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compared to the over engineered pieces of junk being sold to ignorant runners!!!


That's quite a statement about an entire industry which has set every foot race world record in the last 50 years*. And also about us runners who have made informed choices about our running shoes and chosen something other the product you choose.


* Except Zola Budd - but she now sells Newtons anyway.

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Some international expert is giving a 1 hour workshop on minimalist running at Doringkloof Mall's Outdoor shop on 7 November, I think you can reserve a spot by mailing dale@vivobarefoot.co.za, if that doesn't work just pop in at the store, I think it should be interesting

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That's quite a statement about an entire industry which has set every foot race world record in the last 50 years*. And also about us runners who have made informed choices about our running shoes and chosen something other the product you choose.


* Except Zola Budd - but she now sells Newtons anyway.

Show me the science and the link to natural biomechanics for the design of 'normal' running shoes please. Some (very few) people might need 'protection' wear, but most, if not all biomechanical issues can be resolved with correct training - strength not miles! I'm not referring to trauma-induce stuff, but more the neglence (own body) stuff.


Shoe companies are in it to make money. so they sell something (not shoes), and customers demand something - not what they want, but rather what they are led to believe they need. That is where the differentiation between cushion type shoes, and the degrees cushioning/stability comes in. Not because that is what the human body requires, but because that is what the marketers need to sell shoes to make the shareholders money!


Shoe companies are slowing swinging around to lighter, flatter shoes. Why? Once again because that is what customers demand!


Humans were designed for self propelled bi-podal transport - go check the science & body design behind that. And whether you believe in a god, or natural selection ... Do you seriously think we as a species got to where we are(the top of the food chain) if the mechanism we have for carting ourselves around the planet is so seriously flawed that we need custom orthotics, stability shoes and what not?

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* Except Zola Budd - but she now sells Newtons anyway.

Just want to add that Zola isn't the freak show people think she was - the real freak show is all the people running in their 'running' shoes 'designed' for them by people who only want to make money ;)

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I am amazed by your conspiracy theorist approach.Athletics shoes do a job. Quite well for some and less well for others. They enable those with less than perfect body geometry to participate at many different levels in all sorts of athletic events. They use the technology of the time to fill a need. And horror or horrors the manufacturers have a profit motive.


The irony seems lost that many of these natural running shoes are made by the same athletics companies. The evolution of technology and fashion has created a new market. Inov 8, Vibram and other natural shoe makers have pursued this market with the same commercial drive as Nike, Reebok, Asics, Saucony etc.


Obviously for some these natural shoes work fantastically well. My partner has some adidas natural shoes (same style as the vibrams). She swears they are the most comfortable shoes she has ever worn. She was a sub 8 Comrades runner back in the days of running in Bata takkies. As an aside they are bright blue and make her look like a frigging Smurf.


I have read Born to Run and love the romanticism of barefoot running. However, most likely I will not get there. WIthout my Nike Structure shoes, I won't make it round the block, never mind finish a marathon.


The same situation exists in the Noakes Carbs vs Protein debate. There are zealots on both sides that believe the other view is categorically wrong, that massive industry conspiracy exists to deliberately enslave the consumer into some sub optimal way of living. In reality, often it is an evolution of science, ideas and commercial viabilty which slowly turns us down a new path.


The sad thing is that zealousness stifles real debate, and further polarises opinions. If you want to change the world, sell your idea by the merits, not by unfounded accusations against tried and trusted methods and thinking. Tell me why your shoes are so good, the benefits they give you and the value they may have to me. You lose me when you tell me I am brainwashed, ripped off and a fool for choosing something which has actually opened a whole new world of athletics to me.


An excellent example of this is how the 32Gi guys built a brand in SA against conventional thinking through debate and having logical informative interaction with their customers.

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PS. i never called Zola a freak show. She is a lovely lady with an exceptional talent. She is greatly blessed to have a body geometry that enabled her to achieve the amazing things she did in the way she did. I mentioned her as she is the one person who has achieved world records barefoot.

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I am amazed by your conspiracy theorist approach.


I must be honest, I have no idea how you can see a conspiracy theory in his comments.

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Go to The Sweat Shop - let them test your feet and recommend a pair.


for athlete's foot?


Remember... running is for people who wish they had bicycles!

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Fun fact: Vibram being sued in a class action lawsuit for making misleading claims - http://abcnews.go.co...ed-over-claims/


mmmfffffha ha ha ha.


What an idiot. paying a lawyer to sue a company that sells you a pair of shoes for less than $100.

What an illiterate chop. did he think that running barefoot, the same way he ran with shoes on would reduce his already injured body?

Yes the barefoot brigade can be deceptive, but the company did say you should land on your midfoot/ forefoot when using their shoes. This has been known to reduce injures in runners that traditionally are rearfoot strikers...........

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I must be honest, I have no idea how you can see a conspiracy theory in his comments.


"Shoe companies are in it to make money. so they sell something (not shoes), and customers demand something - not what they want, but rather what they are led to believe they need. "


Sounds like he is accusing the shoe companies of deliberately misleading the consumer into buying something they don't need when there is a known better alternative which they could sell and make just as much profit. Why would an entire industry do that?

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"Shoe companies are in it to make money. so they sell something (not shoes), and customers demand something - not what they want, but rather what they are led to believe they need. "


Sounds like he is accusing the shoe companies of deliberately misleading the consumer into buying something they don't need when there is a known better alternative which they could sell and make just as much profit. Why would an entire industry do that?


Problem is, is that the public believe what the companies say because they are too ignorant, illiterate or lazy to both to test the claims the companies make. Really, if I was selling something I would "Sell" it as the answer to the worlds problems, if you the buyer do not at least test some of my claims then he is not buying what he needs but rather the story I am selling.


Consumer responsibiity is terribly under rated. People somehow assume that other people know what they want and what is best for them, and when it is not they want, they to blame everyone.


I conceed that just like in cycling (carbon, 29er ext) running has also been deceived...........

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"Shoe companies are in it to make money. so they sell something (not shoes), and customers demand something - not what they want, but rather what they are led to believe they need. "


Sounds like he is accusing the shoe companies of deliberately misleading the consumer into buying something they don't need when there is a known better alternative which they could sell and make just as much profit. Why would an entire industry do that?


No, I don't think so, sounds like he is saying that our ignorance is keeping them in business.

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  • 2 years later...

Time to revive ye old Fred.


So my current shoes will need to be phased out in about a months time. So I've been looking around for some shoes - Inov-8's Trailroc 255 and the X-Talon 212 being two of the options. I did a lot of reading and they seemed to be just what I need...


But after asking around, apparently both of these shoes are discontinued in SA  :thumbdown:  So what now? Anyone bought Inov-8's lately?

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