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Supliments like phedra

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I would say im rather fit, cycle at least a few times a week 25 to 50 km per ride.

I also og 1 to 2 times a week. An up till dec i would gym at least 3 times a week ( contract up and just to expensive to renew). I also do races ( dirtmax, babbas, momentum)


However with all this i still have a very little bit of flab on my stomach, no any any where else. Its not much maybe a cm if i hold it. Just doesn't wana drop.


I use no supplements, gels etc...Will something like phedra cut help?

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Its all about the diet. I once read somewhere that some or other famous fitness guy or athlete or someone said: "Abs are made in the kitchen". Sounds as if it could be true, right. You will sometimes see accomplished, long distance triathletes who still has some flab around the belly. How does your diet look?


And then, of course, there are genetics. Not much we can do there - although it kind off sounds like you have good genes, so it should be cool.

Edited by HDW
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I lost 3kg's over December with just increasing my mileage and being consistent. Leave all the fizzies and chips... smile.png


Phedracut works, but I would not recommend it for endurance athletes. It screws up the carbohydrate absorpsion and usage (what you need the most). Most endurance athletes, with a proper training and diet plan, don't have issues with weight.

Edited by dee_biker
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Clenbuterol. .01ml three times weekly, 4-6 week cycle.

What he said, or ECA stack (mixture of Ephedrine,Caffeine and Aspirin) works like a charm (ps. its not steroids)

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Phedra cut and biogens phenadrine are all the same, they don't work. Out of experenience only supplements that work, is myocuts or universal cuts.


as HDW, abs really do start in the kitchen, that 1cm of flab is very hard to get off.



Combine your routine with some ab excercises

Drink 1 cup of sugar and milk free green tea every morning and night.

Minimise your bread and dairy intake.

Do more training in the fat burning HR zones.


PS: since I started jogging I have dropped 1kg, considering I weighed 75kg and is 1.85m tall I think that is good.

Edited by wheelerdealer
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He used EPO

mmmm, Ok, just dont pee in a cup afterwards,lol. whistling.gif Just joking. I also have a flat stomach, but its just the little piece of flab right below the belly button, thats the hardest to get rid off.

Gonna try that Clenbuterol.

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Will start drinking less sugar in my coffee, and on my "pap" in the mornings. But eish, its gonna be difficult saying no to that lekker fatty Biltong piece and lamb tjoppie. drool.gif

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Will start drinking less sugar in my coffee, and on my "pap" in the mornings. But eish, its gonna be difficult saying no to that lekker fatty Biltong piece and lamb tjoppie. drool.gif


Cut out the pap altogether, and rather have fruit or muesli for breakfast.

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Cut out the pap altogether, and rather have fruit or muesli for breakfast.


Thats i good idea. thumbup1.gif

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If you are talking of products like Phedra-cut it might contain banned substances. Compare ingredients with SA Drug Free sport banned list. Products like that can also give you 'moerse lot' of palpitations especially if you are prone to heart problems. Get yourself one of those cheap rubber exercise wheels at Game and roll the flab away. Oats are good as a breakfast cereal, low gi and good for keeping cholesterol down.

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