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Some People

Eddy Gordo

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Hell, what a morning. I am busy with stock orders etc, and I hear this person swearing etc on our shop floor. So I heard to go see whats going on and to assist some clients. I dont see the guy that was swearing and I proceed to help an elderly lady. Then I hear you f&*& Jintoe u look like a whore and some other nasty words. All this time I watch this guy, and when he tells I dont which women what kind of whore she is, I tell him please do not speak like that here. He then proceeds to argue with me and telling me to F off etc. I politely ask him to leave the premises and he turns around and tells me my Mothers P)(*)(&^s


This is where I lost, I grab a shopping basket Lift it above my heard and was about to break it over his dumb brain, and I stop myself. I tell him he is unwelcome here and that he needs o leave. On his way out he does some damage to 2 doors, and I almost had to hold security back from taking him down.


He starts calling insistently stating he is going to the police station. He calls again and says He is laying a charge of assault and I tore his sweater and his back is full of marks. I think to myself what now??? His wife is still busy buying stuff in the shop and I ask her to leave everything she has taken and she needs to leave.


We get another phone call that he is at the police station and he is laying a charge, so I head on over and he is not there.


What do I do now???


I have 2 witnesses that backs my story, but being a retailer we have the narrow end of the stick, but at the same time there is a way one talks to people which these 2 dont have

Edited by Eddy Gordo
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Guest DieBees

Report to your superiors and report to the SAPS what happened. You have endured disordely conduct and damage so report it.



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Lay your own charge of crimen injuria and harrassment. Get a case No. If the cops do visit, you can produce these. This may spare you the indignity of being led out of your place of work by cops as you expressed a willingness to go to the cop shop already.

Edited by Tumbleweed
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Did he lay a charge? Or did he leave before laying a charge. If not, I wouldnt even bother with the oxygen thief. If he did, retaliate and retaliate hard.

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Don,t worry about it !.Short statement at the police office to cover yourself .Police don,t have time for this type of BS

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Don,t worry about it !.Short statement at the police office to cover yourself .Police don,t have time for this type of BS


Problem is that the cops have loads of time for this.It's a easy arrest and makes the stats look good.

Like the others have said,lay a charge against him.

If the cops call and say they want to see you take a lawyer with you.

Make sure of what your statement says when you open a case against him.That statement can be used against you in court.

You should have moered him properly and he wouldn't he able to open a case against you :ph34r:

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Right of admission reserved >?

Escourt him out like a bouncer @ a club next time. That kind of language is a digrace let alone towards a women.

Surely You are allowed to ask him to leave a public shop if hes carrying on infront of other customers like that.

Cameras on property showing his flooooking form...?

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Bliksm! Some people...

Make sure you help the lady who was harassed by this turd to lay a charge against the perp.

Keep in contact with all witnesses.

Hope you have CCTV footage with the guy's face and his plates.

Edited by schweinehund
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Hope you ahve CCTV and reliable witness that will bring down a loser. He should not done like this in shop. ass!

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Lay a charge ,that will force him to get a lawyer when it goes to court and he will have to spend some money.

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Lay a charge ,that will force him to get a lawyer when it goes to court and he will have to spend some money.


Yeah, sometimes it's the only way some people learn (the hard way)

Pity however is that is would cost the OP some money too.

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