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Where have all the real men gone


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Tell him what? Geez dude, take a chill pill, just making a suggestion that she should really make a plan to master the art of removing a tyre from a rim

Done one better, iv'e replace the tires with ones that are easier to get off the rim now :thumbup:

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i love to stop and help people, even if they don't need my help, best way to catch my breath. Once a gave a power link away and four weeks later the oke tracked me down at mosque and gave me a new one back. Kudos!

That is really what its about....you didn't want the link back, but the guy paid his debt so to speak. Good karma for you and him both.

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What is worse that some group rides don't pickup when one of their ladies get dropped due to punctures. A few years ago my sister and myself were out training when we found a lady who was new to cycling stranded next to the road with a puncture. These buggers just not turn around to go look for her. We stopped and helped her as she was rookie as in rookie and knew nothing on how to fix a puncture. We ended up doing a 20 km loop with her back to where her car was parked. As we arrived the rest of her group also arrived but they were not even the least worried that she was stranded alone. Bunch of wankers if you ask me.

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No need, just enough for yourself so that I don't have to use mine. But alas, in every situation I have stopped the people didn't have the know how(which isnt the problem, I will gladly assist) or the spares(This makes me grumpy cause now I have to pay to help you.)


Its also about a gratitude thing, if the person just offers to replace I will never take them up on it, but its almost like there is this expectation that I MUST do it....so my rule still stands...a guy, sorry tjom you are on your own. Ladies, stop everytime no matter what

It's just cause who I am...

And kinda what I do, will always try and help.

But I get you.

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It's just cause who I am...

And kinda what I do, will always try and help.

But I get you.

Sweet bro, you are a better man than I am...wrt guys being stranded...ladies we are on the same page


PS...you the same maximum from flytalk?

Edited by rouxtjie
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I also never ride alone, its dangerous and u never know what can happen. Granted though hubby in the beginning did everything for me even washed my bike for me afterwards. All I did was mix juice and bake energy bars! :wub: Slowly he did less and less allowing me to to do more myself. Many times he could have fixed it in five minutes flat, but rather stood by patiently giving me a chance to give it a go. My point....because a guy is around doesn't mean he must fix it, us girls learn nothing if you rescue us all the time! Be patient we eventually get it right!!

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Sweet bro, you are a better man than I am...wrt guys being stranded...ladies we are on the same page


PS...you the same maximum from flytalk?

Who me, cycling? No way...

Ssshhhhh, don't tell anyone.



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I also never ride alone, its dangerous and u never know what can happen. Granted though hubby in the beginning did everything for me even washed my bike for me afterwards. All I did was mix juice and bake energy bars! :wub: Slowly he did less and less allowing me to to do more myself. Many times he could have fixed it in five minutes flat, but rather stood by patiently giving me a chance to give it a go. My point....because a guy is around doesn't mean he must fix it, us girls learn nothing if you rescue us all the time! Be patient we eventually get it right!!

Awesome attitude :thumbup:
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No DO no GO.


Theory does not fix punctures - practice does.


I am "GATVOL" of helping cyclists who can't help themselves.

Have come across cyclists with seriously expensive (drool stuff) bikes but cant fix the most basic puncture.

Best is when they have tjoepless ..."but I did not think I would get a puncture!"


Please make sure your friend does fix a gaatjie.



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She should ride in CT. We're all gentlemen because would always offer help but of course would never presume that you couldn't fix it on you own. (Adjusts bow tie, climbs onto Penny Farthing and pedals off into the sunset)

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No DO no GO.


Theory does not fix punctures - practice does.


I am "GATVOL" of helping cyclists who can't help themselves.

Have come across cyclists with seriously expensive (drool stuff) bikes but cant fix the most basic puncture.

Best is when they have tjoepless ..."but I did not think I would get a puncture!"


Please make sure your friend does fix a gaatjie.




Being prepared and able is one thing, sure whether female or even male you need to be be capable, but tubes fail, valves are faulty, pumps can break so even if you want to hold onto your one tube in case you yourself have an issue at least inquire if the rider is OK or offer to phone someone in case the you cannot/don't want to do. She did have her cell phone and had already made the call but riders passing don't know this.

Hence the topic header, where have all the real men gone.

Edited by scotty
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* mini hijack on.. any of you carry a small little first aid kit.. I need one of those.. hubby can't carry on ripping his cycling shirts for me ;)




hijack off*

But it is nice eye candy to have him barechested and sweaty?! rip on!
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Here is the deal though...flamesuit on


To stop and help someone cost money...real money ito tubes, plugs, bombs, patch repair kit, sealant(mini stans bottle that I carry with me). Lets take this weekend for example.


Friday...did a cruise around the cradle, coming down to lion park, saw a female stranded with deer in headlights look. Stopped and asked, she replied she has a puncture...Ok dokey aunty...do you have tyre levers? No, do you have a spare tube? No, Do you have a bomb and adapter? No, Do you have a puncture repair kit? No. But she some insane mutlitool with a glow in the dark alien head lol.


Sigh, remove her tube, find puncture and piece of glas causing puncture..patch and solution...put back and bomb up.


Yesterday...spruit @8 with the lads....just outside the botanical gardens, 2 females with same deer in headlights look...Stopped and asked...puncture that sealant cant fix. Do you have plugs? No...Do you have bombs and adapter? No. Do you have a some sealant in little bottle since yours is running dry? No.


Sigh...plug it, add some sealant through valve core, and bomb it. Aunties off on their merry way


In neither of the incidents did they ask if they can replace what I used to get them rolling again, once the punctures were fixed they couldn't wait to get on their bikes again as fast as possible. So being a good guy cost me a patch and some solution, 2 bombs, half a bottle sealant. Lets call it R100. Now I will carry on being the nice guy for ladies but for the guys....aikona....Take a foot brother. That will be the last time you forgot to bring the spares mentioned above and to the ladies...maybe just an offer to replace whatever I used would be cool, I won't take you up on the offer but it shows some gratitude and less expectation that I MUST do it cause I am a guy.


I hear you Rouxtjie, no good deed goes unpunished. Rather a hundred rondelas out of your pocket than the possibility of hearing on the news that a noob cyclist was robbed, raped and even murdered whilst waiting for someone to assist her with a puncture.


You're paying it forward, 100 bucks well spent. A good night's rest and a clear conscience is priceless.

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Being prepared and able is one thing, sure whether female or even male you need to be be capable, but tubes fail, valves are faulty, pumps can break so even if you want to hold onto your one tube in case you yourself have an issue at least inquire if the rider is OK or offer to phone someone in case the you cannot/don't want to do. She did have her cell phone and had already made the call but riders passing don't know this.

Hence the topic header, where have all the real men gone.

Yea you are right scotty, I mean a lady in distress(able, not able, spares or no spares) is still a lady in trouble. You HAVE to stop if you are a guy and help. End van prent!


Guys in a pickle...you don't have to do squat. They are big and ugly enough to take care of themselves.

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I hear you Rouxtjie, no good deed goes unpunished. Rather a hundred rondelas out of your pocket than the possibility of hearing on the news that a noob cyclist was robbed, raped and even murdered whilst waiting for someone to assist her with a puncture.


You're paying it forward, 100 bucks well spent. A good night's rest and a clear conscience is priceless.

Sure dude, and don't get me wrong, its lekker in the beginning...you know showing off your mechanical skills.


But and here is the but, it will cost me too much if I keep on doing it(popular routes like cradle and spruit will bankrupt you). So just help the ladies....they are prettier :whistling:

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