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Yeah I am good with climbing...but it has to be a what goes up must come down thing...haha...not just up and up and up!

If you are ever in the Sedgefield area I strongly recommend that you try the Garden Route Trail Park. The Mountain Mania trail has a downhill that is the best I have ever ridden. On strava the section is called The Long Drop. This single track downhill is 5.2 km from top to bottom and you drop 227m in elevation. It's got big burms and switch backs that drops several meters in the bends. All very ridable and exhilarating. 

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If you are ever in the Sedgefield area I strongly recommend that you try the Garden Route Trail Park. The Mountain Mania trail has a downhill that is the best I have ever ridden. On strava the section is called The Long Drop. This single track downhill is 5.2 km from top to bottom and you drop 227m in elevation. It's got big burms and switch backs that drops several meters in the bends. All very ridable and exhilarating. 


I have intimate knowledge of those trails. Lots of my skin still out there at one of those tabletop jumps after the big berms.

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If you are ever in the Sedgefield area I strongly recommend that you try the Garden Route Trail Park. The Mountain Mania trail has a downhill that is the best I have ever ridden. On strava the section is called The Long Drop. This single track downhill is 5.2 km from top to bottom and you drop 227m in elevation. It's got big burms and switch backs that drops several meters in the bends. All very ridable and exhilarating. 

Here is a clip I found on youtube: 

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If you are ever in the Sedgefield area I strongly recommend that you try the Garden Route Trail Park. The Mountain Mania trail has a downhill that is the best I have ever ridden. On strava the section is called The Long Drop. This single track downhill is 5.2 km from top to bottom and you drop 227m in elevation. It's got big burms and switch backs that drops several meters in the bends. All very ridable and exhilarating.

Sounds freakin' awesome

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Day 2


So early on after dinner I stuff myself into my tent, trying to get early rest. The humming of the generator bugs me and I try the earplugs. No, not much help for the low frequency humming. I keep trying to catch the elusive zzzz's while there are wholesale carpentry going on around me. My immediate neighbour effortlessly sawing Pine while somewhere off in the distance someone was battling with Rhodesian Teak.


The generator dies and darkness descends, but my roasted body refuse to let me slumber. Eventually somewhere around 3h00 I think I find sleep, only to be woken by the generator starting up for the morning. After laying a while I try to sit in the tent and gather the required muster to tackle 'Play Day'.


We gather in our starting batch and Paul reckons it will be much cooler today with the cloud cover, and guarantee us that the temperature will not go over 26, or he will buy us all beers.


We set off and I start feeling OK. Legs are still very much fine, but the dust gives my Asthma a wake-up call and I pump a few puffs on the inhaler. We keep a steady pace and eventually get to some ST and a queue forms. I have no idea and ask why the hell we are queuing.




It turns out there is a loose rocky descent and some people are walking it down. Me and the wife decide, bugger that, we came here to ride. She takes the lead and makes it 2/3 down before her front wheel gives and she puts one foot down the rest of the way. Not to be outdone by the wife, I try to make it further, but also gets undone by the very same few stones.


We see WP1, but before we get there have to manage a piece of freshly turned soil. We get to WP1 and eat a bit and fill the bottles. So far so good, the cloud is still keeping things manageable.




Almost immediately we hit one of my favourite ST at Oak Valley; the one running along the ravine. I have done this one a few times before and I bomb this one at speed. I know my wife is quite good on ST, so no need for waiting. Before we get to the next ST, some ..... behind me start swearing at some poor bloke walking in front of me. Jeez, some people. Does the bloke not know this is mostly J and K batch? If he was such a ST animal he should he trained more and made sure to start in F batch at the very least.


We hit the Sounds Of Silence. Nice ST, but so dusty.


We eventually start climbing out of Oak Valley, and the sun decides that we had enough coolness for the day. The cloud dissipates within minutes, and it starts cooking again. By the time we hit the Wit Klippies climb, we are at around 34 degrees again, and my half recovered body start feeling the heat. A whole bunch of us decide to stop at a little stream on the climb to cool  down and fill bottles. I go a few meters further and feel like a bug squashed by the heat. All my power moertoe, and decide to call it a day, as do a few other blokes. My wife goes on. Yster.


