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Chunky and Dope


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Cyclist, we are all being let around the bush by Chunky. Just think about the following.

1.He said that he is having a meeting with the press but promissed not to give any names away.

2.He said that he did supplied riders and other sportman in the past.

3.He said that he like to beat the people that does the testings.

4.He said that he like to study all types of dope.

5. He gives his tel number for anuone to contac him for any info.

6.He said that he will never split on anyone.


He is not stupid. He is creating a nice PRO work for his doping mates. Those that want dope will see on the webb that Chunky will not splitt pn them and therefor they will contact him and he will make plenty money again. 

What do you think about this? 

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You ahve to be one fo the most idiotic fools i have ever come across. STFU.

L2effing read wtf are you from, the stone ages. reclarify in your head what he is saying, or i will use all my internet knowledge as a computer nerd and trace you down and throw you in that dark alley.

What makes you think he would give any information about what was going on? if so why would he ever give out information about cyclists .... destroying his business .. u idiot ... he gave out information about drugs you f**stick. The newspapers, just like you are waiting for something to sensationalise, and hence drugs are hot at the moment (especially after the Landis affair)

I studied it all too, i ahev a degree in chemistry. I know it all too.

There is no PRO for doping, it is secret, although people think it not. The reason he gives out his phone number is he has done nothign wrong, read the law, and show your face, if you know him you will STFU as i said previously.

Read the book, breaking the chain, doping has no heroes or secrets once they caught. Its cheating.

you are the kind of fool that thinks that when your daughters go to raves, they are safe.


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The kids might be safer going to a rafe drinking their "safe" water than getting mixed up with you and Chunky.

Roadnoob, it sounds to me you must be one of the Chunky-followers. Getting on to the site and proclaiming you're "innocence" after also admitting you've used certain stuff, you're a joke.

Are you in cahoots? Giving his cell nr.? By giving his number on a public forum like this, are you looking for something illegal! "Giving a percentage of one to ten, we can make a lot of money from people who don't know what it's actually about".

I don't give a living shaait what Chunky has got to say. He's been one of the suppliers for a long time and now suddenly he knows it all. By admission of guilt, as he's said on the Matie website, he should be held accountable for his actions. Unfortunately the CSA don't have the balls to follow it through.

Roadnoob, do yourself a favour and get out of discussion ASAP. Chunky has been one the "godfathers" regarding doping. I'm still wondering why? If you want to be assiociated with Chunky, I'd like you to get real with the facts.

Remember, under the "Constitution" once you've said something to implicate yourself, you're guilty. Think about it and get the f****ck out of Chunky's discussions. He brought it onto himself.  

Speaking to Wlhelm de Swardt (Beeld) in private? Do me a favour! Chunky will slip certain names. And believe me, it will accountable to the old riders. No one he has ever supplied them with.

And the newspaper will protect him. The COMPETITION should and must be taken out. The newspaper will be so glad to get the drips and drabs from a certain Chunky.

If I'm not mistaken about six weeks ago Chunky of all people put a post on this website about the SAPD raiding his place.


And he was very "dreungat" to declare they found nothing.

Chunky? Next time? Don't get to confident. You're arse is mine and I will catch you. Maybe not tomorrow, next week or next year. You will make a mistake and then I will be all over you like a rash you can't believe.

Are you listening?

I don't give a living **** how big you are. I know you're big, strong and extremely dumb and dangerous.

If you think you can beat the system? Do me a another favour.  Your'e arse will get burned. No doubt about it. I wonder what SARS for instance will say about the house you're living in, the car you're driving around etc. etc.

You've been running around making claims about you're lifestyle. Have you asked for amnesty about you're dealings and screwings?

You can say whatever you want to, but, believe me, I'm going to bring you down. Goliath, don't try and burn me.

You should be in jail.

Your'e fuc@@@@ing up many sporting personalities lives. You should actually be ashamed of youselve.


Give me six months

And then you will be standing in a court of law.

Are you willing to take up the challenge?


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Gift you have some serious issues.....

Firstly, dont you have anything better to do than sit up at 2 am in the morning, and try and creat some twisted and warped image of me.

Firstly, you sound like you know me so well, why dont you confront me with your own name. Dont hide behind an alias that nobody knows. If you dont have the balls to do it here, get my number from the federation and call me. I am sure that you are quite capable of having a civil conversation, even if it does require a few restraints.

My financial affairs shouldnt worry you in the slightest, but if you are looking for some info, I will be gald to give it to you. I own businesses, and yes, I make lots of money. I am quite willing to give you the vat numbers and anything else you may require, and you can go and do as much snooping around as you like. If you feel that you need to come and check the house that I live in, by all means, you are more than welcome.

It sounds to me like you have some hidden grudge stemming from underachievement. You know, people like yourselves do seem to resent those who succeed. So, if you are a woman trapped in a mans body or perhaps an unhappy father who gets beaten by his wife, there are people who can help you. Perhaps seeing a proffesional might lift that huge chip you have on your shoulder.

I had my meeting with Wilhelm yesterday. Why dont you rather wait and see what he writes, rather than use your telepathic powers to try and suck the info from him and blurt out total crap on this site.

Like I said before, no names were mentioned. None at all. People like you are the newspapers best friends, you leap at any bleak idea that somebody or something has been done that does not conform to the norm.

