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2015 Coronation Double Century

Chris NewbyFraser

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I'm in for my first DC, flippen excited but also nervous. Good luck to all!


It's a rad event dude! Enjoy! Catch you out there!

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Half of the team I am in are not speaking to each other at the moment, it's going to be a very long tedious day if people can't set aside their egos.

That's never cool.


We've gotten to the point that team selection revolves more around fitting in with the team vibe, than it does with cycling ability. We'd chose the personality over ego and ability any day.

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Guest Frail4Life

To All DC riders.

Have a great ride.

Looking forward to the race reports.


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Eishhhhh! That's not the spirit required for this event! Will make for a trying day and many short fuses! Expect issues on all the climbs when difference in strength comes into play! See you out on the road Nix! (What time are you guys off at the start?)


05h20  :eek:


Really some people wanting to aim for place 202 rather than 233 has turned this into a very nasty experience. Anyway I will stick with the back markers and ignore the racing egos in the front - they may even bonk and we overtake them on the rolling hills!

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05h20  :eek:


Really some people wanting to aim for place 202 rather than 233 has turned this into a very nasty experience. Anyway I will stick with the back markers and ignore the racing egos in the front - they may even bonk and we overtake them on the rolling hills!


Haha, 2 agendas in 1 team NEVER work! ENJOY the day! Plenty hubvilles out there!

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Half of the team I am in are not speaking to each other at the moment, it's going to be a very long tedious day if people can't set aside their egos.


LOL - now that sounds like the DC experiences I remember. :cursing:


I miss the event, but not the drama.! LOL

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LOL - now that sounds like the DC experiences I remember. :cursing:


I miss the event, but not the drama.! LOL


So glad this is not unique!  People are really disappointing. 

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So glad this is not unique!  People are really disappointing.

Certainly not unique.!

The most challenging aspect of DC is putting the right team together.

Maybe one day again. :)

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You guys struggling with team cohesion, what seems to be the issues that you are experiencing? What caused it? And what kit are you wearing so that I can tune them *** tomorrow ;)

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You guys struggling with team cohesion, what seems to be the issues that you are experiencing? What caused it? And what kit are you wearing so that I can tune them *** tomorrow ;)

LOL. 2012 last for me ... haven't been back since.!

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Our team has had an expulsion, a hostile take over and on Sunday there was an attempted coup! That's without the fighting about shirts, bitching about training rides and opinions on riding at altitude.


I cannot wait for Sunday so I can delete and exit the WhattsApp group!


Won't say what team as it's not my club and not my place to air their dirty laundry. I was invited to ride on their team and didn't think things could ever get this petty.

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Our team has had an expulsion, a hostile take over and on Sunday there was an attempted coup! That's without the fighting about shirts, bitching about training rides and opinions on riding at altitude.


I cannot wait for Sunday so I can delete and exit the WhattsApp group!


Won't say what team as it's not my club and not my place to air their dirty laundry. I was invited to ride on their team and didn't think things could ever get this petty.


Ouch! And this BEFORE the race! I guess you can only hope that by some miracle if all the fights happens before the race then on race day everyone will be done fighting...


Might be a looong 200km's... 

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What Nix' describes are things I've seen to a degree in most teams hey


The ego can spoil the spirit of why we cycle, terribly so

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What Nix' describes are things I've seen to a degree in most teams hey


The ego can spoil the spirit of why we cycle terribly

I was very fortunate to cycle in a very cool team last year.  We had guys that could have easily done sub 7 - but were happy to pull us through to the end so we all ended as a team.  (We did an 8 hour something ride in the end).


Thanks guys...  


To everyone riding on Sunday - have a good one!

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