I hit the camp and try to get more rest for the next day. My wife eventually finishes at after a ride of about 7 hours. She looks tired and grilled, but wants to do this. In my mind I just hope I can recover for Day 3. By the looks of her, she will need me to get her to Hermanus. 


Paul off course have to remedy his poor attempts at weather prediction at dinner. He admits that he was out by about 14 degrees and offer some beers. Not quite 1200 beers, but 48. What do they pay these commentators?

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Is there a way that I can exchange my Medium W2W tops for Large? I only fitted one when I got home, and they are too tight. Obviously I have not worn them at all yet.

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Is there a way that I can exchange my Medium W2W tops for Large? I only fitted one when I got home, and they are too tight. Obviously I have not worn them at all yet.

Owning a W2W shirt that is one size too small is actually a right of passage. The sizes were not as bad as last year, but it was still hit and miss. If at least one of either your jacket or shirt fit then you have done well.

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checked out results of the race, some super quick times with serious average speeds.


has this years w2w route been toned down or were conditions just that good/ much stronger field of riders? 

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checked out results of the race, some super quick times with serious average speeds.


has this years w2w route been toned down or were conditions just that good/ much stronger field of riders? 


The weather for the Race was almost perfect. The Ride had the worst weather for the tail end of the field while the Adventure were somewhere in between.


Day 2 this year had more ST. Day 3 had the same route and Day 1 had one ST cut out at the end I believe. Day 1's first climb was maybe a slight bit easier.

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This is still the best stage race in the country by a mile.


Thanks to the all the teams who worked on this race, the hospitality was fantastic.


A couple other races can learn a lot about how to handle route marking from W2W.


Only gripe is with the podium riders who have a "god" complex. If you have a technical and are chasing back you are still required to follow the same rules as all other racers. We are not required to just stop and move over because god has spoken. We will move over when safe to do so, and yes, we are still racing. May the Masters winners have many more technicals in the future as you can only learn from your mistakes.

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checked out results of the race, some super quick times with serious average speeds.


has this years w2w route been toned down or were conditions just that good/ much stronger field of riders? 

No doubt riders are getting stronger but are the slight route changes making it easier ...

Had a look at strava for the last 3 w2w and unless my garmin is under-reading elevation, day 1 climbing was way off

2015 Day1 - 74.6km  1582m   Day2 - 65.6km 1276m   Day3 - 74.6km 1117m

2016 Day1 - 63.9km 1628m    Day2 - 66km 1251m      Day3 - 71.4km 1045m

2017 Day1 - 65.6km 1264m    Day 2 - 68.5km 1140m   Day 3 - 69.4km 939m

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Your Day 1 reading is a bit lower than both mine and my partner's. We had around 1500.


But we did comment that on all three days the "advertised" climbing was not reached. And if on Day 3 you're sitting on about 800m gain with very little mileage left and you're awaiting the mother of a climb to take you up to the 1200, it does mess with your head up to the point where you say stuff it.


To the guys saying the conditions were perfect - you most likely only saw the highlights package with the leaders riding in the almost dry. Us starting in the later groups had a real fun day on day 1, rain from about the start, wind, wet trails and roads. Hardly ever did not have rain.

I was fortunate in that I decided I'd rather put my jacket in my back pocket for the wind more than anything else and see how it goes. I put it on before the start - and there were some guys in just shirts, they must've had a really bad day. 


Day 2 and 3 were awesome though! 

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No doubt riders are getting stronger but are the slight route changes making it easier ...

Had a look at strava for the last 3 w2w and unless my garmin is under-reading elevation, day 1 climbing was way off

2015 Day1 - 74.6km  1582m   Day2 - 65.6km 1276m   Day3 - 74.6km 1117m

2016 Day1 - 63.9km 1628m    Day2 - 66km 1251m      Day3 - 71.4km 1045m

2017 Day1 - 65.6km 1264m    Day 2 - 68.5km 1140m   Day 3 - 69.4km 939m

Garmin watch


Day1 - 68km 1697m

Day2 - 69km 1148m

Day3 - 70.3km 929

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Garmin watch                                 Garmin 520 


Day1 - 68km 1697m                       67.1km      1 367m

Day2 - 69km 1148m                       64.9km      1 118m

Day3 - 70.3km 929                         70.2km        939m

 mine above 

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