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Newb has questions- please be patient :)


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Hi guys,


I have some cycling questions that I hope you will be able to answer for me. I may not know all the lingo, so please be kind :)


Firstly, it's about gears and changing gears. When changing gears before going up a hill, must the chain be on the big ring or small ring before the hill? Also, if the chain is on the correct ring, must I still change the back gears?


Secondly, when at the top of the hill, must I immediately change the front ring back to it's original postion before the hill?


Thirdly, can you guys give me names of affordable bike shops in CT? Certain shops are so overpriced :eek:


Also, is wax lube the best lube to buy? How often should it be applied- assuming I ride twice a week for about 30 to 60 mins of road cycling. 


And finally, I have heard of chamois cream. What exactly does it do, and where exactly do you use it.


Sorry for all the questions. I don't have cycling friends so you guys are my cycling friends :thumbup:

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Big ring. Always big ring. When you think its time to shift to the small ring - you're wrong and you stay in the big dog.

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Hey bud,


First off, gearing is absolutely up to you. Your gears should be in such a way that you don't grind them(really have to press hard into the pedals) and that you don't spin out. Ideally your cadence should be between 80 and 100rpm.

Also try not to shift under load, so pick a gear you think will be fine for that big hill just before you hit it. If you have to shift mid climb/mid sprint try to slack off the power slightly before shifting.


I use squirt lube and clean my chain once a week with a rag and reapply, and then once every second week I wash properly(keep in mind this is my road bike, mtb I wash when dirty)


Chamois cream is a barrier cream that stops chafing from your cycling shorts. It comes from back in the day when the cycling shorts had a leather insert and the cream was to soften up the leather. Personally I don't use it, as most modern high quality shorts don't chafe.

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Ideally your cadence should be between 80 and 100rpm.


What Jurgens means to say is that this is your ideal cadence in the 53T. You are permitted to shift to your small ring to freewheel while you wait for all your mates at the top of the hill.

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Although pe3nguin's answer is spot on, for now you don't have to apply that rule. BUT once you stronger its big blade all the way!!!! Until then its big blade for fast stuff and small blade for slow stuff. You change gears as your lungs, body, legs tell you. If you like high cadence(fast spinning) then small gears are better. If you like to grind and push big power then big gears are for you.

Personally I don't like wax lube and prefer oil but its personal choice. I use silicone oil on my chains and wash my chains often. Very rarely do more than 300/400km(and about half that on my mtb's) between chain wash and lube.

I don't use chamois cream but you put it on your chamois. Some people like to slide around in their bibs.

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What Jurgens means to say is that this is your ideal cadence in the 53T. You are permitted to shift to your small ring to freewheel while you wait for all your mates at the top of the hill.


What if you ride a 52t? :whistling:

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Thanks for all the information guys. It helps a lot and makes sense. Bit of a silly question, big rings make it easier, small rings make it harder? Talking about the rings at the back

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Hi Dullscalpel


You might find some useful info in this video:



I have watched a lot of GCN, but never seen this one for some reason. Thanks!

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as you can tell by now this isn't the place to ask for grown up answers to cycling questions


maybe this will help with your gear issues


bike shops depend on what area you are looking for but chris willemse in durbanville are really good as well as Olympic and Crown cycles in Claremont


wax lube needs to be applied on a clean chain only occasionally on road bike in summer

never lube a dirty chain and remember that water isn't your friend so don't wash your bike too often


chamois c ream is really not something you need with your kind of riding


just get and enjoy yourself and be safe on the road


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as you can tell by now this isn't the place to ask for grown up answers to cycling questions


maybe this will help with your gear issues


bike shops depend on what area you are looking for but chris willemse in durbanville are really good as well as Olympic and Crown cycles in Claremont


wax lube needs to be applied on a clean chain only occasionally on road bike in summer

never lube a dirty chain and remember that water isn't your friend so don't wash your bike too often


chamois c ream is really not something you need with your kind of riding


just get and enjoy yourself and be safe on the road

The infographic is amazing! Thanks so much!!

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I suspect you guys are trying to confuse me :P I have no idea what 53T and 52T is -_-

The chainrings are the front blades situated near the pedals. These days most bikes run a double variant.


Standard double: 53/39

Semi compact double: 52/36

Compact double: 50/34


The 53T/52T we were referring to was the number of teeth on the big chain ring.

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The chainrings are the front blades situated near the pedals. These days most bikes run a double variant.


Standard double: 53/39

Semi compact double: 52/36

Compact double: 50/34


The 53T/52T we were referring to was the number of teeth on the big chain ring.

I see, the more teeth, the better ^_^

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