truck. He was involved in two of the accidents...

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There's a telephone number you can call - 0861 400 800 - call these guys, they're from the traffic dept., give them the name and reg. details of the car, as well as the date, time, location and nature of the infringement and they'll send the offender a letter.


They don't get a fine, but apparently they're told off and warned that their actions could have consequences some day. I did ask once if they were allowed to tell the driver he was a po~s, but they said no.


For what it's worth.

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