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The 100th Edition Of The Tour de France: Chirps, Opinions, News, Updates.


Pick the yellow and green jersey winners.  

305 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will reign in Yellow?

    • Froome Dawg (Sky)
    • Contador (Saxo Tinkoff)
    • A Schleck, Radioshack
    • Evans (BMC)
    • Uran (Sky)
    • Tejay (BMC)
    • Gesink (Blanco)
    • Hesjedal (Garmin Sharp
    • Valverde (Movistar)
    • J Rodriquez (Katusha)
    • Suprize package!
  2. 2. Who will reign in Green?

    • Sagan (Cannondale Pro Cycling)
    • Cav' (Omega Pharma Quickstep)
    • Greipel (Lotto Bellisol)
    • Bouhanni (FDJ)
    • Goss (Orica-Greenedge)
    • Surprize package?

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So if I look at that, 'Berto was never going to match Froome up the climb, his best time ever was still roughly 50 sec slower than Chris today.


So if we extrapolate that forward, he actually wasn't far off his best time up the climb in 2010 so it would be safe to assume he ('berto that is) climbed at pretty much the best he ever has. :eek: or, at least pretty close to it. :eek:


.........I guess everyone may as well just go home.

Edited by GrumpyOldGuy
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What time must I be on my coach to watch the complete stage? (I can't find the app)


On your coach? Interesting training regimen. :-)


In two minds about yesterday. Great to see Froome win, but...


Too much too soon? Watched with my mate, Jezza, yesterday and he reckoned it was good timing. The others can't put time into Froome in a TT, so it's a good "cushion" for him.


But, there will be a tacit (or maybe not so tacit) agreement among the teams of the other contenders to attack Froome relentlessly. Can Sky withstand that?


Someone mentioned Walsh. He seemed more concerned about O'Driscoll getting dropped this week than Contador! But I wonder what he makes of this? He was taken aback by the actions and dominance of Armstrong when he rode like Froome did today. Kimmage seemed to take a wee dig at him some time back, suggesting that he'd become "embedded" (my word, not Kimmage's) with Sky...

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Hadn't looked at any commentary on yesterday's stage until now. Seems Kimmage is expresses some doubts about Froome's performance...*groan*

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Just saw that Walsh has "broken" his silence by explaining that Saturdays are busy for a Sunday paper journo. Would love to see what he has to say about that ascent yesterday.

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Looking forward to the fight for the White Jersey.

It is very dynamic now with Quintana having taken it over.


Today's course suits Quintana just fine.

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Watching the highlights of yesterday's stage (again...). Images of a cool, coffee run riding Quintana passing a heaving, puffing, jersey open Voeckler are classic!

Edited by Ryanpmb
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Loved the race...love Froome.


Such utter dominance by 1 team though? Wiggens, Uran, Porte, Froome. They (SKY) do have a competitive advantage (and I do hope its those Osyms and not pharmaceutical)

First real sign of Froome this Tour in Stage 8. Sky 5th in Team Classification, more than 6min behind Movistar... Utter dominance?... Maybe in two weeks time, but not at the moment.
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So if I look at that, 'Berto was never going to match Froome up the climb, his best time ever was still roughly 50 sec slower than Chris today.


So if we extrapolate that forward, he actually wasn't far off his best time up the climb in 2010 so it would be safe to assume he ('berto that is) climbed at pretty much the best he ever has. :eek: or, at least pretty close to it. :eek:


.........I guess everyone may as well just go home.


That is actually not bad considering his had a year out of racing and his aged in between and already over 30. But at that level of the sport you cant be climbing at the same performance as 3 years ago and expect to be competitive. The rest has just been improving too much.

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More than 2000 kms to roll.

2 weeks


The Tour is far from over.

Anything can happen in racing.

No doubt, Froomster as laid an awesome foundation.


Yeah I know what you mean and 2000kms is a long way but I’m thinking it might just turn into a procession alaa 12 months ago. Based on what we’ve seen there is no way anyone is going to match Chris’ firepower so the contest is over. Ironically, like last year, the strongest challenge might come from within his own team. I hate to say it but it’s a race for second and it’s just not as exciting cheering on a bunch of bridesmaids racing for the wooden spoon right?


Plus Chris is now in yellow. If he has a mechie/puncture they won't attack him. They won't take time out of him on the climbs or TT's so I can't see them taking any time. They could maybe try jumping on a train and catch a lift like in the old days but that's about it.

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The only bad thing about Froome's big lead is that he will probably play it safe from now on and just cover possible attacks at critical times by contenders. No more attacks by Froome? Hope there will be otherwise nothing much to see in next 2 weeks

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