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Demo rides: 26er vs 27.5er vs 29er


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Hi all.


I currently ride a 26er, but am at a loss for what I should buy when I eventually upgrade!


All reviews on wheel size comparisons indicate that you need to 'try out' the different options to see what's best for you. All good and well... But you can't exactly pitch up at your local LBS, and ask them if you can take a similarly specced 26er, 27.5er and 29er out for a few hours on a local trail.... Or can you?


Do bike shops, or manufacturers, ever have demo days where one can try out various wheel sizes?


I'm leaning towards 29er because of my height (186cm), and the type of riding I do. I love fast, flowing trails but HATE having to take my feet off the pedals because of a very technical section.


But before I spend that kind of money, I would love to have a Proper try-out on the various options. And I'm not talking about riding around in circles at the LBS parking lot....

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I think most if not all bike shops will assist if they definitely see you as a potential buyer/customer.


I know of some who actual have demo bike, ask around!

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I currently ride a 26er, but am at a loss for what I should buy when I eventually upgrade!



Do bike shops, or manufacturers, ever have demo days where one can try out various wheel sizes?


I'm leaning towards 29er because of my height (186cm), and the type of riding I do. I love fast, flowing trails but HATE having to take my feet off the pedals because of a very technical section.


But before I spend that kind of money, I would love to have a Proper try-out on the various options. And I'm not talking about riding around in circles at the LBS parking lot....


Bud, you seem content on your 26er, and based on you "eventually" time frame, it doesn't appear you intend to upgrade imminently. You have time, and your options will increase.


Stick around on your 26er, rumour has it that there is a NEW WHEEL SIZE in the offing, being 28.3. If you're spoilt for choice right now, that luxury will only increase if you wait a while longer.


I'm not a Spez fan, but I know they have "test the best" days. Ask your LBS, or a Spez-centric dealer when the next one will be, or even a calender of test days.

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Erm. A word of caution, if I may. I hope you have your pennies saved up if you plan on doing this "testing". I rode a Spez dual sus test bike during Origin of Trails last year and both my mate and I climbed off them at the end, kicked our hardtails to the kerb and ran off to buy our own (Scott) dual sus bikes.

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ok thanks for the advice.


Yup I think that having to wait is serving me well whilst I read up on all these debates.



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Hi all.


I currently ride a 26er, but am at a loss for what I should buy when I eventually upgrade!


All reviews on wheel size comparisons indicate that you need to 'try out' the different options to see what's best for you. All good and well... But you can't exactly pitch up at your local LBS, and ask them if you can take a similarly specced 26er, 27.5er and 29er out for a few hours on a local trail.... Or can you?


Do bike shops, or manufacturers, ever have demo days where one can try out various wheel sizes?


I'm leaning towards 29er because of my height (186cm), and the type of riding I do. I love fast, flowing trails but HATE having to take my feet off the pedals because of a very technical section.


But before I spend that kind of money, I would love to have a Proper try-out on the various options. And I'm not talking about riding around in circles at the LBS parking lot....


Please explain what you mean by the section in bold, especially the "hate having to take my feet off the pedals...." (do you mean unclip or or?) ?

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Please explain what you mean by the section in bold, especially the "hate having to take my feet off the pedals...." (do you mean unclip or or?) ?


Sorry I wasn't clear... Unclipping and keeping the foot ready for stopping. Sometimes just because of confidence though... I have only been doing trails for 2 years and am moderately skilled.

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I know Linden cycles used to loan out bikes, not sure if they still do.


Ahh... Never knew Linden did that... They are the local LBS for me.

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Please explain what you mean by the section in bold, especially the "hate having to take my feet off the pedals...." (do you mean unclip or or?) ?


Sorry I wasn't clear... Unclipping and keeping the foot ready for stopping. Sometimes just because of confidence though... I have only been doing trails for 2 years and am moderately skilled.


(at 1st I thought you meant that you think the wheel size is the reason for you having to take your foot off or something...)


2 years? Is that a typo? Do you mean months?

If years are what you meant and you still "not confident" with that then I will maybe suggest that you consider going to flats and 1st get your confidence up on just riding the trails and then going back to clips. (By you saying trails I am assuming you are talking about technical riding and not just gravel roads)


I didnt like riding technical things with my cleats and a year ago I started riding with flats (accept on my road bike of course) and I find myself much more confident in the technical sections now. I am actually considering trying to go back to cleats now but only because I love these :blush:




(BTW...I dont think your height has anything to do with the wheel size you should be riding. If any sales person tells you it does, you should tell them they know nothing of riding.....that is my personal opinion)

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(at 1st I thought you meant that you think the wheel size is the reason for you having to take your foot off or something...)


2 years? Is that a typo? Do you mean months?

If years are what you meant and you still "not confident" with that then I will maybe suggest that you consider going to flats and 1st get your confidence up on just riding the trails and then going back to clips. (By you saying trails I am assuming you are talking about technical riding and not just gravel roads)


I didnt like riding technical things with my cleats and a year ago I started riding with flats (accept on my road bike of course) and I find myself much more confident in the technical sections now. I am actually considering trying to go back to cleats now but only because I love these :blush:




(BTW...I dont think your height has anything to do with the wheel size you should be riding. If any sales person tells you it does, you should tell them they know nothing of riding.....that is my personal opinion)

Whilst I will probably get reported for a personal attack on you, I need to say something. You are acting like that Dixon dude in the Oscar trial now. Don't sell yourself as a expert if you aren't one.

There is lots of literature concerning height vs wheel size. Consider it, makes sense to me.

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Whilst I will probably get reported for a personal attack on you, I need to say something. You are acting like that Dixon dude in the Oscar trial now. Don't sell yourself as a expert if you aren't one.

There is lots of literature concerning height vs wheel size. Consider it, makes sense to me.


She said "that's my personal opinion"...


I suspect Hayley is a much better technical rider than you (did anyone mention personal attack?), so she's entitled to sharing her opinion. Besides, it's only really short people who can run into potential issues with wheel size due to head tube/stem stack height, so practically in ByronH's case she would be correct anyway.

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She said "that's my personal opinion"...


I suspect Hayley is a much better technical rider than you (did anyone mention personal attack?), so she's entitled to sharing her opinion. Besides, it's only really short people who can run into potential issues with wheel size due to head tube/stem stack height, so practically in ByronH's case she would be correct anyway.


Well said!

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