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Adam tas road stellenbosch!

Matts 300

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My friend was almost tonight mugged on the way back to welgevonden after a cycle in jonkers. Was at about 18:20, so still light outside. The first person tried to knock him off his bike with a plank, but luckily missed. Probably to high to even see straight. 3 other people then jumped in front of him, but he got around them. This happened on the climb as you head to welgevonden opposite the nitvoorbji turn out.


Makes me want to take an bat and go and hit someone, but this won't help! It sucks that we as cyclist and normal people have to look over our shoulders the whole time. I as a student have always lived in this bubble and though things like this won't happen to me.


Please guys if you ride on this road/or any road be safe!

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Is dit daar by Cloetseville? Daai is n gevaarlike deel. Daar is al mense met messe aangeval oppad welgevonden toe.

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Uuuggghhh...this bugs me because I cycle this road at least 3/4 times a week on my own, normally find it safer than the R304 between Cloetesville and Kayamandi.


EDIT: Also with Polkadraai in such a k@k state it really limits the options of getting into Stellies for a ride!

Edited by lucmccann
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Eish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help us Stellies Police you protect everyone else so well but ignore the poor cyclist.

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My sons in school there. Oldest got robbed of his cellphone in front of Mugg& Bean in daylight in his school uniform.

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I commute to work on that road. I always keep on the side furthest from Cloetesville. In the mornings it easy cause you ride with traffic and in the afternoon I stay on the sidewalk cause I'm riding against traffic.


Do not use the outbound road, it is too close to the tik koppe.

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I've been chased on that 'hot spot' before during a training ride at 06h00 on a Sunday morning.


Like Rouxenator, I roll next to the middle island thingie if I go that way, prepared to bunny hop and roll fast downhill again.

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