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Newbie/ Couch Potato - losing weight/getting fit


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Good luck!


I suggest you use a calorie counter such as http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ or similar to see what you require and what you are consuming. Loads of folk change their diets but can't lose weight simply because the're still eating too much. Oh and train more.


It's a pain initially but soon you'll be planning in advance and knowing exactly what you'll be eating tomorrow and the next day. There's also apps available for iphone and andoid so it's convenient. It also records your exercise so you can see the nety daily calories.

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I lost 48kg in 12months.Did some 10000km plus 6rides a week. It’s possible just go for it and ride as match as possible

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Good luck!


I suggest you use a calorie counter such as http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ or similar to see what you require and what you are consuming. Loads of folk change their diets but can't lose weight simply because the're still eating too much. Oh and train more.


It's a pain initially but soon you'll be planning in advance and knowing exactly what you'll be eating tomorrow and the next day. There's also apps available for iphone and andoid so it's convenient. It also records your exercise so you can see the nety daily calories.


I prefer this one - South African so you can get calorie counts for things like Mrs Balls chutney or a Steers burger.


Edited by tombeej
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I lost 48kg in 12months.Did some 10000km plus 6rides a week. It’s possible just go for it and ride as match as possible

Show us some pictures ?
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I lost 48kg in 12months.Did some 10000km plus 6rides a week. It’s possible just go for it and ride as match as possible


Wow, well done had 35 to lose need to lose another 25, then down to a decent 100.


Thanks jzsa, will check it out.

Thanks TombeeJ

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Keep it up! The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and you seem to be well on your way already!!!


Don't forget to post here regularly! We like knowing how you are doing!


Will do thanks


Cant believe I havent done this earlier

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Carried two 25kg bags of salt to the pool


if I drop one of them bags in weight I am going kill those loong uphills smile.png

Edited by Kanga
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I have learned to think about food differently. Making food choices is a very deeply ingrained unconscious process most of the time. If you are like I was, when you get hungry you would say to yourself, "what do I feel like eating?" And then you would sort of analyze your body's mood, your cravings, look at your available options and pick something. This isn't necessarily bad, but it is a horrible system to use when you are attempting to clean up your diet. (By "diet" here I mean the body of food that makes up what you eat. Like cows have a diet of grass. I don't mean some system of restricting calories.)


When thinking about what food to eat, instead of just thinking about satisfying some inner craving within you, think about the fact that the food is fuel for your body. This completely changed my opinion of food. You know that whole, "You are what you eat", I always thought it sounded a bit pompous but it is has a good point. Although I think the idea of food as fuel to help you live and do things is an even better concept.

Now, you may be worried. You may be thinking, food as fuel? You mean I am never supposed to derive pleasure from food again? I'm not supposed to endulge myself? I'm not supposed to live life to the fullest? No, I am not saying that. Food is a big part of culture. Every now and then it is good to endulge in a treat, to try a new fancy restaurants with rich food. To celebrate with friends and family at special occassions. So it is still okay to do this and to eat lots of different food while doing it. BUT, here is the kicker. Meals for pleasure should be the vast minority of your meals. Okay. It's that simple. In a given week, greater than 90% of your meals should be food as fuel for your body, and only a few meals need to be food for pleasure. Now when I say, a meal should be fuel, I just mean the first priority should be that it is healthy, and then a lower priority is the taste. I am not saying you have to eat dirt, or cardboard. You can choose food you like. I am just saying, when you are playing the mental game of, hmmm, what should I eat, think about the fact that a vast majority of your meals should be fuel, not an endulging pleasure.


And let’s face it, when you are working and stop for lunch. You are not at a big eventful occasion in your life, you are not experiencing food from another culture, or being given the rare treat of a meal of a good chef, you are simply giving yourself energy to keep going through the day. This is the perfect time for fuel. Not pleasure. So, no, you don't need to stop off at KFC, because it will fulfill some pleasure craving in you. This is just lunch, it doesn't need to satisfy your inner craving. It is fuel. But soon you will like healthier food more and more so this gets much easier.

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Show us some pictures ?


I'll try got a few cell phone pictures don't like pictures but I went from 128kg to 82kg so its possible pants 44 to a 32/43.Shirt 3/4xl to Large/xl

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picture 5/12/2010-128-132kg

picture 17/11/2012-82kg 2nd overall 70km Lekwalena MTB race Potch-Oden-zin Shirt



Edited by Pieterg
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WOW pieter. I didn't realize you lost so much.


You belong on that podium, well done thumbup1.gif


Thanks ,JCZA



An old friend of mine walked pass me in the Spar the other day he didn't recognized me. I had to slap him on the back he couldn’t believe it was me

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My 2 cents, keep it simple for now. Learn to enjoy riding and having fun before killing yourself with a hectic training regime. I found that I got way fitter and lost a lot more weight by just having relaxed rides with the wife, rather than trying to outdo myself everytime with fast and hectic rides. Most importantly, I started enjoying my riding again!

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