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SA MTB Ballies (over 30) Mentalities ??? Please explain


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We lack a bit of gradient - only 4m in 100m but I'm sure we can hire a bobcat and play. The property is only 16,000m so it'll have to be tight and twisty.


I'm in!


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We lack a bit of gradient - only 4m in 100m but I'm sure we can hire a bobcat and play. The property is only 16,000m so it'll have to be tight and twisty.


I'm in!

This could be awesome, a little pump / bmx track and a couple of jumps...hours of fun I tell you.

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Was thinking more like i rent some dangerous heavy machinery, and we drink too much beer in the sun and try make a course.


Wayne, here is a plan. Get the heavy machinery and the beers. Drink the beers and bark orders at the driver about where to dump and move the sand. When you think it is right, get somebody to ride the jumps (Ask Eldron. I hear he knows how to tuck and roll....) If they buy a plot, make some changes to the obstacle. Wash, rinse repeat. When the amount of falls start to decrease, you know you are close. When the building is finished, grab one last beer and your bike and go hit the jumps and take all the credit and brag about your course building skills!!! :clap: :thumbup:

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Wayne, here is a plan. Get the heavy machinery and the beers. Drink the beers and bark orders at the driver about where to dump and move the sand. When you think it is right, get somebody to ride the jumps (Ask Eldron. I hear he knows how to tuck and roll....) If they buy a plot, make some changes to the obstacle. Wash, rinse repeat. When the amount of falls start to decrease, you know you are close. When the building is finished, grab one last beer and your bike and go hit the jumps and take all the credit and brag about your course building skills!!! :clap: :thumbup:

Plan of action....i like
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We lack a bit of gradient - only 4m in 100m but I'm sure we can hire a bobcat and play. The property is only 16,000m so it'll have to be tight and twisty.


I'm in!


Problem solved!



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When top pros are crashing and braking bones on an uci XCO course which happened last year as well, you know that the course is wrong. Stop pandering to the uci and their lust for ratings.


Kids and their parents are looking twice at XC now due to the nature of these uci XCO courses. Novamesto was another example of this kind of course.


When the pros are saying that as soon as dropper posts are light enough they will get one you know something is wrong.

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guys - here is what you add in to your track somewhere - and remember this would be for XC bikes ... SO Build them correctly for wheel size and seat height .... (then add 2 more sets aside just to play on..





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guys - here is what you add in to your track somewhere - and remember this would be for XC bikes ... SO Build them correctly for wheel size and seat height .... (then add 2 more sets aside just to play on..





Excellent idea...so you could build you confidence on the small ones and then come back and up your game on the line next to it.

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Seems we got ourselves a little project going on.


Seriously - I'm in.


I actually "built" a course last year. Mostly it involved plotting a course then smashing it multiple time with my mx bike. There is a rough route now. The plan was to make this the outside loop then start adding twisty/bermed/jump/drop offs inside the loop to make multiple routes (ridden both ways).

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guys - here is what you add in to your track somewhere - and remember this would be for XC bikes ... SO Build them correctly for wheel size and seat height .... (then add 2 more sets aside just to play on..






Two words, "Lahee Park"


Would be a great addition to the KZN Academy facilities.

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