I dare you, rather than shout your mouth off on this site, call me up and lets have a civil discussion. You may be in for a pleasant suprise. perhaps I could even courage you to raise yourself a little. Perhaps standing on your tip toes, just being able to stare out the bucket is all you have been used to.....

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I don't think Chunky is the only guy pushing this stuff.......now lets get over this.

If you're a proper PRO cyclist and feel that you are losing an income cause you are clean and a a juiced ride beats you to the line each weekend then say something, otherwise it should really have no effect on any of us.

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Hey guys...... leave Chunky alone. Like it or not what he is doing, this is getting a bit much. Please lets all try and talk about other things beside Chunky and doping.

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Yes, sometimes I do have something better to do at 2 in the morning other than sitting in font of my PC/LT and reading the shaait you're posting. And for that I don't need an injection or water...

As you can see it's just almost 1 and I'm still on the go. And on your case.

Twisted and warped? I don't think so!

A civil conversation? What's civil about the fact that you are actually destroying young people's lives with the warped ideas you've got. I've got a huge problem with that.

Get a grip. The way you're thinking? Nothing else need to be said. You've committed yourself in more ways than one and you should be held accountable for that. Maybe you're a better person than the one selling cocaine on the street corners or in the class rooms, but eventually you're doing exactly the same thing.

By my standards, you've lowered yourself to the same level as crayfish ****. Since the first day you started advocating the pro's of using banned substances. Never ever have you said it's bad for you. 

I honestly hope the day the authorities do get hold of you, you will be as open as you've been on this forum.

I've got a sneaky suspicion you'll be singing like a mocking bird once you get tracked down?

The message you're sending?



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Suppose this type of behaviour will get the thumbs up from some of the members?

Sickening if you ask mesmiley11.gif


Skynews: Social workers missed boy's plight <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


At first glance it looked like any normal little boy's bedroom.

A big brown teddy bear sat on the floor and several discarded sweet wrappers lay nearby.

But as police officers carried on examining the scene, the true horror of what had taken place in the room became apparent.

Scattered on the carpet and bed were burnt pieces of tin foil - tell tale signs that the 11-year-old old had been using heroin.

And, most shockingly of all, it was his own mother who had been supplying him.


Yet, social workers decided not to take action in the case - despite the youngster's plight being raised with them and, in one instance, a file being opened on the boy's care.

The house the boy shared with Emma Kelly, 31, in Heathfield, <?:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />East Sussex, was littered with items associated with drug use when it was raided by police in January 2005.

'Pure wickedness'

She was jailed for nine years on Thursday at

Hove Crown Court
for supplying Class A drugs to her son between August 2002 and MaonName>y 2005 - from the age of nine, until he was 11.

Kelly also admitted two counts of child cruelty against the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

But although his school and grandfather had raised concerns with East Sussex Social Services, nothing was done until the beginning of 2005 when the boy and his mother were arrested on suspicion of shoplifting.

It was only then that his mother's behaviour was revealed when police raided the leafy terraced house.


But even after the youngster had been put in foster care, Kelly continued to supply her son with heroin - outside his school in MaonName>y 2005.

In court, Judge Anthony Niblett described the act as "pure wickedness".

He also criticised East Sussex County Council for its failings in the case.

Kelly had begun her downward spiral of drug addiction after she lost her partner in a car crash and shortly afterwards her baby daughter died.

The house was well-known in the area for frequent visits by other drug dealers, but the boy's grandfather, Terry Kelly, said social services had failed to react to his concerns.

Dishevelled state

"After I'd contacted a very senior person at social services with a letter of complaint, all that happened was that I was blanked by the person I knew at social services for dropping her [his daughter, Emma Kelly] in it," Mr Kelly said.

"It's disgusting, and I hope that it doesn't happen to anyone else," he said outside the court on Thursday.

East Sussex Social Services opened a file on the family in MaonName>rch 2003, but closed it six months later.

They became involved again in November 2004 after relatives told them drug dealers had been using the house. An education welfare officer also raised concerns that the boy had only been to school for some nine days since September.

In December 2004, the boy was found in a distressed state, and when social workers tried to visit the house later that month, they were turned away by his mother.


Judge Niblett questioned why social services made no intervention to protect the boy's welfare despite receiving repeated signals that he was being exposed to drug abuse.

He said: "The facts of this case speak for themselves. Despite an increasing number of warning signs, no direct action or intervention was taken in relation to X [the boy] until police intervened at the end of January 2005."

"This was despite a social services case conference about the boy being held in 2004," he said.

The social worker connected to the case was changed "and the situation was allowed to continue", the judge said.

"I express the hope that the social services department will conduct an urgent and thorough review of this case," he added.

Speaking after Kelly was sentenced, MaonName>tt Dunkley of East Sussex County Council, said: "We didn't have sufficient evidence until the point that we did take him into care to enable us to do so."

Social services has said it will provide a report to the judge within 14 days.

Kelly's son, who is now aged 12, is in foster care and is said to be thriving and back at school

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innocent cyclists???

highly unlikely......!!!


Dont forget the naive (read stupid) ones who dont know how it (banned substance) got into their system smiley2.gif

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Nooiiit !!!

I just hope the producers live up to their promises and that the sequel is as bad as they say it will be smiley2.gif

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